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Macro Monarchs v2


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My old D.D deck was a D.D. beatdown/beatstick and quite frankly sucked so I thought I'd try something else. I realise that this deck has a lot of room for improvement but I know full well that the concept is solid. Please give helpful suggestions (yes I know my side and extra are random atm).


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Well you really don't need 3 Macro and 3 fissures (they really become redundant dead draws)

They would most obviously replace the Dark Bribes and Defense draw because those aren't needed

Should also make room for another Warning and TT

I guess Helios is fun if the deck does what its supposed to do. However there should be a soul release just incase you don't open with one of your blanket removal cards.

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Try T.G. Striker. Is tribute fodder that doesn't spend your normal summon, and is a tuner.
If you don't care about tuners and want something bigger, then Photon Thrasher. If played with D.D. Survivor you can make an easy Blade Armor Ninja or Heroic Champion Excalibur.
Mirror Ladybug is a good option for an easy Xyz.
Is this for IRL play? if not, then you can have some Emergency Teleports over there.

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Let's see

- 2 Helios (I've thought about it kick rocks)
- 1 Macro (Backrow heavy format maybe 2 is safe)
- 1 Scout Plane (I'm on the fence about him, but he sucks hard)
- 2 Dark Bribe
- 1 Defense Draw

+ 2 Starlight Roads
+ 2 Stardust Dragons
+ 2 Photon Trasher
+ 1 Warning
+ 1 Torrential
+ 1 Soul Release

I don't really know where to begin with the extra deck but you don't really should diversify that up. You don't need 3 Utopia's ever lol

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