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[Finished]Archetype Support/Expansion Contest [ENDED]


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[quote name='AixDivadis' timestamp='1352923284' post='6069547']
I've said before that I don't mind no images... go and read the first post again, in the rules I've said is that as long as the card format is there, I don't care if the pic is blank...
I know that, I was replying to people complaining about losing their cards in the card maker.

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Alright, I'm done marking/reviewing them (I be like a teacher, I be marking :D). I placed them in order from first to last. If you have objections... you can make an appeal and a reason behind it. There MUST be a good explanation, otherwise I might just ignore you.

[spoiler='FIRST - ♥ D.A._Siegfried ♥']These cards stick to criteria and support the Counter Fairy “archetype” really well. Looking through them individually: Kolitast provides a great easier to Summon mini-boss for this archetype, the banishing Fairy to Summon thing is fine, I personally would have included the option of banishing counter traps from your grave because you actually don’t have too many fairies to spare as this Deck has no overwhelming swarming and/or searching ability like some other archetypes out there (Atlanteans and Heraldic Beasts would be my prime example) and I would either put in a real cost for the searching or make it so that you can only have 1 Kolitast activating this effect. The Scrap-Iron Scarecrow thing is a little too powerful because it would be extremely hard to get rid of in this Deck. I would suggest having a relatively small cost to set it again perhaps a discard as this card’s hand advantage is OK with Bountiful Artemis (Scrap-Iron Scarecrow is insanely annoying enough). Tonit is our much needed searcher, I suppose, me gusta. Descending From The Sanctuary is a nice push for this archetype to bring it up a level.
Overall this is nice support, some may be a bit too strong, people often underestimate the extreme annoyingness and disruptiveness of someone spamming Counter Traps but otherwise good job.
Theme: 6.6/7
Balance: 14.1/15
Creativity: 7.5/8
Total: 28.2/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='SECOND - Saynt']Your cards follow the naming theme and support the archetype. Omoikane is pretty good, but I feel it needs more restriction like a “once per turn type of thing”, ATM, it’s a bit overpowered because you could just summon another Omoikane or loop with Amaterasu, however, I like that you took advantage of Spirit’s hand advantage. Ninigi is a nice boss of sorts for the deck like Grapha is for Dark Worlds. Gate gives a powerful goal to work towards, making your opponent’s monsters into Spirit monsters is great, especially nowadays with Xyz and Synchro monsters. The other advantages are good as well, especially the returning Spirit monsters to hand part. Amaterasu should be given a limit like the fact that it should only be able to be used once per turn because you can have a powerful loop with Ninigi.
Theme: 6.6/7
Playability: 14/15
Creativity: 7.5/8
Total: 28.1/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='THIRD - SunKistRebellion']These cards follow Jinzo’s Trap stopping scheme and are great support. I would point out that if all of their names were treated as “Jinzo” then you can only have 3 cards treated as “Jinzo” in your Deck, I would say “You can treat this card’s name as Jinzo” instead. I won’t take anything off for this. Night Marauder is balanced, the effect is powerful, but it is a bit slow to keep the power down. Mercury Armor is too powerful. Bombardment Jinzo is great. Having both Watchman and Guardian may clog up your hand and deck, I would just put Watchman in a deck and leave Guardian out. Jinzoid is good.
Now the Fusion... it’s wayyyy too powerful because you can summon it really easily and its effect is too strong and I will have to take points off for this.
Theme: 6.6/7
Balance: 13.9/15
Creativity: 7.4/8
Total: 28/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='SPECIAL - 7swords']
Gradius Mk2 is a bit strong for a direct attacker but you balanced that out nicely with the fact that it cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Gray Blast is a nice addition. Gold King makes good use of Option Tokens, though not particularly useful, if you wanted to make Option monsters better, I’d have made more support for that. Gradius Command is very nice. I would suggest making dogfight a quickplay and have it banish your opponent’s monster as well so to get rid of stuff like Maestroke and Zenmaines and increasing the deck’s competitive value. Bombardment isn’t particularly useful, I would have it have a mass destruction effect instead with a Life Points cost. Lucky Shot should give some other benefit as well and have the destruction be treated as destruction by battle, otherwise it’s not really worth running. Eject comboes well with Command and serves as a protection device, I really like it. Squad X Formation can do without the cost and stuff, cuz it pretty much does the same as Madolche Fiesta. Gradius X, me gusta. Gradius X10: I don’t get what counters you are talking about. If I made a boss with this archetype, I would have made it lower your opponent’s monsters’ ATK.
