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Hidden Tales I: World of Nightmares [PKMN/OoC/Accepting/Not Started/PG-13]

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[spoiler='Background']The world of Pokémon, many hidden tales lie in every corner, and niche of this glorious world. Some of these stories tell grand tales of adventure, others tell of the glory that heroes have obtained. This tale though is a tale of nightmares, the things in the darkest portions of our mind. Thanks to the research done by Fennel of the Unova region; we have gained great insight into the Pokémon Dream World. What of the Human Dream World though, does one even exist? It does, and recently humans have begun traveling there. Unlike the Pokémon Dream World, as long a Pokémon is brought into the Dream World within its Pokémon it can be in the Human Dream World. Just as it in human nature, many business officials saw this as a great place to make money, so the Yoru M.H.R.P (Mental Harness Reactor Pod). Though just like any place touched by man this place would soon, be ruined by the darkness developing in the corner, and like a snake it waited to strike. Because after all were you have dreams you have nightmares too.

This sparked the birth of Team Phantasm, an evil Pokémon Team that somehow exists only in the Dream World. For months the International Police searched for were Team Phantasm has been operating, trying to stop them from outside the Dream World. What they should have been focusing on was the Dream World itself, and getting the people that were in it out. Unfortunately by the time the International Police realized this it was too late, the Hanta Mist had already been released. Anyone who had been in the Dream World was trapped in it, but it can no longer be classified as a Dream World anymore… more like the Nightmare World. In places were the Hanta Mist was released, the land has been transformed to be a more macabre version of its former self. Though some parts remain as they once were, the more Team Phantasm’s influence spreads, the more the mist spreads. [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Character Application'][spoiler= {Username} – {Character’s Name}]
Age: {16+}
Appearance: {Picture or 1+ Paragraph}
Personality: {2+ Paragraphs}
History: {2+ Paragraphs}
Skills: {non-Pokémon related}
Are you affiliated with Team Phantasm: {Admin/Leader}
[spoiler= Pokémon] Nickname: {optional}
Moves: {Move/Move/Move/Move/Move/Move} [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Setting']This RP will (obviously) be taking place in the Human Dream World. No Pokémon exist in this world except for the ones carried by Trainers. The layout of this world will be that of the Mystery Dungeon Games, both the Explorers World map and the Rescue Team World map will be used. A mountain separates the two areas, this mountain range will be similar to that of the Time Frozen Future World of the Explorer Games. Team Phantasm is located in the Zero Isles, Blaze Cave, Destiny Tower, Frosty Forest, and Mt. Freeze. All other areas are free for exploration, and unless it is part of the story no Phantasm members will be there. The maps will be done in a dungeon style having multiple floors to them. [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Rules']01. All YCM advanced clause rules apply.
02. Apps will be judged on quality, not a first come first serve basis
03. I will permit 1 psuedo-legendary among your party, and you can have up to six Pokemon
04. Be active in your posting, if outside forces are keeping you from posting try your best to notify me and I promise I will be considerate.
05. Try to avoid having the same Pokémon as another member.
06. Inb4rpshipping
07. Have Fun!
08. To prove you have read these rules, change your Pokémon’s name and its moves to match their type.
Normal: Black
Fighting: Red
Flying: Teal
Poison: Purple
Ground: Dark Orange
Rock: Brown
Bug: Lime
Ghost: Plum
Steel: Dark Gray
Fire: Red
Water: Navy
Grass: Dark Green
Electric: Gold
Psychic: Maroon
Ice: Cyan
Dragon: Indigo
Dark: Dark Slate Gray [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Host App'][spoiler='ClearAngel-Eris Euphora'][b]Name:[/b] Eris Euphora

[b]Age: [/b]31

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Hometown:[/b] Mossdeep City

[b]Appearance:[/b] Eris has dyed her hair, which falls down her body in sheets, an electric blue, which goes beautifully with her forest green eyes, which just the right amount have midnight blue eye liner. She stands at the absolutely perfect height of 5’2” and has a slender build. Eris’ features are sharp, and aristocratic she has a small nose, and tight lips, which have a dash of baby pink lip gloss, and seem to always be in a cruel smile. Eris’ features are cold and malicious making seem very cruel and evil. Her face has a pentagonal shape, with her ears being very small. Her unblemished skin has a light tan, and she is quite curvy which she is immensely proud of. Eris’ nails are filed down to a point where they can cut flesh, and done is a dark blood red color. Eris wears four small hoop earrings two to each eat, and a jade ring that has likeness to a dragon. She can often be seen using her Metagross as a command platform, ordering Phantasm Grunts around.

Eris wears a long black trench coat, and has a pure white scarf resting on her shoulders. Underneath, she wears a snow white sweater, with a high collar, that she can use to cover her mouth, and hugs her form tightly. The lower half extends into a small skirt, that reaches her upper thigh, this is separated from the main part of her sweater by an expensive looking, purple corset, on which the Team Phantasm logo is situated on, that straps just below her breasts. Underneath this she wears a dress with two cuts in the side for her legs to stick out, and for foot wear she chooses to wear blue sneakers. Eris also has a large collection of toys at her disposal. A small earpiece, that can also function as a microphone, a Team Phantasm issued tablet, and her own personal laptop. The last two are placed within white bag that resembles one an archeologist would have. Also within this bag Eris has smoke bombs, syringes, and other assorted goodies she might need for a on the go experiment.

