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Not sure....


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I think I got somewhat better, but not good by a long shot.


Reviews please?

I think I got the colors, flow, rule of thirds, etc right, but I'm sure I massacred the lighting.

Any help appreciated. :D


Made 4 'versions' by playing around with the difference/exclusion settings and such, among with some other stuff as well:
Just give further fixes and opinions on the best one:

[spoiler="Le Versions"][spoiler="V1"][IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/2u6pe92.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

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You're improving. If lighting was just brushing on white, that's wrong. Take a good neutral colour (I'd suggest using the turquoise-cyan of the background) and start brushing after putting the layer on Linear Dodge. Obviously, you want to define a light source, usually from the natural light source on the render. Because of the way the render is shaded, you can tell the light is coming from the top left. Perspective-wise, it's coming from further back too. What you've added on in light is basically where the shadow would be. [b]Darken the background; focus the light. Contrast shadow and light.[/b]

You have to place effect C4Ds carefully. Putting it in the middle of the piece is just careless. Blend it in where it would make sense (as a faux lens flare or other light effects, as an example). I think you can experiment with abstract C4Ds too. It's a little bare.

Now, it's a little strange when typography is more noticeable than the actual render. The sheer amount of text, and the dark colour, is an overload. Keep it minimal, especially when large chunks disrupt the flow of the piece. The render itself has a really good natural flow to it, but a blob of text isn't helping. Maybe darkening the entire background, as I've said earlier, and changing the colour to white would be good. Also, I prefer keeping it either [b]all lower case[/b] or [b]all upper case[/b].

Rule of thirds has been done well. I think you could exaggerate it more. Crop the top and bottom slightly. It gives the illusion of pushing it to the right.

It's a really good base to work on. I think you can carry on with this, taking these points in mind and improving it. It's a good sign of potential.

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Raibread has relatively touched on every aspect.
Again, you're improving, and at this stage cnc isn't going to help much. The only real advice I can give you is to keep practicing and experimenting at first it will get a bit repetitive but it only takes a single piece to elevate your skill greatly, perhaps even develop a style and eventually you'll be just as good as the rest of us.
Keep it up.

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I'm just going to note now that I haven't read Rai's and Night's posts.

The text seems a bit out of placed, I reckon you should just work on stuff without text until you know you can make it flow well.
The render seems a little too light and ghostly, needs to be more visible.
The BG should have stuff put into it just seems dull and too simplistic.
Things don't flow too well i.e the random light strokes don't really add anything to the image itself.

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