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YCS Prov! Machina Gadget, entirely updated! Need some assistance with the Side!


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[i]Monsters: 18[/i]

[2] Machina Fortress
[1] Machina Cannon
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

[2] Yellow Gadget
[2] Green Gadget
[2] Red Gadget
[2] Machina Gearframe
[2] Effect Veiler
[2] Thunder King Rai-Oh
[1] Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
[1] Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

[i]Spells: 10[/i]

[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Smashing Ground
[1] Pot of Duality
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Mind Control
[1] Pot of Avarice
[1] Book of Moon

[i]Traps: 16[/i]

[2] Fiendish Chain
[2] Solemn Warning
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[2] Mirror Force
[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[2] Dimensional Prison
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Ultimate Offering


[i]Extra Deck: 15[/i]

[1] Photon Papilloperative
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Number C39: Utopia Ray
[1] Gear Gigant X
[1] Number 32: Shark Drake
[1] Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
[1] Karakuri Shogun mdl 000 "Burei"
[1] Ancient Fairy Dragon
[1] Scrap Dragon
[1] Gem-Knight Pearl
[1] Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger
[1] Fairy King Albverdich
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1] Thought Ruler Archfiend


[i]Side Deck: 15[/i]

[2] Banisher of the Radiance
[1] Cyber Dragon

[2] System Down
[2] Soul Taker
[1] Limiter Removal
[1] Night Beam

[2] Chain Destruction

[b]SIDE-DECK is still under construction.[/b]

Working with what I've got here, but it looks good. This is the first major event I've ever entered so some assistance and/or critiques would be much appreciated.

43 cards isn't really that bad considering I go through the Deck really quickly so I think I'll keep it around that number.

Any advice, help, suggestions, flaming, at this point, would be appreciated.

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[quote name='みゆきサン' timestamp='1350311190' post='6044901']
I don't know why you aren't maxing out the Gearframe, Fortress, and Gadgets. It kind of seems like it would be necessary to max out those particular cards. You should be maining Limiter, not siding it. :/

I'm going to anticipate you get knocked out in the first round.

Limiter isn't a necessary main in the slightest. It's actually quite a dead draw and more often than not I side it out Game 2, anyway. With the control-based style the Deck plays including literally having answers to everything, it's not necessary. 99% of the times I draw Limiter I'm wishing it was another card.

The only Deck that plays 3 of each Gadget is [i]Triple Gadgets[/i], which runs 45 cards and three of each. Most people play 2 of each Gadget, i.e. Robbie Kohl's Machina Gadget (sure its the only Deck he knows) and the other one that topped Indy, both of them only played 2 of each. 3 isn't necessary because of the Deck's recycling ability.

Fortress is solid @ 2 and the only non-normal choice I make here is playing 2 Gearframe instead of 3. I did main it at 3 before, but I started not to like it so much because with Gigant being able to search it, I could use that space for other things. By adding the TGU engine to this, it gives you all sorts of crazy plays and makes the consistency of the Deck to defend itself that much better.

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-1 Mind Control
-2 TGU
-1 Night Assailant
-1 BLS

+1 Gearframe
+1 Fortress
+1 Gale
+1 Grand Mole
+1 D Prison

I would say, Mole is really good at dealing with stuff like Zenmaines to which you don't have many other outs, Gale can make a really easy Burei as well as get over almost anything, Gearframe is such a great power card and you will win most games that you draw it and D Prison is amazing against everything unless you're anticipating lot of Inzektors.

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You guys are all nuts. With the exception of Kabbles who sniped me.

Deck looks extremely solid with one glaring hole: opponent's TKings. Your only answer, outside of traps, is dropping a Trag or crashing with your own. Two Smashings/Lances wouldn't go amiss here.

I'm iffy on the Limiter, I've lost to a Fortress > Limiter play often enough to be aware of how strong it is, but as has been said it doesn't work against every deck.

