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Just Crouton

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To add to my growing backlog of decks to test when this semester at uni is finally over.


Basically, you use Armadillo to search Alex. You can hang onto Alex to keep KMs alive, or summon it, and drop it for Garnet, which also sets up Alex as a Golem target. Turtle searchs GK Fusion, and is a Golem target. You can make KMs that will die at the End Phase into a Zirconia with Fusion. Block Golem gets back any monster save for Garnet, setting up for Rank 4s/Zirconia. Call reuses Golem.

I considered teching 1 Tablet Fusion to make dead KMs/whatever into a Zirconia/that Pyro one for a turn.

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I like the concept of "saving" KM's with Zirconia.
My question is: You chose Garnet because if its ATK? Because I feel Prism-Aura is among the best Gem-Knight Fusions, and you could run Tourmaline instead. But Gem-Knight Ruby is not that bad either so make sure you include it in your Extra Deck.

How about 1 or 2 "Gem-Knight Crystals" instead of Garnets? Instant beatstick with Alexandrite, and if you draw into it you can use it as Fusion Material. It is also Rock-Type so your KM's can hold to it.

I know Turtle is Block Golem target, but is still slow. You could -1 one of them to +1 a Gem-Knight Fusion.

-1 Compulsory to get the 40-card Deck maybe? I don't have experiecne with Rock Stuns so I don't know if this card is vital, but you already have 2 Soul Takers to deal with monsters.

So, that would be:
-1 Gem Turtle
-1 Compulsory
+1 Gem-Knight Fusion

-1~3 Garnet
+1~3 Gem-Knight Crystal

+2 Gem-Knight Ruby
+1 Gem-Knight Master Dia (not likely to be Summoned, but you never know when the conditions might be met and allow you to push for game)

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True. Personally don't find Garnet useful because with its low ATK it cannot get rid of Boss monsters, and the opponent can still counter it with other cards such as Solemns/Bottomless/Fiendish Chain,but if he works for you then it's fine.

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