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Who's Better, Pirates or Ninjas?


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The age old debate. I remember having a conversation about this in college, but the explanation I got from my friend was so long, I couldn't remember any of the details.
OT: I'd say that ninjas would win, sure pirates have their ships and can battle on water, but ninjas can use the powers of ninjitsu to gain advantage.

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Ninja's all the way. They're cooler, faster, smarter, stronger, better, awesomererer and can vanish into mid-air. They walk on water, kill everyone in their sleep, are silent but deadly (like my dad's farts), and would win anyday.
Pirates have a couple of guns and a boat. Pirates are cool and deadly; Ninjas are just cooler and deadlier.

(Though if we're going by the quality of their representation in media and stuff; then it would be pirates. I have yet to see a film or TV show where the main character is a ninja which is better than PotC)

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