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You're acting like it was unreasonable for Xpecial to leave TSM after being benched. He was benched because of clashes with Regi, not because of the quality of his play. At least at the time, Xpecial was a fantastic player. He wanted to keep competing and he knew he would be able to get a spot on another team, so leaving TSM was by far the most logical decision. Would it have worked out better if he'd stayed? Probably, but it's not like he could have known how Gleeb wouldn't work out and Curse would sheet the bed in the 3rd place match. He's not a "traitor" because he made what seemed like the best career choice.

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Xpecial is still one of the best supports in N.A.  I know his accomplishments well, since I've been a TSM fanboy since Rainman's days.  And no, it wasn't unreasonable, but it hurt like a JABRONI.  And I was sorely disappointed in his general attitude towards his teammates then and now.  He's been bouncing from team to team because he can't control his emotions.  He's by no means a bad player.  But he's a terrible teammate.  From TSM to Liquid to wherever the funk he is now, Xpecial got himself there by not growing up.


So yeah, he funking deserves it.  And I still wish the best for him.


We 5-0 boys.  But playing some questionable games upcoming.  TSM jabroni, win or lose.

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Xpecial is still one of the best supports in N.A.  I know his accomplishments well, since I've been a TSM fanboy since Rainman's days.  And no, it wasn't unreasonable, but it hurt like a JABRONI.  And I was sorely disappointed in his general attitude towards his teammates then and now.  He's been bouncing from team to team because he can't control his emotions.  He's by no means a bad player.  But he's a terrible teammate.  From TSM to CLG to Liquid to wherever the funk he is now, Xpecial got himself there by not growing up.


So yeah, he funking deserves it.  And I still wish the best for him.


We 5-0 boys.  But playing some questionable games upcoming.  TSM jabroni, win or lose.


When did he play for CLG?

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Xpecial just has a very strong personality, which directly clashes with Regi's. It's kind of miracle that he lasted as long as he did, if you've seen videos with Regi you'd see how vastly contrasting their personalities were. 


I'm guessing he meant to say TSM to Curse, which is basically TL anyway. 

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When you go from being 1 win short off gold promos all the way down to silver 3. It's not the first time and thanks to promo helper I'll hopefully be back up in no time, I just really need to find a way to stop myself from playing when I'm tilted. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah that's basically what I've done. Ranked for me is just a series of ups and downs and I just need to keep improving my attitude when the downs happen. 


Also can we all just agree one of the most tilting things on earth is when you have a control freak support. Like the type that pings you to fall back when you're winning a trade top lane, confusing you and making you trip up. I think if I have 100+ ranked games on the champion this season alone and rank 7 mastery, I know who I can and who I can't 1v1 early. 


On the bright side I'm a nice chunk through silver 1 again after mainly SoloQing, god bless promo helper. 

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I'm the type of support who roams after backing and randomly looks to gank mid/top.  But then again, I'm the type of support to bring ignite over exhaust unless there's a Zed or LB on the enemy team.  I just funking love support.

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I'm the type of support who roams after backing and randomly looks to gank mid/top.  But then again, I'm the type of support to bring ignite over exhaust unless there's a Zed or LB on the enemy team.  I just f***ing love support.

Same here, I love me some Ignite Lulu solo first bloods on the enemy ADC while my carry farms. 'Course then I try to roam and I usually don't get sheet done when I roam, but still!

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So I was just late to a ranked game (second minion wave was pushing) from crashing multiple times. No big deal, I've won lane being even further behind.


Then my team vote to remake and I lose 18 LP, even though I was fully in the game and my jungler just ganked and we got first blood. System working as intended...

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So I was just late to a ranked game (second minion wave was pushing) from crashing multiple times. No big deal, I've won lane being even further behind.


Then my team vote to remake and I lose 18 LP, even though I was fully in the game and my jungler just ganked and we got first blood. System working as intended...


Riot doesn't test these things properly on PBE.  It was faulty and people complained about the different stupid circumstances that could occur, but they let it through anyway.

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SC2 player here, how are people not Diamond in this game? It looks so easy =/ Like what's the actual skill League relies on? Certainly not EAPM or anything like that.

Decision making. You've probably seen this but in lower tiers people don't press advantages the way they should so games go on for almost an hour whereas in the higher tiers people know to kick you while you're down and will team up to stomp you into the dirt. Compare to Bronze where you play team deatchmatch for 40 minutes then remember the nexus is a thing.

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Decision making. You've probably seen this but in lower tiers people don't press advantages the way they should so games go on for almost an hour whereas in the higher tiers people know to kick you while you're down and will team up to stomp you into the dirt. Compare to Bronze where you play team deatchmatch for 40 minutes then remember the nexus is a thing.


That just sounds like general strategy game stuff. Bad players don't know how to end games in StarCraft either. You'll often see games go into 45 minutes BattleCruiser vs Tempest & Carrier vs Brood Lord.

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SC2 player here, how are people not Diamond in this game? It looks so easy =/ Like what's the actual skill League relies on? Certainly not EAPM or anything like that.

You can't really compare the games like that though. League is a MOBA which is vastly different from SC2.

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To be good here you have to know what you're doing and why. It's why Hai is a world class player despite being mechanically subpar compared to other pros. He's one of the smartest people to play this game and it shows.

Last year (or the year before idk) Fnatic was the most dominant team in Europe despite being comprised of untested rookies because Yellowstar is one of the best shot callers in the game.

When Alliance came together, it was hyped as funk because everyone was good at their positions but they ultimately fell flat because none of them were the kind of leaders Hai and Yellowstar were.

It really just comes down to how well you understand the game and those two were geniuses. You don't have to be genius to be good (especially not in solo q) but you need to know the reasoning of your actions, not just what you're doing.

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You can't really compare the games like that though. League is a MOBA which is vastly different from SC2.


Which is why I asked what the primary skills involved with being good at League are. I'm aware they're different. In SC2 you have several primary concepts that make you a better player. Mostly Macro, which is how efficiently and quickly you build expansions, buildings and bases, and Micro, which is how well you control individual or groups of units in your army. The difference I see in League is that mechanics matters very little on heroes, even Azir is not really any more complex than any basic level of army control in SC2. In SC2 there are things that will outright break a player because they aren't playing fast enough. Things like Cloaked Banshees, Dark Templar and early Pool rushes. League doesn't have that, very rarely in League is a game over early on because someone made a large mistake.


 In StarCraft as well, mechanics are super relevant. There are units that are outright awful without correct micro, but are incredible if you are skilled enough. Hellions, Adepts, Zerglings, etc. Life is known for his insane Zergling Micro. When you watch pro SC2, you can see a clear difference between them and even the average GM player because these players have years of experience. By no means do they play perfectly. StarCraft has a bunch of decision making too, and unlike in League, making a bad decision can outright lose you the game.

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