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Atlanteans! With pictures because yolo


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- 1 - Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

- 3 - Genex Undine
- 3 - Genex Controller
- 3 - Atlantean Marksman
- 3 - Deep Sea Diva
- 2 - Atlantean Heavy Infantry
- 2 - Atlantean Dragoons
- 2 - Genex Ally Birdman
- 2 - Snowman Eater
- 2 - Atlantean Attack Squad
- 1 - Abyss Soldier

- 2 - Mystical Space Typhoon
- 2 - Call of the Atlanteans
- 1 - Mind Control
- 1 - Dark Hole
- 1 - Surface
- 1 - Heavy Storm
- 1 - Salvage
- 1 - Pot of Avarice

- 2 - Solemn Warning
- 2 - Torrential Tribute
- 2 - Bottomless Trap Hole
- 1 - Compulsory Evacuation Device
- 1 - Solemn Judgment

aka I have no idea what I'm doing

Refuse to net-deck this, though; I'll keep trying until I get it right

Still, it's only lost two matches and I went undefeated at locals the other night so I must be doing something in the right direction

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[quote name='Azuh' timestamp='1351259241' post='6054206']
I think youll only need 1 Call of the Atlanteans. I heard even some builds run none.

I've had absolutely no issues with 2 up to this point. A lot of the builds I've looked at for reference run 2, and I find myself making a good use out of it every time, as it's pretty much a guaranteed Librarian/Catastor play, in which I usually plus off Librarian, and on top of that, it can work as a shield, too.

It's terrible early game but any time I draw it after Turn 3 it's usually broke.

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I liek the build, I'm trying to build an Atlantean deck myself. But I don't really have moneys and it's twice more expensive here than in the US, so I'll have to manage with 2 copies and some staples and Extra Deck (Stardust, Formula, 17 and Gachi) monsters on the side. Any advice?

So yeah, I like the build, just, for the life of me, I can't find the third Controller on the pic.

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I run Ice Barriers, and I swear, if Gungnir gets banned because of the Atlanteans, I will be EXTREMELY pissed off. Cause Brio and Trish are already banned. And if Gungnir gets on the list, put him at 2, not at 1, and definitely not at 0 (Cause I run 2 in with my Ice Barriers).

Sorry for ranting. I just don't think it's fair that the I.B. Synchros have to suffer because of them being used in non-I.B. decks. Now if they all required an I.B. tuner and non-tuner water monsters, I would be a lot happier.

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[quote name='Thunder Spark' timestamp='1351263792' post='6054231']
@exanae, they're not too expensive; really just the Extra Deck stuff, and if you know how to talk people into going lower (especially if there's cash involved), it's actually really easy to build
I'll cut on the Extra Deck and save enough money to buy the third copy of the Deck, that should do it.

But the Undine and Controller are the bane of my existence, will do some shenanigans to get alternatives, unless I somehow manage to buy them.
*goes to find that gold BLS*

Also, where the f*** is my Secret Tour Guide, I could just get myself [i]everythingz[/i] with that thing.

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