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Treating the New Members


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It seems like so many of the veteran members are rude the new members or ignore their cards for the sole fact that they are new. Of course it's hard to get any replies in RC, but it seems the veteran members are just reviewing each other's cards and pass by the noobs. I am could be completely wrong and just complaining about that, but the new members should still feel welcomed here.

People want new members, helping them have a good time here will do that. Hell, one time I was basically told in the face that I wasn't important (of course I am not... yet at least ^^). [spoiler=If you want to see then click here]I asked why contest forum so dead (or something like that) then a veteran member (not saying who) says that no one is active there. Then I reply saying that I'm very active there. He/She says that no one [b]important[/b] goes there. I said I got the hint and ignored that thread for a bit. Then a week or so later, that same person entered a contest.[/spoiler]
It's that type of thing that scares members away or makes them feel un-welcomed. I'm not saying I never did it before, there are times when I just didn't feel like being polite. Sometimes, there are some noobs out there that just should be slapped in the face repeatedly for their ignorance and stupidity but most aren't like that (...i hope).

Overall, I'm trying to say that noobs should be treated as people with potential and not just a nobody. Please post your opinions (like whether I'm right, or this is just a pile of dog s**t), but please keep it a conversation and not just pointless spamming/flaming.

...feels like this should be in debate.. but it is a suggestion...

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1350805650' post='6049634']
And only commenting on cards of people we know for sure aren't idiots isn't a form of hazing.

Never said it was, I did say or didn't I? If you want, just ignore the whole first paragraph as that's not the main point.

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[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1350806255' post='6049638']
Never said it was, I did say or didn't I? If you want, just ignore the whole first paragraph as that's not the main point.
[/quote]We're hard on new members when it comes to cardmaking because we don't just want new members. We want GOOD new members. Members that want to improve, and that show improvement.

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The sole reason I don't comment on new members cards is due to a tendency I have to make new members whose card's I've reviewed leave YCM. Either that or they get angry at how I'm being too critical and how making YGO cards is just for fun and how I'm a fa***t and that my mum is a c**ksucker and such. I usually treat new members who seem intelligent well and those who aren't as intelligent not very well. I try to make people who came here enjoy their time on YCM but in all honesty, we don't want another Garth terrifying the populace.

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People usually ignore new member that they've never heard of because the cards that some produce are utter crap. If you really want to get people to look at your cards, join a club and sorta ease into a pattern of "Hey guys, I made a new card. Check it out." Or some crap.
And I mean a club that's made for stuff like that. Don't join Anime Nation and post something like that.
And you could even post on the status bar.

Or you can be cool like me and not be into YGO at all. WOO!

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[quote name='Smear' timestamp='1350806823' post='6049641']
If you really want to get people to look at your cards

Honest, I don't really expect replies anymore. I haven't post a card in a while, just random awkward bumps. This thing is mostly for new people.

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[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1350808299' post='6049645']
Honest, I don't really expect replies anymore. I haven't post a card in a while, just random awkward bumps. This thing is mostly for new people.

Keep making them.
Who cares if no one posts. Just keep doing it and people are bound to end up replying.

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Human interaction by default is a double edge sword. I used to have a good time commenting in the RC and I used to seek out noobs and their cards if they weren't the epitome of awful the problem was that I was sick of writing thought felt responses and getting these unholy waves of backlash just because I didn't call the card great. I mean seriously if you put your work out there to be reviewed then you should be ready for love, hate, and even overly excessive flaming. After awhile it just became an arduous process.

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Hey. Don't generalize it so much. If people think that they are important on this site, it means that this site is the only sense of security and/or safe haven that exists for them. Ignore them because of their idiocy. Problem that really exists is that people on this site have built up relationships and an attitude as well. They try to keep up a reputation by singularly using that attitude to merely keep the relationships that exist. It is not like they do it for any other reason. OH and most of those idiots are the ones who claim that this site needs to be active and hardly does anything to make it more active or do something to make it less active. Another thing could be is that they want the old YCM back and aren't used to change. New people means we are farther away from what YCM used to be. That could be anything new, not just people.

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