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[s]Inzektors got hit this September, and they got hit HARD! Not one, but BOTH of their star cards are now limited to 1, which is a real bummer. I just made an Inzektor deck, and now I can't play it at its full glory! Your challenge is to create a support card that enhances the Inzektor archetype.

Entry Fee:
*10 points per card entry

*Your card must support Inzektors in some way.
*Your card can be a member of the Inzektor archetype or it can be a miscellaneous card that combos with them well.
*Each contestant may submit up to 2 entries, which will be judged separately.
*Written cards are acceptable.
*Registration is open until midnight October 27th Eastern Time.
*If you are submitting cards, you must either post them in this thread or PM them to me by midnight October 27th Eastern Time.
*You may edit your cards until midnight October 27th Eastern Time.
*Judgement begins on October 28th, and I'll cast the results once I have finished judging all of the cards.
*I reserve the right to make new rules. I may do this as more issues pop up and need to be addressed.
*I reserve the right to disqualify contestants if they do not comply with any of these rules. If you are disqualified, only half of your points will be returned.

*Usability: -/25 Will this card enhance Inzektors as an archetype? Can this card combo well with them? Would I want to add this card to my Inzektor deck?
*Balance: -/10 No broken cards. Please.
*Creativity: -10 Is your card original, creative, and cool? Has the card's concept been tried before?
*OCG: -/5 I don't particularly care for the current OCG. As long as your cards' wording is coherent, concise, and clear, you'll receive full credit. In other words, when I read your card, I shouldn't have any questions about exactly what it does.

*First Place: All of the points earned via this contest and 3 reps.
*Second Place: 2 reps.
*Third: 1 rep.

I'm looking forward to the awesome cards you guys will cook up! Best of luck everyone! :)


Since I have no contestants after 40 views, I'm just gonna disband this contest. Please lock.

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