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Post-Abyss Magic [Prophecies]


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[b][i]Monsters (16):[/i][/b]
High Priestess of Prophecy x2
Sorciere de Fleur x1

Temperance of Prophecy x2
Justice of Prophecy x2
Spellbook Magician x3
Apprentice Magician x2
Hanged Man of Prophecy x1
Effect Veiler x2
Tsukuyomi x1

[b][i]Spells (21):[/i][/b]
Spellbook of Secrets x3
Spellbook of Power x2
Spellbook of Wisdom x2
Spellbook of Life x2
The Grand Spellbook Tower x2
Spellbook Starswirl Hall x2
Spellbook of Eternity x1
Wonder Wand x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Dark Hole x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1

[b][i]Traps (3):[/i][/b]
Royal Decree x3

[b][i][u]Extra Deck:[/u][/i][/b]
Hierophant of Prophecy
Number 11: Big Eye
Number 39: Utopia
Photon Papiloperative
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Daigusto Phoenix
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Arcanite Magician
T.G. Hyper Librarian

[b][i][u]Side Deck:[/u][/i][/b]
Effect Veiler x1
Maxx "C" x2
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2
Prohibition x2
Secret Village of Spellcasters x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Rivalry of Warlords x2
Super Polymerization x2
Supreme Arcanite Magician x1

Any suggestions/fixes? I've gone 30-3 with this the past week, and plan on taking it to YCS Seattle, so yeah.

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Shadow Imprisoning Mirror since you don't really use darks. maybe a book of Moon or the forbidden cards. I personally enjoy a good Rivalry and Secret Village in side.

Also its been my experience that Fleur doesn't do anything now that Star Hall exist. At best its going to get you another level 4 for some Xyzing but otherwise she just sits dead in hand. I personally believe in Exemplar over apprentice but that is clearly preference.

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1351178419' post='6053587']
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror since you don't really use darks. maybe a book of Moon or the forbidden cards. I personally enjoy a good Rivalry and [b]Secret Village[/b] in side.
Also its been my experience that Fleur doesn't do anything now that Star Hall exist. At best its going to get you another level 4 for some Xyzing but otherwise she just sits dead in hand. I personally believe in Exemplar over apprentice but that is clearly preference.
Secret Village, that's what it was. +2 Secret Village in the side.

As for Sorciere... I've been thinking about dropping it for a while now, though I don't want to run three Priestess... Three is just too many for me. Suggestions on what to add?
As for Exemplar, I've tested it, and I didn't like it. The deck already has enough graveyard reccurance IMO.

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1351179248' post='6053599']
Destroyer, Delg, Emperor for the lulz
I don't like Junon at 3 either but I have two magical dimension and two exemplars so she'll never clog.
Delg gets rid of problems for you so I would suggest starting with him
Also do Empress and Magi Magi not exist in TCG yet or did you just forget them.
I will never summon Rank 5s, Magi-Magi is still OCG, Destroyer is ugly and dead-drawish, and Delg... Wait, the Monarch?

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1351179757' post='6053602']
Right no Fors...ugh they make summoning the boss so hard lol
But yes Delg the Monarch not entirely awful considering your options.
Being a Monarch, I could drop it relatively easy I I ever drew it, so it's not as dead as Sorciere... It actually isn't that bad considering Zektors.
And y'know, I've only so much as touched my Extra Deck in about four duels, excluding Gachi, one of which I ended up not going into at all. Prophecies really don't require all the Extra deck stuff, it's just nice to have.

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I'd suggest Formula Synchron but you only run 1 La Pendu (hanged man) and 2 veiler. with Spellbook of Power; Shining Elf you should have at least 1, you never know that card can be incredible given the right situation.

from the way it looks, it's not likely your going to xyz for rank 4. With tsukuyomi being the only one and there are much more worthwhile things to revive when doing Life plays.

Your welcome to keep them but imo

Utopia/Butterfly/Maestorke - for Armoy Arm, Formula Synchron/Shining Elf and Black Rose Dragon. Also note that if you dont synchro up again, you can always make gachi/shining out of formula.

It's true as you said before, Prophecies rarely need to make extra-deck plays, but there are quite a few plays you can make that can be in-valueable given the situations.

also im iffy on starhall at 2, VERY iffy about it. Unless i draw into it, i never search it unless Im pretty much good to go with my set up.

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Rank 4s are pretty dead, yeah. I like the idea of Formula and Black Rose, but Shine Elf? I dunno...
Oh, it's a Spellcaster. Well, that helps its case. I'll give it a chance.
As for Star Hall... I like it @2. I may use one instead, though it's a very useful card.

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