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Revitalized Sacreds


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[b][u]Monsters (19)[/u][/b]
3 Sacred Pollux
3 Sacred Sombres
3 Sacred Gredi
3 Sacred Kaust
3 Sacred Sheratan
1 Sacred Schet
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Honest

[b][u]Spells[/u][/b][b][u] (15)[/u][/b]
2 Starsign of the Sacred
1 Sacred Supernova
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Firedance - Tenki
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Book of Moon
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Mind Control

[b][u]Traps (6)[/u][/b]
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Fiendish Chain
1 Xyz Reborn

[b][u]Extra (15)[/u][/b]
3 Sacred Ptolemys Messier 7
3 Sacred Pleiades
2 Sacred Omega
1 Sacred Beehive
1 Sacred Hyades
1 Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger
1 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1 No. 61 Volcasaurus
1 No. 39 Aspiring Emperor Hope
1 Photoknight Paladius

It got much stronger with Cosmo Blazar, but is it now search overdosed?

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Leonis is bad. The great thign about Sombres is that it removes the need for Leonis. Fill in its slots with any mix of Ghost Ships and Cyber Dragons to your liking

You should be running 2 Starsign and only 1 Tenki

I'd run BTH over the Chains

You should have 3 Ptolemys before 3 Pleiades and you dont need 61 39 Zenmaines or Hyades. Replace them with Maestroke No. 33 and Photoknight Paladius. The ability to OTK with 33 and Paladius is too good to pass up.

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[quote name='Masked Puppet' timestamp='1350598743' post='6047706']
Leonis is bad. The great thign about Sombres is that it removes the need for Leonis. Fill in its slots with any mix of Ghost Ships and Cyber Dragons to your liking

[b]Doesn't that make Sheratan really dead?[/b]

You should be running 2 Starsign and only 1 Tenki
[b]Alright, I can see that[/b][b].[/b]

I'd run BTH over the Chains
[b]Pleiades is epicsauce[/b], [b]Probably side them.[/b]

You should have 3 Ptolemys before 3 Pleiades and you dont need 61 39 Zenmaines or Hyades. Replace them with Maestroke No. 33 and Photoknight Paladius. The ability to OTK with 33 and Paladius is too good to pass up.

[b]M7 probably, not sure on losing other stuff until I address Sheratan[/b]

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Old builds didn't even run Leonis yet ran Sheratan. Sheratan serves the same purpose as Cardcar more often than not just a specific search

I can see what you mean about the chains but... BTH is gonna remove their chances while MST will just ruin chains though I guess siding is good

You should have room for 3 Ptolemys and 3 Pleiades. I have Pearl over the 3rd Pleiades but it hasn't really done anything so probably gonna neg it

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i love Leonis he hasn't been a bad draw yet and I still use him he is your rank three M7,but you don't need 3. You don't need 3 sheratin either because you have tenki, sombrero...etc to go get your kaust, I personally don't see the need for 3 gredi either best at two in my opinion. The entire Solemn brigade should be there and sure you could go for cybers and ghost ships. If you do that however then you pretty much have to keep 61. He's the most hilarious answer to Light-imprisoning mirror. I technically agree with Bottomless over Chains but I see your point with it.

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1350621160' post='6047942']
i love Leonis he hasn't been a bad draw yet and I still use him he is your rank three M7,but you don't need 3. You don't need 3 sheratin either because you have tenki, sombrero...etc to go get your kaust, I personally don't see the need for 3 gredi either best at two in my opinion. The entire Solemn brigade should be there and sure you could go for cybers and ghost ships. If you do that however then you pretty much have to keep 61. He's the most hilarious answer to Light-imprisoning mirror. I technically agree with Bottomless over Chains but I see your point with it.
Leonis is awful and shouldnt be used.

Sheratan is a Cardcar/Stratos that sets up your plays for the rest of the game. Not running 3 is just stupid. You should only have 1 Tenki because you only have 3 targets. Sombres only grabs from Grave. Sheratan can also search Sombres and Pollux/Gredi

You are never going to next to never 61. Saying that Ghost Ship or CyDra require it makes no sense and has 0 base. With a Tiras and 3 Pleiades you wont run out

You shouldnt need R3s at all. Sheratan doesnt need to be used for Xyz and Leonis is awful. An R3 Ptolemys has no value when you can just use R4 or 5

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[quote name='Expelsword%20%26amp%3B%23045%3B%20%E9%BB%8E%E6%98%8E' timestamp='1350621699' post='6047946']
By that logic, I won't need 33 either.
How do you figure?

