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Diamond Dragoon


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Deck List:

Monsters: 16

Dark Armed Dragon x1
Destiny HERO- Diamond Dude x3
Destiny HERO- Dogma x3
Destiny HERO- Plasma x3
Elemental HERO Stratos x1
Sangan x1
Summoner Monk x2
Tour Guide From the Underworld x2

Spells: 21

Allure of Darkness x1
Creeping Darkness x2
Dark Hole x1
Destiny Draw x3
Heavy Storm x1
Magical Stone Excavation x2
Monster Reborn x1
Polymerization x3
Reinforcement of the Army x1
The Warrior Returning Alive x3
Trade-in x3

Traps: 3

Solemn Judgement x1
Solemn Warning x2

Extra Deck: 15

Destiny End Dragoon x3
Gem-Knight Pearl x1
Lavalval Chain x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Number 16: Shock Master x1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Number 30: Acid Golem x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Number 50: Blackship of Corn x1
Number C39: Utopia Ray x1
Steelswarm Roach x1
Wind-up Zenmaines x1

I'm not too concerned with the extra deck, as I don't use too much of it, but any helpful suggestions are welcome.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1350172253' post='6043866']
Add King of the Swamps and Miracle Fusions for Absolute Zero.


-2 Summoner Monk
-2 Excavation
-3 Warrior Returning

+3 King of the Swamp
+2 Miracle Fusion
+1 Scapegoat
+1 Torrential Tribute

Try to find room for a second Torrential if Possible. And add an Absolute Zero or two to the Extra.

A tip: Scapegoat tokens can be used as Tributes for Plasma, since Plasma is Special Summoned, not Tribute Summoned. Scapegoat is also a quickplay, so you can set it and use it as a Trap.

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I've tried out King of the Swamp, Miracle Fusion and Absolute Zero. They all work well. I think I'll probably keep them.

I like the idea of Scapegoat. The only problem is, I find myself discarding or fusing Plasma just about every time I get him in my hand.

Torrential is a great card, but I'm just not sure if adding more traps is a good idea, as it will make diamond dude less consistent.

However, there still is the question of what to remove...

I find Summoner Monk to be very useful, as he lets me get rid of dead spells and get to my diamond dude's quicker, which usually gives me a substantial boost to my draw power, along with a rank 4 Xyz.

The Warrior Returning Alive has also helped me a lot. It get me back Stratos, Diamond Dude, or one of my fusion material monsters, and so virtually the only time it's dead is on my first or second turn.

Magical Stone Excavation, on the other hand, I can see the problems with. It's always a -2 unless Diamond Dude mills it. However, it has save me many times by allowing me to trade two of the many cards in my hand I might not need for one that I really do.

I did, however, end up taking out the Tour Guides. None of my Rank 3 Xyz monsters seems to do much for the deck, and Sangan's search is too slow, compared to the rest of my search cards, for me to dedicate another two cards to searching him. I've also taken out both copies of Creeping Darkness, and have yet to see a noticeable drop in consistency.

Thank all you for your criticism. Please tell me if you disagree with my analysis of the suggested changes or if there's some important concept I'm missing about them.

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