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Beatdown/Destruction/Anti-Synchro Deck


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[i]Note: I don't have very many cards anymore as I ended up moving and most of them ended up being left somewhere. Also this deck is going to be used to fight a deck that uses The Winged Dragon of Ra and Synchro monsters. My collection of cards now is mostly from the middle of Yu-Gi-Oh! to the beginning/middle of Yu-Gi-Oh GX, as well as a few sporadic cards from the newer series. I am unfamiliar with the Synchros and Xyz's so I don't use them. Also there won't be any Side Decks. It's just for fun.[/i]

[b]Monsters (25)[/b]
Howling Insect x2
Nobleman-Eater Bug x2
Slate Warrior x1
D.D. Assailant x1
4-Starred Ladybug of Doom x1
Needle Worm x1
The Forgiving Maiden x1
Gemini Elf x1
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x1
Fox Fire x1
Charcoal Inpachi x1
Cyber Gymnast x1
Ancient Lamp x1
Golem Sentry x1
Gundari x1
Infernal Dragon x1
Luster Dragon x1
Vorse Rider x1
Beast King Barbaros x1
Royal Magical Library x1
Legendary Fiend x1
Insect Knight x1
The Winged Dragon of Ra x1

[b]Spells (14)[/b]
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Tribute to the Doomed x1
Level Limit - Area B x1
Different Dimension Capsule x1
Pot of Greed x1
Monster Reborn x1
Lightning Vortex x1
Gravekeeper's Servant x1
Riryoku x1
Pot of Avarice x1
Change of Heart x1
Spell Absorbtion x1

[b]Traps (21)[/b]
Draining Shield x2
Magic Cylinder x2
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Trap Hole x2
The Transmigration Prophecy x1
Magical Arm Shield x1
Staunch Defender x1
Gravity Bind x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Metal Reflect Slime x1
Magic Jammer x1
Ordeal of a Traveler x1
Covering Fire x1
Judgement of Anubis x1
Spirit Barrier x1
Deck Devastation Virus x1

Total Cards: (60)

[b]Simple Strategy:[/b]
Get out any monster, preferably Fox Fire, and combine it with Spirit Barrier. Get out Ordeal of a Traveler and Gravekeeper's Servant to protect my monsters, life points, and hopefully have opponent mill through their deck to get rid of Tuners and hopefully a Winged Dragon of Ra. This will also be helped out by Needle Worm's effect. If I get Infernal Dragon and Deck Devastation Virus in my hand I will play those to mill. If Ra ends up in the graveyard Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer will remove it from play and keep my cards where they belong. At any time, combine Gundari and Spirit Barrier together if the opponent ends up summoning a Synchro monster. Finally, have 3+ monsters on my field which can be tributed for my Ra.

[b]Last Resort:[/b]
My last resort would be to play Level Limit - Area B and/or Gravity Bind to lock the field somewhat while I find Ra or Beast King Barbaros then use a Mystical Space Typhoon to get rid of either lock.

[b]Alternate Cards that could be used:[/b]
Photon Wyvern
Photon Current
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction

[b]Additional Notes:[/b]
I was contemplating whether or not I should play Horus in this deck or add in Downgrade so I can attack with Gundari, Insect Warrior, Gemini Elf, Slate Warrior, or Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer if I have Gravity Bind out. The Howling Insects are to special summon the 2 Nobleman Eater Bugs in face down defense position.

Please let me know what you think of the deck, how playable it is, and some cards that I should add/take out. No mean comments please, all I want is constructive criticism.

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