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I have trouble figuring out what to do with a deck sometimes... Yep. 43 card deck.

Monsters - 32
[2]Giant Rat
[2]Card Trooper
[3]XX-Saber Faultroll
[3]Boggart Knight
[3]Psychic Witch
[2]Esper Girl / Krebons
[1]Psychic Commander (Might drop a Krebons for 1)

Spells - 8
[3]Emergency Teleport
[2]Pot of Duality
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 3
[3]Gottoms' Emergency Call

Extra - 15
[2]Naturia Beast
[1]Gaia Knight
[1]Black Rose Dragon
[1]Stardust Dragon
[1]Scrap Dragon
[1]Mist Wurm
[1]Acid Golem
[1]Strike Bounzer

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Neg an Emmersblade for Fullhelmknight, you've already got your battle searcher with Rat so it's not as necessary to run 3. You definitely have enough X-Sabers, I'd be more worried about the number of tuners you can bring out with Boggart Knight and Faultroll.

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