Theme: 6.5/7
Playability: 13.7/15
Creativity: 7.6/8
Total: 27.8/30
[spoiler='Azphrael']Iol the Recruiter is a very nice boss, I like the damage reflection thing. Payne the Defender is a nice support card. Mara the Aid may not be powerful, but it follows the theme quite well and works like an anti-Lightsworn. Dark Scorpion Hideaway is powerful, but I would like perhaps a Life Points cost to balance the first “Field Spells cannot activate” thing. The Siren can be very annoying for opponents, me gusta. Titanium Vest is a bit much, I think you should just say “Dark Scorpion” or “Don Zaloog” so other decks cannot use it and potentially unbalance it. Zaloog’s ride is nice. Pitfall is cool. Camo Shield is powerful. However good these cards are, they can potentially clog up your hand or you are unlikely to get the ones you want. What you need is a batter searcher bit it a monster or spell card (beyond reinforcement of the army) because Menae’s effect is hard to use
Theme: 6.6/7
Playability: 12.8/15
Creativity: 7.6/8
Total: 27/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Beginning446']“Alphabet”... :D. Alphabet Supporter is too slow and I would consider it a waste of space in a Deck. Perhaps if you made it so that it gave you some other advantage or let you draw a card then it would be good. Alphabet Tank is very nice, however, the problem will have to be getting the stuff banished, which makes this card a bit slow. Union Streamline is quite powerful, able to give you a +1 every turn. Sudden Armanents is slow, it would be a lot better if you simply had a cost and then equipped a Machine-type Union at any time. Armada Transport is quite nice, but it would have been better if it wasn’t “equal to” but “equal to or lower than” for much greater versatility and it would allow for easier summoning of the boss. Overall, your cards aren’t quite meta level. You did not fully address the VWXYZ’s problem of getting the right cards.
Theme: 6.6/7
Playability: 12.7/15
Creativity: 7.5/8
Total: 26.8/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Chance_Furlong']Your cards are very good. They both support the theme and are at meta level... but you seem to be lacking cards. The actual B.E.S. cards themselves are not very good, and only two or three of them are actually useful at all. So while the support is awesome, the archetype itself is not at meta-level and needs more principle cards to make it into an actual deck. Another thing that would be nice (though it is not required and does not deduct points if you don’t have it) is Xyz Monsters, cuz the counters are awfully similar to Material.
Theme: 6.5/7
Playability: 12.3/15
Creativity: 7.5/8
Total: 26.3/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='exaenae']Karakuri Overlord Model Infinity is a great boss, but I would go as far as to give him slightly more ATK, perhaps like 3300. Karakuri Trickery is a bit slow. Karakuri Soldier is another stall, I don’t like it too much. Overall, Karakuri is already pretty good so your Playability isn’t too low.
Theme: 5/7
Playability: 13/15
Creativity: 7/8
Total: 25/30[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Donvermicelli']These cards are too weak. They don’t really stand a chance against meta. Vampire Bat is not particularly useful as it simply Special Summons a Level 4 at the cost of itself. Baroness, IMO, is not worth the Deck space. Feeding Friendly is a dead draw that clogs up Deck space. You probably could get away without the 1000 Life Points thing as Happy Fiesta is almost the same. With Bloody Lies I suppose you are trying to imitate the Virus cards but it is counterproductive in that: A. Your opponent now can decide what he wants to draw and has a better chance of getting what he wants B. It mills your opponent’s deck, which is more often than not good for them, if you want to Deck them out, you gotta have a more powerful mill or decrease the cost of this card. Warlord is powerful, perhaps even OP, but I don’t see a way for this Deck to summon him. Bat Bitten is unlikely to be good because it implies that the monster you summon is weaker than the cards you have in your hand. Vampire Stronghold, in my opinion, is the best card in this set simply because it searches. How do you even Special Summon Vampire Aristocrat with stuff other than with Reasoning and other staples? His effect is also too slow. Aggravated Vampire is just weak, he is nothing but a wall with fangs. Vampire Duke is weak compared to other Rank 5’s, he has a nice mill, but I would suggest higher ATK and easier to Summon.
Theme: 6/7
Playability: 7/15
Creativity: 7/8
Total: 20/30[/spoiler]

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I think we disagree one what the goals of V-Z archetype are or what their problem is. I always defined them as having horrible hand and field advantage to summon their bosses. Sure you could say that its hard to get V,W,X,Y, and Z on the field to summon any of the fusions but even if you did you really just end up setting your self back -2 or more. I sought an end to that.

