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Glory to the horde! [XYZombies]

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Diva is the best way to get gachi which is great defensively or for giving Pearl 3k atk. being a tuner has also helped on occasion so far.
draw into both -> pitch for Zombie Master.
I did use PSZ over diva before but would almost aways rather keep a card in hand and go for the Xyz play than synch for lv6.

I could drop a Upstart/ZWorld for BoL I 'spose

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So running diva for gachi? A sub par xyz monster that is outclass by so many others? If you want a tuner then run plague, but i don't think you need it.

I didn't touch extra deck last time, so yeah:
-What no Utopia o.0!?!?
-Steelswarm roach/evilswarm nightmare should be considered, as they are nice techs, but they are not completely necessary
-Drop gagaga and/or 1 maestroke

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[quote name='gimmepie' timestamp='1350969903' post='6051458']

+ [b]LIGHTSWORNS [/b]1 Wulf, 3 Ryko, 3 Lyla
[b][i]If you're gonna take this suggestion, then might as well add in a Charge of the Light Brigade too. [/i][/b]

-anything expendable, ESPECIALLY diva
[b][i]I second that motion...[/i][/b]

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You mean to tell me you don't run 3 GobZoms?

...What the hell are you doing with Pyramid Turtles. Make room for a 4th TGU target, possibly Night Assailant.

And, note that Spirit Reaper is amazing in all aspects, as a wall and as a walking +1.

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[quote name='Gender-less Black Blood' timestamp='1351039192' post='6052053']
And, note that Spirit Reaper is amazing in all aspects, as a wall and as a walking +1.

Shouldn't that be sided o.0, but then again veiler used to be sided.... Anyway, he didn;t update the deck so no one knows what's in it.

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Yeah, i've been out with a string of headaches lately.
Taking some of your suggestions, i made some *quick* changes.

3rd Oni, done
Lightsworns i like, might put in more yet like you suggested.
And seeing as number of Lights went up significantly, BLS trades places with Dark Armed, for now.
Goblinberg is good and consistent, but i like Summoner Monk more b/c of that search
I have noticed TGU be dead and only good for Zombie MAster fodder, so Night @$$ailant is in.
I've been back and forth on Spirit Reaper might still find his way back in.

havent tested these changes at all, again because of headaches, but i appreciate the help.

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[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1351062347' post='6052409']
Ur still running maestroke @ 2? Why, take one out and add in a Utopia.

Agreed. Also, I personally haven't found Papil that useful so you may want to remove that for another Shockmaster or something.

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