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Sacred Thor


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A Beast-oriented "Sacred" Deck with the added kick of Nordic Beasts. All of the Sacreds here, except Pollux, are Horn targets.
As a friend once told me, Ptolemys is the Boss Monster, while Thor is the Extra Boss.
Goat + Gulfdaxe + Leonis/Sheratan = Thor (+ bonus Sacred if Sheratan was involved)
Sacred Sheratan is an excellent bait for Honest or the goat, or a Horn if the attacking monster is weak enough. The problem comes when my opponent controls 2 or more monsters, because then the Goat would be destroyed by the next attack.
"Lightray Diabolos" is just my tech of preference: The Summon of Ptolyemis usually involves 4 Sacreds with different names, only 1 left to fulfill Diabolos's conditions; it is also a nice topdeck card.

The Firedance card seen in the image is "Tenki", the one that searches Beast-Warriors. I used to run RoTA, but I guess a Beast-Warrior should be more desirable than a Warrior because of Horn.

Anything I can fix? Thanks for reading.

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To be honest, almost never. It's just in case I can push for game with the last effect against LIGHTs, but Thor is always my first choice. Another Pleaides is a good idea, and I got plenty of Side Deck space to move Decisive Arms.

I have no experience with Dualities, but I think they are not a good idea because Starsign and Horn should provide enough draw power, and Special Summoning is almost a-must in Sacreds. But if you think the card is too good to be left out, what could I take out to include them?

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Thanks for your feedback.

@Scar: I already moved Decisive Arms to include an additional Pleiades. I realize Paladius is really good, but most of the time I will be going for a "Sacred" Xyz.
@newhat: Already swapped 1 Starsign for an additional Tenki. I personally don't like Super Rebirth (I find the cost too harsh) nor Pot of Avarice.

So, the changes I have done:

-1 Starsign
-1 Bottomless

+1 Tenki

-1 Shadow Mirror
+1 Decisive Arms

-1 Decisive Arms (to Side)
+1 Pleiades

I still don't know if I should run 2 Starlight Road or keep THRiO: Starlight is clearly better, but is vulnerable to Warning, and the Stardust Dragon might interfere when siding Gozen Match.

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