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The "Muscle Man" Game

Garthfunkle Vii Backwards

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If you know Muscle Man then you about his "my mom" jokes and since this thread is in the game section this thread is predictably a game about "my mom" jokes

very simple rules:
01. all ycm rules apply
02. no spam
03. no trolls, flaming others, flame wars, racist, prejudice and, etc. (if you know are going to post something that will break the first 3 rules DO NOT POST AT ALL JUST LEAVE and never come back period!)
04. the post above you must be slightly related to yours (the post above the one you are making)
the next poster post a new my mom that is related to the comment above theirs (it keeps going or it dies out until the 100th page then i want this lock)
you must quote the post above yours to insure that it's relates to your post then post your post
you know who else likes nachos my mom

would [ quote ] nachos[ / quote ]
then post his my mom joke to keep the game going

you know who else likes eating tacos while watching the sun set my mom


i will begin the game with the first my mom joke

you know who else likes nachos my mom

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