With Armada Transport you need ANY 2 level 4 LIGHT machines, which that deck should only contain (outside of the arguable shining angel), to get either XYZ and V-Z which are both level 8. So there is no longer a need for any of them to be searched or to "get the right cards." Also the only other Light Machine boss that I can think of that you'd want to summon is Cyber End and I'm not making support for that hence the equal to.

Alphabet Supporter: It undoes the cost XYZ. Which was the problem of them being perpetual minuses. I guess I could have given it another effect but then it really becomes a machine atlantean at that point...meh not to my liking and drawing a card would just make it an ever repeating +1.

Alphabet Tank: If you play Transport once or banish a machine once while Streamline is on the field this will always go off. You summon a machine by discarding any union piece and then summon that piece with streamline. You then equip to draw a card banish both. Rinse and repeat. It doesn't require that much set-up.

Armaments: Yeah its slow, but if I made it anytime it just turns Streamline into a perpetual draw engine.

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I could almost cry, I was worried my cards were too strong and ended up nerfing them into the ground.
Though I would like to poke back at feedback for bloody lies, while it is true that your opponent can now select what type of card they want, they do not know how long it will be until they draw it. So they could end up milling half their Deck. And about the milling being beneficial; that's what the archetype is about, milling. I think if you combine the cards you can mill pretty fast.

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I really think what VWXYZ need is consistency. It's no fun to play with a Deck that relies too much on luck to win. A consistent deck is a lot better to play with.
The problem VWXYZ has to deal with is are:[list]
[*]Getting the right ones, though I suppose in your cards Transport mostly takes care of that, but you shouldn't rely on Transport unless you have a way to search it otherwise, it's inconsistent, and you should have a way to recycle it back into your Deck. Perhaps have a Aquamirror-esque thing?
[*]Getting more than one LIGHT Machine-type onto the field. Of course, sometimes you'll get lucky and your opponent will decide not to destroy your card, but what I'm getting at is: You need to be able to get your game started more easily. Without anything to get you started at the start of the game, it doesn't matter what type of other supports you have. You need to get started and VWXYZ are not good at that because they need to swarm to get started, but they don't have any swarm ability. Of course, if you used Alphabet Tank, that'd be good, but you need to get a card banished in first place.
[*]If you want to support Xyz as well, you should [i]make[/i] some Xyz to go along with the set. Notice that any Xyz-supporting archetype has at least 1 Xyz monster to call their own.

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[quote name='AixDivadis' timestamp='1353627143' post='6075850']
[u]But you seriously have no way of bringing out a beater with 2500 ATK or more[/u] in your Deck and plus, the other Viruses are far stronger and more useful most of the time and can almost completely lock your opponent down.

What makes you think that? Staple in all most of the beatdown Zombie Decks:

Does everything you want it to and more, why make a card that already exists?

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I will still argue that other Viruses are undeniably better. Chances are, you will get whatever you called within a few cards (as in 1 to 3, 4 at most). Trust me, I know from using Reasoning, Magical Merchant and stuff A LOT of times.
Call of the Mummy [i]is[/i] in fact pretty nice (it's Valhalla for Zombies, I guess, and Valhalla is used a lot).
But overall, you do not have a good way to swarm and your mill is still too weak. Perhaps if you had a BLS or Chaos Sorcerer-type thing that banishes Vampires or Zombies to play and mills instead of banish and stuff then it would be very nice, because if you look at bosses nowadays, particularly main deck bosses are very easy to summon: BLS, Chaos Sorcerer, Judgment Dragon, Grapha, Hyperion and etc. Banishment like that can be used as graveyard manipulation and so gives viability to Dark Armed Dragon.

Possible Cards I would make:
Vampire Thug (came up with name in literally 0.1 of a second, so don't judge)
**** or even *****
When a card is sent from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard by the effect of a "Vampire" monster you control, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.
ATK 2000/DEF 50 (never actually seen a monster with DEF 50 used but: Ta-Da)

Vampire Legend (boss-type monster)
You can Special Summon this card by banishing up to 5 "Vampire" monsters from your Graveyard. If this card was Summoned this way, send cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard equal to the number of monsters you banished to Summon this card but this card cannot attack this turn. If this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, send the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. You can only control 1 face-up "Vampire Legend".
ATK 3000/DEF 1000

Vampire Vanguard
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower "Vampire" monster from your hand.
ATK 1500/DEF 1000

Vampire Castle (my version)
Field Spell
"Vampire" monsters you control inflict piercing damage. Once per turn, when a card is sent from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard you can activate 1 of the following effects:
- Send 1 card from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.
- Draw 1 card.

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