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Teemo is a bit hit or miss, since he's just a feast or famine sort of champ.


And speaking of champs, I've learned a valuable lesson about Ivern: Never... EVER be beyond the middle of the lane for top or midlane when he's an enemy jungler, because he can will be the source of a FB for the enemy team. I mean, the dude is full of harass.

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Can I just say that I can't funking stand Assuo's Wind Wall. Why does an ability that imbalanced get to exist? For no cost, and for an honestly paltry CD, he gets to ignore any funking projectile until the unfairly long wall drops. He can already force ranged units into melee with his bullshit infinite dashes, why does he get to, for no funking reason, also get to make it impossible for them to properly fight back too?

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Can I just say that I can't f***ing stand Assuo's Wind Wall. Why does an ability that imbalanced get to exist? For no cost, and for an honestly paltry CD, he gets to ignore any f***ing projectile until the unfairly long wall drops. He can already force ranged units into melee with his bullshit infinite dashes, why does he get to, for no f***ing reason, also get to make it impossible for them to properly fight back too?

Try on playing LeBlanc/Ahri against him, as they can quickly reposition themselves through or around the wall.


Or play Cassiopeia, since her Twin Fang (E) still can get blocked by the Wind Wall, but she can punish him badly with her Miasma (W) as it prevents him from using his Dashes, and his Wind Wall can't block her Noxious Blast (Q) and her Ultimate (both abilities are not projectiles).

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Invisibility — our short-term stealth — should be a high moment for its users, giving them a brief respite in a teamfight to reposition and re-enter the teamfight from a new angle. Having invisibility countered by a 75 gold pink ward feels bad, simply put. We don’t want such an impactful mechanic to be so easily countered, and so pink wards will no longer reveal invisible champions. This allows for more a more consistent environment in which to balance stealth champions.


*sigh* time for another hiatus

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Invisibility — our short-term stealth — should be a high moment for its users, giving them a brief respite in a teamfight to reposition and re-enter the teamfight from a new angle. Having invisibility countered by a 75 gold pink ward feels bad, simply put. We don’t want such an impactful mechanic to be so easily countered, and so pink wards will no longer reveal invisible champions. This allows for more a more consistent environment in which to balance stealth champions.


*sigh* time for another hiatus


They're adding indicators for cloaked / camouflaged / invisible champions so you can detect them.  Let's see how it plays out.

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I WISH people would use their funking brains more in this game. This Katarina in our mid lane started building Seeker's against a FIZZ that was kicking her funking ass, and then made a Void Staff with little other AP items, and when the enemy team had no real MR. I just, was an Abyssal funking Scepter too much of an ask to make? At least then she wouldn't have fed the level 6 Fizz as much.


EDIT: And it happened a funking gain. Katarina, built something else en-funking-tirely when a Negatron would have put immense funking pressure on the enemy Aurelion Sol.

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I WISH people would use their f***ing brains more in this game. This Katarina in our mid lane started building Seeker's against a FIZZ that was kicking her f***ing ass, and then made a Void Staff with little other AP items, and when the enemy team had no real MR. I just, was an Abyssal f***ing Scepter too much of an ask to make? At least then she wouldn't have fed the level 6 Fizz as much.

Building Seeker's (item for making Zhongya) first instead of Negatron Cloak (item used to made Abyssal Scepter) while laning against Fizz? Well, that's not the big problem. The main problem is why she made Void Staff instead of Zhongya if she already got Seeker's, enemy teams had no real MR in early/mid game, and why don't she buy Abyssal Scepter so that she can resist Fizz's damage a bit?


I hate to say it, but that was a brainless Kata I've ever seen...

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And she was dying to him hardcore. She did not win a SINGLE engagement with him, and he snowballed for the win.


And also in my edit, the VERY next game, same thing again. Made Seeker instead of Negatron Cloak against Aurelion f***ing Sol.

I think this Kata got a problem with both AD and AP meanings. Fizz and Aurelion was an AP champ, not an AD champ. Building Seeker's first while laning against them is a suicide, how can she survive from their burst with it?
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The second Kata eventually made Abyssal on my advice, but Aurelion was already ahead. Worst thing is, they were a level 5 Kat with like, less than 100 wins. *Shakes head* I swear, people have no idea how to effectively build against the enemy. Aurelion would have done much less if Kat had gotten at least a negatron, then something like Luden's. Or hell, even the Abyssal just to tip the advantage. I mean, she was losing when Sol only had funking Catalyst. That's how incompetent she was.

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Preseason 2017

Assassin Rework

* HIGH SCOPE CHANGES: Katarina, LeBlanc, Rengar, Talon

* SMALL SCOPE CHANGES: Akali, Ekko, Fizz, Kha'Zix, Shaco, Zed

* STEALTH is being split into three distinction keywords, INVISIBILITY, CAMOUFLAGE and TRAP. All stealthed champions will receive accomodating changes, even those not otherwise affected by the Assassin update.

* INIVISBILITY: Short-duration, in-combat stealth. These effects are not revealed by true sight.

* CAMOUFLAGE: Longer-duration, ambush stealth. These champions are revealed when near to a champion or source of true sight, like Evelynn's Shadow Walk.

* TRAP: Invisible unless revealed by true sight or trap detection.

* Additional soft-detection effects, such as a stealthed targets creating a shimmer when they are hit.

* REMOVED: Vision Ward

* NEW: "Pink Ward equivalent item" that is listed as a counter to traps.

* Neutral objective that assassins in particular are good at acquiring, but which benefits the team.


Kinda surprised they choose Ekko and Kha'Zix.

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Ekko needs it. Like Fizz, he's one of the very few mages who can do % Health damage on their normal attacks. That % health damage is what allowed their tank builds to be viable. So clearly they're going to change it so Tank Ekko/Fizz can no longer be viable, as those builds can wreck your ass whilst they sponge a lot of damage.


I imagine they're going to change a few assassins so they can't be hard hitting damage sponges.

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