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I swear to christ, I funking hate Darius' kit. Seriously, it's bullshit. A 90% on-hit slow, a grab that goes THROUGH minions, and then a spammable AoE sustain. Add on Grasp and that jabroni can't die unless you can ham harder, or you can ranged poke indefinitely. Oh, and of course his ever fair stackable DoT that makes Twitch jealous, and his bullshit execute. You know what? Juggernauts in general can kiss my funking ass for their retarded design. Oh yeah, Garen hasn't been attacked for 0.5 of a second? Quadruple his HP regen. Leaves on 10% HP, comes back 5s later on full.




In other news, Kled is a bit underwhelming right now, since it's ridiculously hard to recover courage in a fight, and since the pocket pistol only regains courage on hitting a champ, it's real easy for him to die. Otherwise, he is wonderfully hammy, he just feels a bit weak still.

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Edit: With you on that, Broke. I hate Darius. I hate most juggernauts, really.

Illaoi is stupid, Fiora is stupid, Darius is stupid. Morde's the only fair one, and I realize he's fair because every other juggernaut has some kind of engage or initiative. Darius pulls you in, Fiora can lunge dash thingy and also parry, Illaoi has the skillshot spirit stealer thing...


And on Kassadin- I don't think he needs to be one of the big four. Give him his silence on his Q and make his force wave thing less horrible and we should be good to go.

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You guys aren't serious, right?  I get that juggernauts are strong, but this is not a juggernaut meta.  Darius, Illaoi, Fiora . . .they're all strong.


  • Darius wants you to fight him straight up.  His pull range is about the same as an auto-attack from Vayne.  If you're a melee champion and you know don't know how to play against Darius, farm under your tower.  If you're a ranged champion fighting against Darius, you have no excuse unless he flashes on you.  And if you're that worried about him, either learn his counters or ban him.  The champ is rarely ever seen, and he's pretty easy to kite.  To solve your Darius issue, I highly recommend Ekko, Gnar, Shen, or Irelia.
  • Don't lie dueling Fiora?  Hug the wall.  She can't proc all 4 pieces of her ulti if you're against a wall.  She also sucks at dealing with high armor or poke.  Again, I recommend either banning or learning her counters.  I recommend Quin, Ekko, Gnar, Irelia, Darius, or Malphite.
  • Illaoi is winning?  Most of the time her tentacles that spawn on walls will be closer to you than they will be to her.  When she pulls your spirit, you have two options:  fight or flight.  If you fight, be sure she doesn't have her ultimate.  If she does, disengage immediately after she uses it.  If she misses her spirit pull, then is the time to engage / trade with her.  She loses a lot of damage if she misses the skill shot.  Very easy to kite, but also squishier than she looks.  Just be careful for her sneaky sustain.  I recommend Kled, Ekko, Shen, Irelia, or Gnar.
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Y'know, thinking Kled over more, the problem with him is solely around the fact that he's funking useless when dismounted. He loses 20% of his offence, he loses two abilities, he loses MS (unless running at someone), and he loses the vast majority of his HP to a cap. Plus getting courage isn't exactly easy when his Q only regains courage when hitting an enemy champ. And that cut to his damage makes it so much harder to last hit properly.


Honestly, I reckon his dismounted damage should become 120% instead of 80%, just so he's not completely worthless when he's lost Skaarl. This can also make sense flavour-wise as without Skaarl, he's even more mental than before.

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So, do you guys have any memories of incredible plays you've made? My best moment is when I was using Ezreal, and I perfectly predicted where a Zed fleeing from my allied Shen would be even though I fired it from the fountain. I hit him along the blue side of bot lane, by the ridge between the two gaps into the jungle before the second outer turret. And when I say hit, I mean perfectly in the middle of the attack.

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Problems against Darius? Just pick Trundle. Pro as bollocks guide if requested


It's even better when they pick Darius into Trundle. It's like they're just dying to have a bad time.


It used to be that you could 1v1 basically any top lane match-up (except Kennen...f*** Kennen) but since ~5 patches ago he feels a lot weaker.


Maybe I'm just getting better and playing against more skilled players but I still feel like the start of season 6 to April/May was Trundle's golden period. That being said I haven't played in over 2 weeks so I have no idea what's currently going on.

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Alright, I've had a few games with Kled, and right now? He's not great. He's pretty much a bit below Taliyah in terms of damage, and losing Skaarl (which isn't hard to do) penalizes him far too much. He loses too much once Skaarl is gone, especially with the AD drop being VERY noticeable. Plus many AD items don't see to synergize all that well with him, at least from my testing.

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I haven't played in 2 months :D


Real talk I feel Trundle's peak was around the Rageblade meta. That phase favored melee bruisers very heavily. All of whom are countered by Trundle.


Trundle is still strong right now.  While he isn't a pick or ban, he's great in support or top.  He loves fighting tanks, and he fucks Shen pretty hard.

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You guys aren't serious, right?  I get that juggernauts are strong, but this is not a juggernaut meta.  Darius, Illaoi, Fiora . . .they're all strong.


