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Spellbook of Fortune


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I see your build could be more sucessful than the others I tried with this idea in mind. But I believe you would do even better if you replaced Wand, Wisdom and Alma for a Trap or Hand Trap Line-up. Wand will usually leave you without monsters on the field and having spent your normal summon; only if already have or draw Life with Wand's eff would be worth using it, but I do believe staple traps would benefit you in most scenarios; you actually don't have a need for Alma, since you don't run Priestess or any cards thatr banish Spellbooks besides Gold Sarc, which usually should be have better use banishing a Fortune Lady; And you have better options than Wisdom, simply XD You really don't need so many Spellbooks in a Deck without Priestess. But, then again, I could be totally wrong on all of that XD
Also, you would fare better replacing some Xyz's with Synchros, since you run Veiler and could use her combo with Life. And you should not run Xyz over Rank 5 - bar Gaia - they would be too inconsistent to summon, even with the FL level changing effect..

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Alma and Book of Moon actually had their places switched in the pic, Alma gets sided in with the Priestesses. And Removing Wisdom is unwise.

Traps are also not really needed for Prophecy, which is why they side Decree.

And the Extra Deck is just a novelty really, you pretty much never use it.

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Very well, I understand your arguments.

However, I personally don't like to play without any protection, either from Traps or Hand Traps. The only Deck I built in DN that doesn't have either is my Laval/Volcanic Deck, and just because it's more of a fun novelty.

And I still advise you to make a better Extra, even if you probably will never use it.

I play with this line:

Catastor, Black Rose, Gaia, Scrap Dragon, Stardust, Gungnir, plus some Spellcaster Synchros: Arcanite, Explosive, Tempest and Hyper Librarian, which are supported by the Spellbooks - though their effects, save for Arcanite, are used much rarely.

Adreus, Tiras, Volcasaurus, Empress of Prophecy and Gaia Dragon.

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