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Dear Gamer Gurls, Get the f*** out

Great Unclean One: VK

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Honestly, I'm f***ing sick and tired of "gamer gurls". I'm f***ing sick of the attention whores who go on TF2, CS, COD, etc, and pretend to play but instead inflate their ego thanks to White Knights and idiots. Now, I'm not saying not ALL girls who play games are horrible. I'm just talking about the attention whores. Anyone else annoyed by these b****es?

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Your right. I should let go the fact whenever these fucktards mess up a perfectly executed strategy that me and my friends, who rarely meet up anymore except on MAG. Whenever we're f***ing close to winning a game after god knows how many nerfs to our weapons, the constant stream of 16 or more guys White Knighting a female squad leader who ain't doing s*** and dragging the rest of the platoon down, and making us all lose. All during the time that we rarely meet up. Not to mention, all the f***ing shots I get from that b****, because she's too retarded to actually aim. Sure, I'm wearing tank level armor, but you're revealing my position.


Thing is, I'd let it go if it was once a day or so. But f*** no. There are more attention seeking women on my games, f***ing me over, turning something I enjoyed into a unenjoyable experience. The few times I play a multiplayer game, I rarely enjoy a game with some discussion on tactics and weapons stats not to mention winning more often. I even find more rare times where I'm actually with cool and tactically sound guys.


When you f***ing got 2 squads not doing s*** during Domination in MAG, you've lost half your team, and over half the objectives won't be covered. To me, that pisses me off. I gotta pull ovetime and cover more ground instead of my FRAGO.


The reason for this is due to the fact that every where I go online, some b**** decides to ruin my time along with idiots who think they could f*** a girl they never met IRL.


Imagine playing football, but you lost half your team and your goalie doesn't do s***. Now make that nearly half of your games and that's what the f*** I'm dealing with.

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I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist. Sorry for quite possbly making your ears bleed.


Anyway, *Ahem.* No. Just no. I don't recall ever having a problem with any of the girls I play games with or ever have with. Actually, a good chunk of the time they might be better than me at the game we'd play but I may just suck at a lot of games. You're just so incredibly sexist. No, I'm not a white knight sh*thead who's going to just suck up to any girl I see and f*ck over my team because of it but your attitude towards females in general still pi**es me off. It's as if guys can't be sh*theads on their own without a female there whose boobs they can stare at. For you it always has to be a female's fault. That's all I get out of you.

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Anyway, I see the point that gamer girls who excessively flaunt their status are annoying, but that can be said for almost any title/rank from any gender. However, I have no personal experience with it. I just lump everybody into being a bad player and move on, no point in thinking about why they're playing badly.

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Well good for you for being the few lucky ones to not have met a lot of Gamer Gurls. From what I've seen, what I've played against, the majority just constantly ask or in some causes, demand to be worshiped. In TF2 I had some b**** sit in spawn, doing jack except talking and having some of my teammates complement her or beg for her to tell them that she'd date them if possible. In CS during a Zombie Plague server, I had some chick constantly banning people because they disagreed with her on anything, mutes her while she's going on about her boyfriend, and she ignores us or bans us when we point out that she ain't doing her job. CoD I've met SOME girls who are good and actually nice people. So far the count is 3 of those, versus around 20 gamer gurls within the last 3 months. I'll admit they whopped my ass when I don't directly connect my Ethernet cable.


Another point, this thread was to gamer GURLS.


Don't make me post a metric f*** ton of things I hate about the dickwads I f***ing meet online who are guys. I could go f***ing on about how I f***ing hate the 10 year olds I meet on TF2 servers where TKing is allowed jabroniing to me all because I refuse to stop spawn camping them and not understanding the f***ing rules. Nor the idiots on constantly screaming stuff out about being better then me all because they use akimbo machine pistols or because they think they're hardcore all because they play CoD. This thread only covers one of many things I hate about the effect of video games becoming mainstream. Sure, there are benefits but so far I'm starting to regret the decision the industry has taken. Not to mention the casualisation of games, CSGO for example, and Minecraft for the 360. Not to mention the states of the industry due to EA, Activision, and Crapcom.




If I was to make a single topic of the things that annoy the f*** out of me or make me angry about multiplayer video games, the first post alone would be half a page.


