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3 Alius
3 Thunder King
1 Honest
1 Stratos
1 Evocator Chevalier

3 Spark
3 Miracle
2 E
2 Duality
1 Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
1 RotA
1 Storm

2 TT
2 Bottomless
2 Warning
2 D Prison
2 Hero Blast
2 Compulse
1 Starlight
1 Solemn

2 Blade Armor Ninja
1 Excalibur
1 Utopia
1 Utopia Ray
1 Maestroke
1 Photon Papiloperative
1 Stardust
2 Shining
1 Zero
1 Great Tornado
1 Nova Master
1 Gaia
1 Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste

3 Super Poly
2 Soul Taker
2 Needle Ceiling
2 Snowman
2 Skill Drain
2 Gemini Imps
2 Kinetic

Best thing about it is that the main deck is fully holo apart from 2 Thunder King, 1 Bottomless and obv Sparks, and the extra is max rarity apart from Gaia and 2 Shining (and Draco-Equiste and Excalibur are Ulti)

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Can't say much about the main deck; I like two lance and I'd probably drop a book for a second but it's a preference call and book provides a nice out to opposing TKings.

As for Extra Deck:
-1 Blade Armor
+1 Escuridao

-1 Draco-Equiste (I tried it and never got any use out of it, but if you've managed to bring it out by all means keep it in)
+1 Steelswarm Roach/Shock Master/Evigishki Merrogeist (or whatever tickles your fancy)

Side deck (preference based on my locals, but still):
-1 Super Poly
-2 Kinetic

+1/2 Crossout
+1/2 MST/Dust Tornado

I don't like Skill Drain, but if you're keeping it then I'd dump the Shadow-Imprisonings for Gemini Imps since Inzektors/Chaos/whatever other DARK threat is taken care of by Skill Drain, and Imps are both a hand trap and an explicit +1 against Dark Worlds.

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I'm in Europe so no Escuridao or obviously I'd have put it in...

My locals is extremely Samurai-Heavy so Kinetic is almost essential, and it's also good for Mirror Match, there's also a lot of Wind-Ups for Skill Drain but i'll neg 2 Mirror for 2 Imps, provided you think that Imps is better than Mirror in the Dark World matchup?

On the subject of Lance I'd rather move towards playing none as I often side it out and I never got much use out of it, but I feel that Book is really good, I'm considering cutting a Lance for a Compulse.

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