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Malefic-Keeper Drain


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Monsters 19
x3 GK Spy
x3 GK Commandant
x3 GK Recruiter
x3 GK Descendant
x1 GK Assailant
x3 Malefic Cyber End
x3 Malefic Stardust

Spells 13
x1 Book of Moon
x1 Dark Hole
x2 GK Steele
x3 Necrovalley
x2 Royal Tribute
x2 Duality
x2 MST

Traps 9
x2 Bottomless
x2 Solemn Warning
x2 Torrential
x3 Skill Drain

Extra Deck
x3 Cyber End Dragon
x3 Stardust
x2 Maestroke
x2 Shockmaster
x1 Utopia
x1 Wind-up Zenmainaister
x2 Wind-Up Zenmianes
x1 Alchemic Magician

Side Deck
x3 Macros
x2 Deck Devastation
x3 Shadow Imprisoning
x3 Terraforming
x2 Closed Forest
x2 Seal of Orichalcos

If your wondering about my side, Macros is the best I have to fight against darkworlds, but I also run the Shadow Imprison for darkworlds. I can still summon my Malefics, and I can keep any darkworld at bay. In addition, I swap my commandants, Royal Tributes and necrovalleys for stuff such as the terraforming, Oricalchos and closed forest. These work in mirror match, Darkworld battles, and any other random field spell based decks I encounter.

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[quote name='♥ D.A._Siegfried ♥' timestamp='1350354853' post='6045472']
Whats with the 2 Seals in your side? 1 should be all you need. Especially sense you'v so many field targets for terraforming to begin with.
[/quote]Eh. If you're running just Seal, 2 is the way to go. That way you draw into it more easily. If you run another Field Spell, 1 and a Terraforming is the ticket.

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