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Bahamut Bunny

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This build doesn't focus on using Bahamut Shark for golem swapping, but that is a potential strategy.

Monsters - 18
[2]Rescue Rabbit
[2]Thunder King
[2]Tour Guide
[1]Night Assailant
[1]Effect Veiler

Spells - 13
[2]Forbidden Lance
[2]Creature Swap
[2]Gold Sarcophagus
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 9
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[2]Torrential Tribute
[2]Dark Bribe
[2]Solemn Warning
[1]Solemn Judgment

Extra - 15
[2]Bahamut Shark
[1]Gem Knight Pearl
[2]Acid Golem
[1]Revise Dragon
[1]Sea Dragon

Side Deck - ?/15
[2]Effect Veiler
[2]Maxx "C"
[2]Gemini Imp
[2]Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[2]Mask of Restrict
[1]Starlight Road

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