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Genex Deck (Reboot!)

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46 Cards because I have no idea what to drop. :D
Any advice or stuffs like that would be appreciated!

Monsters - 23
Genex Controller x3
CyDra x1
Birdman x2
Neutron x2
Searcher x2
Solar x2
Turbine x3
Undine x2
Worker x2
Gorz x1
Machina Fortress x2
Sangan x1

Spells - 13
Book of Moon x1
Dark Hole x1
Double Summon x1
Enemy Controller x3 (Teched to 3 rather than 2 BoM's)
limiter Removal x1
Monster Reborn x1
MST x2
Pot of Avarice x1
Smashing Ground x2

Traps - 10
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Call of the Haunted x1
Dark Bribe x1
Solemn Judgement x1
D Prison x2
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Trap Dustshoot x1

Actually maybe I should play Effect Veilers? Idk

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-2 Undine: You are not running other WATER targets
-3 Genex Controller: Genex Ally Remote is better, and you are not running any Normal support anyways.
-2 Solar
-2 Worker

-1 Double Summon
-1 Trap Dustshoot: Banned
-1 Enemy Controller (for a 40-card Deck)

+3 Genex Ally Remote: read above
+2 Machina Gearframe
+1 Machina Fortress

-1 Enemy Controller/Trap of your choice
+1 Heavy Storm

Machina Fortress is a better boss than Solar, so you might as well use the full Machina engine (Gearframe+Fortress). Or if you want to go full-Genex Deck, try to work around R-Genex Accelerator, but I see you don't have even 1 in the Deck.

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