33 enables an OTK. 61 lets you handle an exceedingly rare threat. The choice is obviously the one that is an actual game winner. If you really want 61 you can give up a Pleiades but you should have 33

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You summon them at the same time. Why on earth would you just drop Paladius for lulz when you have tons of other options?
The Double Summoners Cydra Ship and Schet all make it easier to OTK. The deck is fast enough now to actually gain some field presence from the hand/grave. Its easier to achieve the OTK than ever
CyDra/Ship + Gredi/Pollux + Sombres with a Kaust and another Constellar in Grave
Schet + Gredi/Pollux + Sombres with a Kaust alone in Grave
Gredi + Pollux + Sombres with a Kaust alone in Grave
Gredi + Pollux + Sombres + Kaust
2 Ship + any Double Summoner + Any other level 4 Constellar in hand (or Grave with Sombres)

There are a lot of 3 card combos and a few 4 card combos that end in the OTK. Ive improvised it a few times even before Sombres she just made it stupid easy

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[quote name='Expelsword%20%26amp%3B%23045%3B%20%E9%BB%8E%E6%98%8E' timestamp='1350622902' post='6047955']
You can't use Pollux /and/ Sombres, you can only gain their extra summons once in a turn.
My mistake the original translation I saw had her listed like the Thunder family

That said it just means Gredis more useful than Pollux. It makes the OTK slightly more difficult but still extremely plausible and better than 61

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In my experience the best build so far is the control build. At which point he's doing it right. There's no need to keep pushing him into using 33 for some weird OTK. I would agree that maybe teching a single Leonis is a good idea. It makes it so that your Sheratans aren't just sitting on the field waiting to be destroyed. Yeah, he sets up the next turn but at the same time the difference between him and Cardcar/Stratos is that Cardcar doesn't stay on the field to get swung on and Stratos has a decent body so it's not too big a deal for him to get swung on. Leo -> Sheratan, set up for future plays -> Rank 3 is not a bad play. And idk, I personally prefer Schet to Cydra but I can see why you'd like it the other way around. If you add Leonis, I'd find space for Hyades. Yeah he's subpar but he makes summoning Leo into Sheratan an early M7.

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Do you people even get what the Extra Deck is? Its a toolbox. If you can toolbox a realistic OTK that doesn't compromise the game plan youre obligated to run it

Leonis is awful. Its only good in the early game and dead draws like f***. Sheratan sticking around isnt a problem at all. If it lives you can use it with Kaust

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Volcasaurus can destroy any monster for big damage and then go right to Gaia Knight, it's not that far off, and once again, 33 will only work with Paladius (or maybe Lance).

Schet or Cydra into
Pollux or Sombres
into Greidi
into Kaust
is the combo that lets me do this OTK, and honestly, I don't think it will come up so much.

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[quote name='Expelsword%20%26amp%3B%23045%3B%20%E9%BB%8E%E6%98%8E' timestamp='1350671986' post='6048225']
Volcasaurus can destroy any monster for big damage and then go right to Gaia Knight, it's not that far off, and once again, 33 will only work with Paladius (or maybe Lance).

Schet or Cydra into
Pollux or Sombres
into Greidi
into Kaust
is the combo that lets me do this OTK, and honestly, I don't think it will come up so much.
61 doesnt do anything. Pleiades does almost everything it does just as well or better. Its not gonna deal any "big damage" that Pleiades/Ptolemys wont

Gredi + 1 SS monster + 1 Sombres (Kaust in Grave) or Pollux (w/ Kaust in hand)

the only card you absolutely need is Gredi. The rest of it is flexible and realistic. It arises fairly often. 33 works with Papilloperative Paladius and Lance plus any boost the opponent has. Its not dead on its own and is more a counter/OTK card than Volcasaurus who is totally outclassd

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