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YOU ARE GOD...but only for a day.

Mew 101

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Lots of stuff:

Make myself a God forever.

Make Gods exist.

Make Demons exist.

Make all girls naked. o.0

Make porn free.

Destroy part of the planet.

Make more planets.

Make overlords of those planets.

Make human Meat Factories on planet XXR 41.

Get some people who I don't like on planet XXR 41.

When people on XXR 41 become 14 (the Sad Birthday) they get a ticket to the Meat Factory.

Learn the secrets of Yugioh.

Make hentai free.

Make an awesome Deck.

Steal money from children.

Pretend to be Santa to screw with children's minds.

Let them down.

Mess with people.

Get a girlfriend.

Make my girlfriend hot.


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Erm, for 1 day you say?


Make myself god forever

Make all my most awesome cards REAL!!!!!!!

Make the most strongest deck I could to

Get an GF

Make camps to prison for those who offend me in anyway

Screw with peoples minds, especially with those peoples minds who I hate the most, drive them to the limit when they cannot take it anymore and commit suicide or just plain torture them MWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAH


I'd say more but they aren't suitable for this site XD

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