Now, are some loses I've taken in video games which could also be attributed to some reasons. Some being my men showing lack of faith in my strategy and pulling back before I could call in an artillary strike. On the other hand, with a Gamer Gurl, the chances of losing increases due to someone and some people not doing their job and assigning FRAGOs, holding and taking objectives, and not calling in support in the correct manner or time. Example being one time some time ago some chick managed to become Squad Leader. She did a shitty job. She used up the mortar strikes, poison gas drops, and Valkyrie support at the wrong targets. Now, sometimes a guy does it, and then that's when I put a bullet in his head and his squad kicks him out. Most Officers in Charge, Platoon Leaders, and Squad Leaders I've met, 1 or 2 which were competent women, I've served under were smart, and modestly used their support. They also managed to make our squadmates hold even to the breaking point when we're rushed.


Not to mention Desu, I believe you think I'm talking about ALL women.


I'm talking about Gamer Gurls. Women who decide to get more attention from men by "playing" games. Namely, getting on their boyfriend's or relative's console or computer, making or getting someone to make them an account, and go on hoping to find some White Knights to serve them.


I'm not talking about women who play games and are actually playing. Not for attention but rather for fun. If they did that, I wouldn't give a f*** unless it's costing us the game, in which I'll support their asses. Hell, like I said I have 3 friends who are girls who play games and they agree they hate Gamer Gurls. Namely due the fact Gamer Gurls are just plain annoying as kids, jocks, and try hards.


Point is, I just hate these types of girls who play. Not all, just these ones. In addition to the kids, casuals, jocks, and wiggers I find online.

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Guest God Machismo!!!!!

Well good for you for being the few lucky ones to not have met a lot of Gamer Gurls. From what I've seen, what I've played against, the majority just constantly ask or in some causes, demand to be worshiped. In TF2 I had some b**** sit in spawn, doing jack except talking and having some of my teammates complement her or beg for her to tell them that she'd date them if possible. In CS during a Zombie Plague server, I had some chick constantly banning people because they disagreed with her on anything, mutes her while she's going on about her boyfriend, and she ignores us or bans us when we point out that she ain't doing her job.


So, why did you keep playing with that slag if she was banning like crazy? That's a good sign to go somewhere else.

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@ God


It's simple. There's hardly any Zombie Plague servers on CS. It was shut down a while ago so it was a blessing in disguise, I found another one when my lil bro refereed it to me.


@ Cake


You're right. In CoD, I am actively searching for Gamer Gurls even though I can't find out which has one nor choose which I'm randomly assigned to.

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Your right. I should let go the fact whenever these fucktards mess up a perfectly executed strategy that me and my friends, who rarely meet up anymore except on MAG. Whenever we're f***ing close to winning a game after god knows how many nerfs to our weapons, the constant stream of 16 or more guys White Knighting a female squad leader who ain't doing s*** and dragging the rest of the platoon down, and making us all lose. All during the time that we rarely meet up. Not to mention, all the f***ing shots I get from that b****, because she's too retarded to actually aim. Sure, I'm wearing tank level armor, but you're revealing my position.


Thing is, I'd let it go if it was once a day or so. But f*** no. There are more attention seeking women on my games, f***ing me over, turning something I enjoyed into a unenjoyable experience. The few times I play a multiplayer game, I rarely enjoy a game with some discussion on tactics and weapons stats not to mention winning more often. I even find more rare times where I'm actually with cool and tactically sound guys.


When you f***ing got 2 squads not doing s*** during Domination in MAG, you've lost half your team, and over half the objectives won't be covered. To me, that pisses me off. I gotta pull ovetime and cover more ground instead of my FRAGO.


The reason for this is due to the fact that every where I go online, some b**** decides to ruin my time along with idiots who think they could f*** a girl they never met IRL.


Imagine playing football, but you lost half your team and your goalie doesn't do s***. Now make that nearly half of your games and that's what the f*** I'm dealing with.


I agreed with you when I thought you were just talking about girls constantly shoving the fact they are, in fact, girls, in your face. That can be anoying, eg. "OHMAGUD GUISE, DID U KNOW I'M A GURL!??", at which point the entire game plugs in their mics and hits on her. Then I realized you're mad they beat you. I can understand that you're competitive... very. But sometimes the overcompetitive, stats-spewing ragemasters are the annoying ones. Just saying. Again, though, I can kinda sympathize.

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