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Chaos Stun


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Now my main IRL. Made a few changes since I originally posted this. Worked fairly well during last week's locals, but could always use suggestions

Monsters: 20
3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
3 Doomcaliber Knight
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch
2 D.D. Warrior Lady
2 Effect Veiler
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 Tragoedia
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

Spells: 12
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Duality
2 Smashing Ground
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Night Beam

Traps: 8
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Dimensional Prison

Extra: 15
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
2 Number 39: Utopia
2 Wind-up Zenmaister
1 Wind-up Zenmaines
1 Number C39: Utopia Ray
1 Maestroke the Symphony Dijinn
1 Gem-Knight Pearl
1 Photon Papilloperative
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

Side Deck: 15
3 D.D. Crow
3 Dust Tornado
3 Forbidden Lance
2 Snowman Eater
2 Mirror Force
2 Prohibition

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1350620146' post='6047930']
-1 Caius
+2 TGU

+ Leviair
+ Acid Golem/Temtempo
+ Maestroke

I'd do that, but I don't have Leviair IRL at the moment. Waiting for the next tin. Otherwise I would add TGU.

Will drop a Pearl for a Maestroke, though.

So locals wasn't too bad. Went 2-2.

[Spoiler=Locals Report]
Round 1 vs Chaos Dragons:
Bad hands/draws both games. Game 2 should've banished REDRUM with Crow to prevent BLS summon.

Round 2 vs Gravekeepers:
Couldn't get around Necrovally to Summon Sorcerer in Game one. Game two made a stupid move and let him Torrential me instead of just attacking

Round 3 vs Inzektors
Game 1, D.D. Warrior Lady banished stuff and he couldn't get Hornet, so I ran him over with Caius and TKRO
Game 2, Veiler-ed Dragonfly, and he couldn't do stuff after that.

Game 4 vs Anti-Heal
Game 1 lost due to inability to destroy Simochi and Level Limit Area B. Sided in Dust Tornadoes and that did the trick
Game 2, Papilloperative got around Level Limit easily, as did Zenmaines (went into Reaper + Sangan)
Game 3, Warning-ed Nurse, busted out Catastor and BLS to run her over after MSTing Level Limit

Didn't make the Top 8, unfortunately, but did decent.

List of decks:
2 Blackwings
2 Chaos Dragons
2 Gravekeepers
3 Atlanteans
1 HERO Beat
1 Malefic Drain
1 Anti-Heal
1 Wind-Up
1 Dark World
1 Inzektors
1 Chaos Stun (me)

Gravekeepers ending up beating Chaos Dragons in the final.

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I don't like Caius at all in here tbqh as all your monsters are so good you're a little reluctant to tribute them

-3 Caius
-1 Gorz
-1 Veiler
+3 Doomcal
+1 Gale
+1 Reaper

-1 D Prison
+1 Seal

-1 Night Beam
+1 Lance

not convinced by those though, hmm

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Not liking 3 DDWL, it's kinda slow. Doomcal is more potent. If you need lights, use Cyber Dragon. Especially since Geargia won a YCS... you'll need it.

I think 1 or 2 Caius can work. Tributing a Reaper for Caius can be so useful

If you have access to Rank 5's (for Cyber Dragon) and Rank 6's (Caius), I'd suggest Mind Control.

[quote name='Kabbles' timestamp='1351179037' post='6053596']
-1 D Prison
+1 Seal

I'm feeling dumb here but do you mean Orichalcos?

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[quote name='SmallieBigs' timestamp='1351131742' post='6053249']
I don't like the random single DPrison but that's just me. And 3 Caius looks like it could just clog your hand.

Yeah, I'm gonna drop a Caius for a Doomcaliber Knight. The D-Prison is just filler as I couldn't think of anything else to include

[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1351134643' post='6053280']
Doomcal is a great card this format but if you're going to maindeck it I'd remove the Veilers (either altogether or to the side). It slows down Wind-Ups and Agents, just to name two big threats. Also a bunch of tier 2 stuff.

Why drop Veilers? Especially since I need more than just 3 Light targets. (DDWL gets banished)

[quote name='Kabbles' timestamp='1351179037' post='6053596']
I don't like Caius at all in here tbqh as all your monsters are so good you're a little reluctant to tribute them

-3 Caius
-1 Gorz
-1 Veiler
+3 Doomcal
+1 Gale
+1 Reaper

-1 D Prison
+1 Seal

-1 Night Beam
+1 Lance

not convinced by those though, hmm

As far as dropping all three Caius, I'm gonna keep 2 because I can always tribute Reaper or Trag for them. I might even drop Sangan, as it only has 6 targets and I'm thinking of dropping a DDW as well.

Not getting rid of Night Beam here, as it gives me a fourth MST. And by Gale, do you mean, Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind? Or am I missing something?

I also don't see why Seal is good here. It prevents me from using Gorz, which has helped just as much as Trag.

[quote name='Coffee Black' timestamp='1351206148' post='6053956']
Not liking 3 DDWL, it's kinda slow. Doomcal is more potent. If you need lights, use Cyber Dragon. Especially since Geargia won a YCS... you'll need it.

I think 1 or 2 Caius can work. Tributing a Reaper for Caius can be so useful

If you have access to Rank 5's (for Cyber Dragon) and Rank 6's (Caius), I'd suggest Mind Control.

Might drop a DDWL. And I'd use CyDra, but I'm gonna have to trade for a Fortress Dragon.

For now, I'll make the current changes:

-1 Caius
-1 Sangan

+3 Doomcaliber Knight

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Yes, Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind. It gets over almost anything and gives you Synchro options if you really have to.

Either take out Gorz and put in seal or do neither, don't do one or the other.

Why do you want 4 MST, Lance does a similar thing better.

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I agree that Lance is a fantastic card, the only reason to run Night Beam over it is if Warning absolutely screws up your plays beyond repair (like it does in last format's AHL builds). Otherwise Lance is better because it takes the guessing game out of it, as well as being able to help you run over your opponent's monsters.

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