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The Maze V1 (Prizes for Winning)


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OF course, there is an entry fee.... cuz of the prizes.
[spoiler=Things to know & Prizes]
-Entry Fee of 10 points
-Maximum 10 entries
-I will send 'mazes' once all 10 contestants are entered (if this dies then points will be returned)
-I will tell you guys beforehand when i will send mazes so you guys can be prepared to receive them, cuz of different time zones and stuff. If you aren't on at the time... well, you snooze you lose. If you have something important on that day then i will make adjustments to fit the date for everybody (or you can request for ur points to be given back).
-Everything will be first come first serve (there will be 'hidden' prizes in the maze that are not listed)
-If i think of anything else to add, then i will
-Please check up on this at least once a week
-If anything seem unfair then tell me
-1rst 20 points and 1 rep
-2nd 20 points
-3rd 15 points
(there will be hidden prizes in the maze and anyone can enter these to get the rewards)

This is a test, so if it is successful, i will make a bigger event with bigger prizes.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

1. Toyo-Tan

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[spoiler=CLICK HERE!!!]
[spoiler=Door 1] Dead End
[/spoiler][spoiler=Door 2]Winner[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=NO HERE!]
[spoiler=Haha, you lose]
[spoiler=Or did you...]yep[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

The real one will be bigger....

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