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Where Art Thou, Exodia?

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Monsters - 14
[5]Exodia Pieces
[3]Cyber Valley
[3]Swift Scarecrow
[2]Battle Fader

Spells - 13
[3]Upstart Goblin
[3]One Day of Peace
[2]Where Arf Thou?
[1]Magical Mallet
[1]Monster Reborn (Brings back targets for Arf and Valley)

Traps - 13
[3]Hope for Escape
[3]Reckless Greed
[2]Threatening Roar
[2]Legacy of Yata-Garasu

Extra Deck: 15
[1]Formula Synchron
[1]Armory Arm
[1]Hyper Librarian
[1]Fabled Ragin
[1]Mighty Warrior
[1]Ancient Fairy Dragon
[1]Black Rose Dragon
[1]Blackwing Armor Master
[1]Colossal Fighter
[1]Stardust Dragon
[1]Fabled Valkyrus
[1]Zombie Warrior

Side Deck:
[3]Gemini Imps (Dark Worlds)
[1]Battle Fader (General)
[2]Mystical Space Typoon (Decree/Others)
[2]Wave-Motion Cannon (Final Countdown)
[1]Dark Hole (General)
[2]Royal Decree (Chain Burn / Chain Exodia)
[2]Legacy of Yata-Garasu (Exodia/Countdown)
[2]Maxx "C" (General)

Game Win / Loss Ratio:
17 / 7 (Due to Morphing Jar, a misplay, Quasar, Dark Simorgh, Thunder King, and other poop)

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1350932125' post='6050829']
Kinda' want to suggest that Kinka-Byo Draw Engine. Might be hilarious here, since your running Arf Though as your win condition.
It could work, though I don't really know of the room I could make.

Also, just tested this deck twice and it won with no problems. Well, not exactly no problems. I had to luckdraw into Cyber Valley using Magical Mallet, but that's because they had Barkion out.

EDIT: And just realized Scapegoat works in this deck =P

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I feel like making an extensive post about all of my decisions for this deck, and how the cards work together. So, here it goes.

Cyber Valley - This card is kind of an obvious choice for the deck, serving multiple purposes. It's really the only Level 1 you would want to Normal Summon in an Exodia deck, and that allows me to use Arf straight away. Not only will I get my Exodia piece, but I get to draw a card, and my opponent's battle phase will be ended next turn (if it doesn't get destroyed another way, which my opponent loves to do). If they don't attack into it, that's another free turn, so it doesn't really matter. I also have its second effect to abuse in that case. The third effect isn't as good, but it could potentially be used to grab a Hope for Escape that's already been used.

Swift Scarecrow - Staple in a non-FTK exodia deck. Lets me stop my opponent from dealing damage, while at the same time being capable of letting me take a few hits before dropping it, giving way to Hope for Escape. Because it doesn't summon itself like Battle Fader, its effect can't be stopped by Solemn Warning or Judgment, which would not only hinder Hope for Escape, but let me lose that turn.

Kuriphoton - I'm debating between this and Battle Fader. Kuriphoton is useful in allowing me to stop attacks just like Scarecrow, but unlike Scarecrow it much more easily sets up plays with Hope for Escape. It also stops effect damage, and can be used, unlike with Fader and Scarecrow, to stop you from taking damage when your own monster is attacked. The downside of Kuriphoton is that you can't always use it, and the cost sometimes might be too much. Battle Fader has the downside mentioned in Scarecrow, but Fader does also interact with Arf much better.

Sangan - Again, obvious. It's a great first turn move, and it searches out my Head, which has no other way of being added directly to my hand, unlike the other pieces can be with Arf.

Where Arf Thou? - MVP of the deck, turning Cyber Valley and others into exodia pieces. Activating more than one in a turn is just ridiculous. The damage doesn't even matter, because you're increasing the power of Hope for Escape, and if you activate One Day of Peace you also won't take the damage. If you absolutely have to, you can also search out Valley, Kuriphoton, or the others. Though I can't think of a situation you would want to right now.

Upstart Goblin - Obvious. Free draw, and the increase powers up Hope for Escape.

One Day of Peace - Combos with Arf, and essentially gives 2 draws, as it lets you survive another turn.

Magical Mallet - I use a single one because I couldn't think of what else I could use, and Hope for Escape / Reckless Greed causes hands to be overstuffed a lot. Magical Mallet helps put back the cards I don't need right now from those giant hands so I don't have to set them uselessly. Also, damage stops clog a lot in this deck. If I have 2 Waboku and 2 Swift Scarecrow in hand, I don't need all of them, and since they're going into the deck I can draw them for use later in the duel, when they're more likely to have an impact.

Monster Reborn - People play Effect Veiler. While they're not likely to dump it against this deck, there's always the chance it goes into the grave. My opponent also loves to destroy Cyber Valley. So, basically, the idea is to re-use Valley if destroyed, re-use Sangan, or just in general get a Level 1 on the field for Arf.

Scapegoat - Serves the same purpose of Waboku and the others, but it also gives me Level 1 monsters. Yep, Arf again. I can also use it with Cyber Valley's effect to draw 2. The only downside is that it can be stopped by Warning, which as I said before, this deck hates. Other than that, it's a perfect addition to the deck.

Hope for Escape - If Arf is the MVP, this guy is the team's manager. Without it, the deck just doesn't come together right. It generates so much advantage off of the cards that already break the deck, that it's almost as if Konami is trying to get Exodia banned at all costs. Don't run any less than 3, ever.

Reckless Greed - The deck draws a lot, and so you're more likely to have 2 copies of it in-hand. The combo is something you should all already know. If I don't have a way to stop my opponent's attacks, I can use a single copy as a last-ditch effort to draw Scarecrow or Photon.

Waboku - Keeps Valley on the field and keeps my Life Points. Plus, like Scarecrow, I can drop it at any time, letting me balance my damage for Hope for Escape.

Threatening Roar - It would seem like a staple at 3 in this deck, but to be completely honest, 3 Waboku and 3 Roar clog with the rest of the deck. Drawing into 2 Threatening Roar with a hand too big also means I'll have to end up setting or discarding 1, and that makes it susceptible to Heavy Storm.

Legacy - I run 1 over a third Roar, because even while I am under a card effect like Scarecrow it's a good card that can be chained, and it also helps make my hands better while I can't draw due to Reckless Greed.

Solemn Judgment - Herp derp it's a staple. Not only does this help me save myself from killing plays, but it also quickly gets my Life Points down for Hope for Escape. Sometimes I negate stuff I don't even need to, just to get the extra draws over with.

The Extra Deck - It's possible to get Tuners in the opponent's grave, and I run Monster Reborn. So I added a bunch of cards that could be used with Sangan or my Tokens to draw or get my search, some more situational than others. The secret tech cards that make the Extra Deck, though, are Fusionist and Zombie Warrior. If you don't know how to use these cards, you need to go back to Duel Academy.

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