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- 1 gorz, his eff conters you startegy! goz ss himself when you have nothing on the field.
You startegy insure you will have a strong synchro allways or something to counter your opponent's moves.

-1 bs you do not want to banish 2 monsters for 1, you can always recycle what you use.

-1 cuis sure, he is great but he is a tad slow for synchros but this one, I am not strongly against this being thrown out

What i recomend you plea ? I shall grant your wish with a smile, well my bro, interplanetarypurplythorny dragon for starts his effect simply replace 1 monster you control for this guy in your hand. He is level 5 so great Synchro Fodder as well

Constellar Pollux and Constellar Hawa work well together. Pollux double summon Pollux or Hawa then, Hawa can tribute itself for a Pollux from the grave so if you need a level 7 or high synchro this would be a good idea

Eccentric Boy, synchro material from your hand ? O.K. do i need to say more?

Junk Synchron got enough targets use Junk Synchron effect before you use their effect to bring them selves back which involves banishment!

Transmigration Prophecy, this handy trap can recylce anything in your grave for free even limmited cards like Monster Reborn or Dark Hole.

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So garth, your telling him to take out staple cards and to put in cards that don't work with the deck...
-constellar pollux and hawwa doesn't work in any deck but constellars
-Junk's only targets are tuners o.0
-eccentric boy makes the synchro basically useless (unless ur going for gaia or sumthing.....)
-There's a reason why people don't run transmigration...

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1350801245' post='6049609']
Even if we had neg reps, there wouldn't be enough to make you understand how horrible your post was.
thin ice
[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1350801644' post='6049611']
So garth, your telling him to take out staple cards and to put in cards that don't work with the deck...
-constellar pollux and hawwa doesn't work in any deck but constellars
-Junk's only targets are tuners o.0
-eccentric boy makes the synchro basically useless (unless ur going for gaia or sumthing.....)
-There's a reason why people don't run transmigration...

Hawa and pollux would work well for synchros, their effect do not stop them from being used as synchro material. These are the only 2 constellar that i would recommend.

My mistake about junk synchron.

Your choice, but if you need a synchro, he is a good choice.

I do not see why? Could you explain why people do not use it? It can target limited cards that might be able to reuse (if you can manage to bring it out again lolz)

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