[b]Personality:[/b] Eris, like her namesake, is good at causing chaos, and also is very vain. She believes that she is the pinnacle of perfection for human kind, and anyone who disagrees or threatens that is someone she is sure to take care of quickly. Eris is also immensely cruel and sadistic enjoying the pain of others so much it’s as if she feeds off of it. She will go out of her way to humiliate someone, and to be honest hates everyone for thinking they are good enough to even breath the same as air as her. She will also only use Pokémon she deems are pretty enough to be in her presence, and can often relate to people who narcissistic as she is. Eris also has an aversion to physical labor, which why she has two Male Pokémon. Eris is an extreme perfectionist, and if everything is not absolutely perfect she will freak out. She is very blunt with people and does not mind nor does she care if she hurts people’s feelings.

Eris very vain and believes that she should be the only one to hold beauty in this world but doesn’t hate people who she deems beautiful , because she believes that everyone should have a little beauty in their lives, and she can’t give it all, If she deems someone as not beautiful she will share her immense beauty with them, and hope is will rub off on them, whether people want it or not. Eris also doesn’t get the concept of people not wanting her around, the fact that she is the beautiful and radiant thing within the entire planet. Eris knows she is vain though, and admits that this is one of the few faults in her immense beauty, but does nothing to fix this. She also believes that anyone not as strong as she is (physically as well, in the aspect of Pokemon battling) doesn’t deserve to handle Pokemon and they are just burdens on all the "strong people" out there. She has very good relations with her other Admins, and believes them to be on the same level as her and there for strong trainers. Eris is kind to her Pokemon though thinking it is unnecessary for her Pokemon to be hurt when others Pokemon are too weak to be on her level of power. Eris also likes to humiliate her opponents by using beautiful and graceful techniques to make fools out of other trainers.

This demeanor of hers changes when she is in the laboratory, and she becomes all business. Her cruel look fades, and a kind motherly aspect of her shows, but this is only when she is working with live experiments. She makes sure that they are treated in the most humane way, and tries to make sure that all of her subjects are comfortable, and always and ministers some sort of painkiller before proceeding with an experiment. Eris also despises people who underestimate her intelligence, due to her outward mannerisms, and airheaded appearance. Eris also has no qualms on whom or what she experiments on, as long as it’s in the name of science. She is also very curious, if something seems to be weird or out of place she will investigate, Eris also has a very good eye for detail, so she will rarely miss these anomalies.

[b]History:[/b] Eris was born to a poor family, and two very sickly parents who she often has to take care of. By the age of 8 Eris was doing odd jobs, while balancing school and taking care of her parents. She had absolutely no time for Pokémon, and while all of her friends went off on their journeys when they became 11, she was forced to stay behind to take care of parents. Being born is Mossdeep she always found an interest in science, especially since it was always readily available to her. Eris studied the various fields of science thoroughly, and was able to start witnessing and helping in some of the lab experiments at the age of 16, as a lab assistant, in the Mossdeep Space Center. Eris also studied history quite thoroughly, as she thought it could assist in planning future experiments, and such. Though she struggled Eris was able to scratch enough money together to go to college, where she majored in biology, and chemistry. Shortly after her graduation from college, which her parents were unable to attend due to being sick; Eris would return home to find both of her parents dead, having lost their battle with disease.

It was then that Eris left her Hometown of Mossdeep, and began training Pokémon. She would only train Pokémon she thought were beautiful, because she thought that she should be surrounded by pretty things, but would also train male Pokémon, due to the lack of a strong male figure in her life. She also began studying neurology, as she was fascinated by the human brain, and the brains of Pokemon, she wanted to be the first to fully understand the mysterious beings. Unfortunately this would come to be, due to her very specific skill set was unable to find steady work, and she went in between jobs. During her mid-twenties the Pokemon Dream World was discovered, and during her late twenties the Human Dream World was discovered. It was during this time that she was approached by the leader of Team Phantasm, who asked her if she would run the R&D department. Knowing this could be the opportunity she had been waiting for she toke the job. For two years she worked to make Team Phantasms plans possible, and finally she has, the Hanta Mist furthers her boss’s plans the more it spreads.

[b]Skills: [/b]Eris has extreme intelligence when it comes to most aspects of science, and is fluent in several different languages. She is also an excellent gymnast.