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[quote name='El Majishan' timestamp='1350315488' post='6044943']
I would suggest losing the TGU engine as it seems really unnecessary along with BLS. I mean TGU is TGU but still.
Mind control is kinda bad this format as well IMO.
I would max the Gearframes and Fortress and find room form 2 creature swaps.

I'm aware the TGU engine isn't necessary, but I kind of want to try it, really. I'll be testing a lot this week so I'll wait to make a judgment call until I've had the opportunity to really see how well it plays. If it's bad, I'll take it out and stick to a more Gadget-oriented build.

[quote name='Kabbles' timestamp='1350316345' post='6044951']
-1 Mind Control
-2 TGU
-1 Night Assailant
-1 BLS
+1 Gearframe
+1 Fortress
+1 Gale
+1 Grand Mole
+1 D Prison
I would say, Mole is really good at dealing with stuff like Zenmaines to which you don't have many other outs, Gale can make a really easy Burei as well as get over almost anything, Gearframe is such a great power card and you will win most games that you draw it and D Prison is amazing against everything unless you're anticipating lot of Inzektors.

I'll address these list wise:

- I don't have another D-Prison, hence the one. I don't think I'll be able to get another one beforehand so it's looking like that's how it's going to say.

- I have a Grand Mole in the side after extensively testing it in the Main. Might throw it back, who knows.

- Mind Control is [i]amazing[/i] this format. 99% of the time it's live, and 95% of the time it's a Gear Gigant X. I love it. I can respect your points but I wouldn't take that out at all.

- I've actually thoroughly tested Gale as well, but I don't have Burei and I haven't really had the need to go into one. While I'm aware it's quite good, it's rather situational and Gale as a standalone card isn't my tech of choice.

- I don't have another Gearframe/Fortress, like I said. If I had a third Gearframe I'd go 3/2, probably, but I'm content with Fortress at 2 because it's easy to recycle.

- I want to try the TGU engine while I have time to practice and see how well it works. If it doesn't, then I'll definitely consider making some of those changes particularly giving Gale another shot.

[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1350316581' post='6044953']
You guys are all nuts. With the exception of Kabbles who sniped me.
Deck looks extremely solid with one glaring hole: opponent's TKings. Your only answer, outside of traps, is dropping a Trag or crashing with your own. Two Smashings/Lances wouldn't go amiss here.
I'm iffy on the Limiter, I've lost to a Fortress > Limiter play often enough to be aware of how strong it is, but as has been said it doesn't work against every deck.

I don't have Lances but I do have Soul Taker/Smashing. Which one do you think would be more effective? Soul Taker has its negatives so I'm thinking maybe Smashing would be a more effective option?

Limiter is sided because I hate drawing into it when the Game 1 win is really important for the most part. With how easy Gadgets are to side against, I need to secure that Game 1 and then I can take it back a bit Game 2, which is where I'll more often than not end up throwing the Limiter in just because. It's win more, but it's not necessary.

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[quote name='Kabbles' timestamp='1350321886' post='6044969']
Obv if you don't have certain cards that skews the changes that can be made a lot, you can't play Gale without Burei.

I could certainly borrow a Burei to use for the weekend - that wasn't the concern. I just haven't had significant time to test it and see how well it would actually work. I suppose throwing Gale in there, too, would actually give me another DARK target for BLS which could only be more of a positive, no?

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1350478762' post='6046578']
You have 2 DARKs and 4 LIGHTs

> Run BLS

I can't tell if that's supposed to be sarcasm? Regardless, I tried it, running more DARKs than this, no less, and it was terrible. It was always a dead draw and I could never consistently bring it out.

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44 is too much if you aren't running Fifth Gadget. Cut it down to 42 (cut chain, d-prison, or compulse). And as Kabbles said, Starlight is pretty necessary when you're running 12+ traps. If you can't get your hands on a Stardust then try to cut one more for either a Dark Bribe or a Huge Revolution. With that much backrow you ought to be setting 2 or more constantly, otherwise what's the point, and you need more protection than just Judgment (which ideally would be used for some other play).

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