  • Darius wants you to fight him straight up.  His pull range is about the same as an auto-attack from Vayne.  If you're a melee champion and you know don't know how to play against Darius, farm under your tower.  If you're a ranged champion fighting against Darius, you have no excuse unless he flashes on you.  And if you're that worried about him, either learn his counters or ban him.  The champ is rarely ever seen, and he's pretty easy to kite.  To solve your Darius issue, I highly recommend Ekko, Gnar, Shen, or Irelia.
  • Don't lie dueling Fiora?  Hug the wall.  She can't proc all 4 pieces of her ulti if you're against a wall.  She also sucks at dealing with high armor or poke.  Again, I recommend either banning or learning her counters.  I recommend Quin, Ekko, Gnar, Irelia, Darius, or Malphite.
  • Illaoi is winning?  Most of the time her tentacles that spawn on walls will be closer to you than they will be to her.  When she pulls your spirit, you have two options:  fight or flight.  If you fight, be sure she doesn't have her ultimate.  If she does, disengage immediately after she uses it.  If she misses her spirit pull, then is the time to engage / trade with her.  She loses a lot of damage if she misses the skill shot.  Very easy to kite, but also squishier than she looks.  Just be careful for her sneaky sustain.  I recommend Kled, Ekko, Shen, Irelia, or Gnar.


See, the reason I'm actually serious is because apparently I have a tendency to like shitty characters without realizing it at any point.

I don't own Trundle, Gnar, Kled, Shen, or any of the juggernauts that aren't Morde.

Any time I played a ranged champion versus a Darius, he can just run at you while freezing the wave to deny you creep hits or just all in you at any point post level six.

I end up liking things like Teemo, Mordekaiser, Cho'Gath (all of which are sheet right now), and some mages top. I don't own many typical top laners. That being said, I keep forgetting I own Irelia. She's so funking good.


Fiora is just someone I'm struggling to learn, and it keeps throwing me off to hit the jabroni from behind during a parry/riposte/whatever and still getting stunned (cuz only my move was behind her) because to be honest Dark Souls parry logic is in my head. BUT at the same time her invincible time feels absurdly long, I can't seem to time anything around it.


My issue with Illaoi is in team fights. She's got such presence there and for some reason Riot seems to think that it's okay for one AD item and the rest being defense means you can still fight the world. She lands ONE skillshot or uses her ult in a teamfight and you are just funked trying to fight her. 

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See, the reason I'm actually serious is because apparently I have a tendency to like shitty characters without realizing it at any point.

I don't own Trundle, Gnar, Kled, Shen, or any of the juggernauts that aren't Morde.

Any time I played a ranged champion versus a Darius, he can just run at you while freezing the wave to deny you creep hits or just all in you at any point post level six.

I end up liking things like Teemo, Mordekaiser, Cho'Gath (all of which are sheet right now), and some mages top. I don't own many typical top laners. That being said, I keep forgetting I own Irelia. She's so funking good.


Fiora is just someone I'm struggling to learn, and it keeps throwing me off to hit the jabroni from behind during a parry/riposte/whatever and still getting stunned (cuz only my move was behind her) because to be honest Dark Souls parry logic is in my head. BUT at the same time her invincible time feels absurdly long, I can't seem to time anything around it.


My issue with Illaoi is in team fights. She's got such presence there and for some reason Riot seems to think that it's okay for one AD item and the rest being defense means you can still fight the world. She lands ONE skillshot or uses her ult in a teamfight and you are just funked trying to fight her. 



If you're in an open lane fighting Illaoi, unless she jumps into your team, you should really just back off.  Once Illaoi uses her ultimate, you shouldn't be fighting her.  It's a laughable cooldown, but it doesn't last long.  Punish her in big, open areas.  Don't fight her in chokes.

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I would like to propose a potentially frightening team composition to my fellow YCMers.








Just picture it boys.  Kled ulti with Sivir Ulti, with Karma shield and speed boost.  Then Hecarim Charge and Ghost, and a little bit more of a front line in Braum/Alistar/Leona.  Or if you need the peel, Nami.




I can already smell the salt.

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I would like to propose a potentially frightening team composition to my fellow YCMers.








Just picture it boys.  Kled ulti with Sivir Ulti, with Karma shield and speed boost.  Then Hecarim Charge and Ghost, and a little bit more of a front line in Braum/Alistar/Leona.  Or if you need the peel, Nami.




I can already smell the salt.

This was already pitched before, the issue is that Kled ult raises your movement speed FLOOR.

It'd still be f***ing fast, just not as fast as paper would have you think.

That being said, hook me up, I love to support


edit: god damn it why can't my rerolls ever be above 520 RP skins for champions I don't own

edit edit: god damn it happened again lol good thing I only tossed out slayer jinx tho

Made essence for Snowstorm Sivir, I suppose.

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Warden Sivir is the only Sivir skin you ever need.


Also, I like the idea of Kled heralding Hecarim's charge. Sounds like something that insane little bastard would do.


EDIT: So I was checking Surrender @20 for upcoming possible changes in patch 6.17, and, well...


Wind Slash ® 
Minimum damage increased to 100/150/200 from 80/120/160
Maximum damage increased to 300/450/600 from 240/360/480
This frightens me if it is allowed. I mean, does the jabroni not do enough damage already?
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