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Totally awesome dragon style deck!

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Eradicator epidemic virus
Deck devastation virus
Burst stream of destruction
2 Dust tornado
Bottomless trap hole
Nightmares steelcage
Poison of the old man
Foolish burial
Block attack
Mirror force
Knights title
Lightning vortex
Metalsilver armor
The fountain in the sky
Inferno fire blast
Dragon ravine
Sebeks blessing
Flute of summoning dragon
Dark magic attack
Mage power
Negate attack
United we stand
Sakuretsu armor
Hidden book of spell
Dragunity arma leyvaten, arma mystletainn, aklys, brandistock, javelin
2 Blue eyes white dragons
1 red eyes b. dragon/chick
Red eyes darkness metal dragon
Twin headed behemoth
Dark blade
Consecrated light
Splendid Venus
Dark magician knight and dark magician
Agent of force, mars
Raging flame sprite
Master Hyperion
Lord of d.
Solar flare dragon

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Now you posted the decklist, I'm going to ask the following question:
How are you ever going to consistantly bring out most of these monsters?

You're playing alot of single cards which are needed in multiples in some cases, cards that are either situational, or outclassed by cards that are also easy to get or need their own deck, and most of these are high leveled and you run 44 cards, so you cant even make a consistant opening move and draw into the cards you need as fast as possible.

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[quote]Eradicator epidemic virus
Deck devastation virus
Bottomless trap hole
Foolish burial
Mirror force
Dragon ravine
Dragunity arma leyvaten, arma mystletainn, aklys
Red eyes darkness metal dragon
Splendid Venus
Master Hyperion[/quote]
These are the cards you have that can be considered "good". Though now I'm not sure if you're trying to run Dragunities or Agents.

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The decklist is in a mess, you should sort them into

The main problem with the deck is tht it is mainly highlander (running 1 copy of each card, with the exception of BEWD and Dust Tornado). Another problem with the deck is that alot of the cards are inconsistent and you're not likely to draw into the cards you need. What amazes me is that you say you have won alot with this deck, so the question is: Have you been beating decks just as inconsistent as this?

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This reads more like a collection of nouns than a coherent deck but then again if you just went into Wallgreens or WalMart and bought whatever structure decks they had lying around you "could" end up with something like this.

I'll give one good tip...kill all non-dragon related cards at least that way you start with some overarching theme

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Is a dragon deck.
- runs Dark Magician (for Knight's Title)
- runs Dark Magician Knight, a card which I don't believe has ever been successfully summoned before, let alone the fact that it's entirely useless
- runs Master Hyperion and... what, 1 Agent
- runs Deck Destruction and Eradicator Epidemic Virus, two more inconsistent cards, given that all the targets for them are mostly what you would want to keep on the field
- Metalsilver Armor - wut?
- Dark Blade (?) - inb4 "I run him cuz he's in Metalsilver Armor"
- runs Raging Flame Sprite
- Poison of the Old Man - uhh...
- and a Hidden Spellbook

Probably just putting in cards that seem good, and splashable cards. Cookie cutting.
This deck is gooood.


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1. Somehow, I don't know how, I would usually get whatever I usually want. 2. Redmd would summon whatever dragon I want from my hand OR graveyard and that with dragon ravine means I could summon any dragon I want. Also exaenae I have successfully summond the dark magician knight on several ocasions. Dark blade and kiryu are union monsters so that works well some times. Poison of the old man and sebeks blessing helps out with my life points. I'm probably going to replace a few cards at some point and I might get exodia at some point next month also I might get winged kuriboh Lv 9 as well.

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Ok so this thread will probably start deterioating from here on.

Let me try and sum it up briefly. Most people on here do no view your deck well becuase it is mostly highlander, incomplete, lacks a clear win condition, and some would call it lousy. And odds are it will end with someone shouting at someone, seeing as you've already made armz annoyed/distressed.

My advice would be to let this thread die out, browse other deck threads on here to see how they do it, and then see how people just want to help. A lot of people here know considerable better than most people, and are willing to give there time to help. The least you can do is listen whilst being open to changes on it. After all, this section isn't here to show off, its here to get improvements.

Hope you take this advice to heart.

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