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LIGHT 3/4 Beast + Possible Chaos Fun Deck!

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[center]due to my side deck and yes you can only use the rk 8 xyz when you swap out for chaos beastie dragon[/center]

[center][Spoiler=1st version][/center]
[center][Spoiler=2nd version][/center]
what do you think ?[/center]

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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1350330760' post='6045080']
Three Closed Forest seems excessive, and really, the card is much better as a side deck card.

Boggart Knight seems like a weird choice... especially since it can't be used for any synchro except for an X-Saber.

bog + tenki = 2 in 1 turn for instant raank 4 xyz plus is target to alot of the other cards in the deck

i was think about changing the forest to be honest it doesnt do mucnh but it did save me and help me win a duel what would you recomend to swap out with closed forest ?

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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1350342346' post='6045254']
You only run 3 rank 4 Xyz, 2 of which have less ATK than the pair, and it's still a -1 Xyz. I wouldn't count on that combo, personally, but whatever works for you.

make the deck and run it you can spam 2 or 3 lv 4 monsters fairy easy

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Solemn Brigade > Closed Forests?
Honest would be good too, but I don't know what could you take out.

-1 Giga Brilliant (already have Leviathan and Acid Golem for beating)
-1 Blood Mefist (unless you burn for game, this card won't help much)

+1 Stardust Dragon
+1 Maestroke/Blackship

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[quote name='Frex' timestamp='1350410808' post='6045824']
Solemn Brigade > Closed Forests?
Honest would be good too, but I don't know what could you take out.

-1 Giga Brilliant (already have Leviathan and Acid Golem for beating)
-1 Blood Mefist (unless you burn for game, this card won't help much)

+1 Stardust Dragon
+1 Maestroke/Blackship

giga i wound consider some what important as it boost my weaker monsters and would act as decoy in case solemn is set (grumbles hat that fudging card lolz)

but golem works for that so may take him out

stardust is perdictable but usefull

blood (btw bro btw) is a generic lv 8 (which is super easy to summon in this deck) with more than 2500atk with a burn effect that gets even better the more defensive your prey plays

he's a beater with almost 3000atk with no neg effects and can keep dropping their opponent's lp

maestroke might be usefull

blackcorn is not as usefull monster must be face-up atk = or < 2100 then it can not attack

switch out bogg for thrasher and altering the extra deck some

i edit some took out the dragon in my side so that help made room for in my extra (no need for rank 8 any more)

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...why the Dark World Dealings? They're not going to be helpful, especially in this format. Drop the 3 Dark World Dealings for 2 Pot of Duality, and the third card can be of your choice I guess, can't think of any other cards at the moment.

Also, drop a Daigusto Emeral for a Photon Papilloperative.

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[quote name='Zanda Panda' timestamp='1350483550' post='6046607']
...why the Dark World Dealings? They're not going to be helpful, especially in this format. Drop the 3 Dark World Dealings for 2 Pot of Duality, and the third card can be of your choice I guess, can't think of any other cards at the moment.
Also, drop a Daigusto Emeral for a Photon Papilloperative.

dwd in case of a bad hand/dead draw pot of duality might slow this down as it is depended on special summoning the third card can be mirror force or transmigration prophecy

emeral recycle monster like important ones like Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts photon papiloperative is at it's best when you all ready winning and have em on the defensive or book of the moon (if you can get maestroke out and manage to keep it on the field with it)

might side it

any ways stand by for editing ......

10% 11% .... uugghs takes forever
might edit it

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