[b]Are you affiated with Team Phantasm:[/b] Admin

[spoiler='Pokemon']Nickname: [N/A]
Species: [color=#00ffff]Glaceon [/color]
Gender: Female
Ability: Snow Cloak
Moves [color=#00ffff]{Stored Power/Barrier/Hail/Ice Fang/Mirror Coat/Toxic}[/color]

Nickname: [N/A]
Species: [color=#000080]Gorebyss [/color]
Gender: Female
Ability: Hydration
Moves [color=#000080]{Rain Dance/Psychic/Ice Beam/Hydro Pump/Confuse Ray/Barrier} [/color]

Nickname: [N/A]
Species: [color=#696969]Metagross [/color]
Gender: -
Ability: Light Metal
Moves [color=#696969]{Magnet Rise/Flash Cannon/Psychic/Psych Up/Gyro Ball/Earthquake} [/color]

Nickname: [N/A]
Species: [color=#ff0000]Lucario [/color]
Gender: Male
Ability: Steadfast
Moves [color=#ff0000]{Calm Mind/Aura Sphere/Swords Dance/Heal Pulse/Dark Pulse/Sky Uppercut} [/color]

Nickname: [N/A]
Species: [color=#800000]Gallade [/color]
Gender: Male
Ability: Steadfast
Moves [color=#800000]{Leaf Blade/Psycho Cut/Double Team/Swords Dance/Calm Mind/Stored Power} [/color]

Nickname: [N/A]
Species: [color=#000000]Delcatty [/color]
Gender: Female
Ability: Cute Charm
Moves [color=#000000]{Ice Beam/Zen Headbutt/Shock Wave/Sweet Kiss/Thunder Wave/Shadow Ball}[/spoiler][/color]

If you are unfamiliar with the maps this RP will be taking place in, you can check out these links.

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[spoiler:Beginning446-Brighton Daye]

Name: Brighton Daye
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hometown: Celadon City

Appearance: Brighton stand a gorgeous 5'9" with a perfect slim build. His luscious silver, with a hint of hint of platinum blonde, hair flows down to his back in such a way that he has to keep it stuck up in a ponytail so that it he doesn't dare sit on it when he sits down. His eyes shine with a silver hew that glistens from his irises thought they are not his genuine color they shine so beautifully (he has contacts in many colors). He often adorns his uniform with style but to maximize its beauty he loads it the flashiest of accessories. Usually this includes period piece hats dating back to the age of pirates and similar pilgrim-esk shoes. When he is not in uniform he completes the assemble with matching frilly blouse and vest. Of course this was while he was in school at the legendary Pokemon Academy. Now his wardrobe doesn't consist of similar fashions but with a lot more theatricality. Now he has added the addition of oriental fans to his collection for those many hot days while he is busy traveling through various regions. His hat collection ha

Personality: Brighton is beautiful and knows of his own beauty, I mean how could you not know of his beauty it practically radiates from his beautifully placed pores. People must know of his beauty or how else will the know what to aspire too. Like all people who can appreciate true beauty he despises ugliness and though that may not come in the form of the physically unappealing. It does radiate in some people's mannerisms. Thus he tends to ignore and condescend to those ugly beings (ignoring the obvious hypocrisy of said actions). He has fond memories of his time at the academy so he naturally tries to put on a good show. Meaning he is always cordial and polite in public because of course one of his main motto's is you can never be seen at anything other than your absolute best.

In relation to his pokemon he treats them as equals for they are all a group of well groomed performers putting on one marvelous production. Therefore he will always treat his pokemon with the utmost respect and admiration. Brighton technically feels this way about all pokemon which leads to his need to beautify all living pokemon and people. He will always look at non wild pokemon with a judges eye as if they were meant to be put in some competition. But who can blame him everything must be beautiful and all of us have a chance to truly attain such beauty with proper help and guidance.

History. Brighton's early childhood was filled with life threatening missions and painful some of the most inhumane acts people have ever committed. This was mainly due to the fact that his parents are both members of the devious and nefarious Team Rocket. His mother and father, though they did love each other, had an unhealthy rivalry between the two of them on which to see who could make the boss most proud. So because this task of boss pleasing played parallel to parenting Brighton would always go on missions with one of his parents. Fortunately for Brighton he wasn't that bad of a pokemon trainer. Like most children at the age of 11 his parents gave him pokemon so he would be useful, of course these were fully grown and evolved pokemon that were already mature and whatnot, but still Brighton did work some magic with them. His parents still made sure he was educated and he attended school with a lot of the Team Rocket children. They were known as the "Booster Kids" and they were taught the finer points of Pokemon battling.

As a child Brighton grew up to be pretty apathetic towards pokemon and while he could understand the need for humans to capture them and use them he never understood the need to send pokemon to lead raids or to hold hostile takeovers and whatnot. By the age of 13 he would constantly ask whatever grunts his parents kept shipping him with why not use guns, bombs, or tear gas. He was driving everyone crazy until they watched him work as it were. He was very efficient and breaking and entering and his use of Pokemon as practical objects was top notch for a child his age. One time he was able to steal a map from some persons house about the legendary Pokemon Suicune on behalf of his parents. With both parents now having a clue on how to get a legendary pokemon they truly believed that this would be the defining moment and an end to the rivalry. Whoever lead the group to capture this legendary pokemon would be the one to earn the eternal admiration of the boss. On the day of the hunt both of Brighton's parents led their individual squads into a forest on an island. Brighton on the other hand not wanting to choose between either parent had simply walked around by himself. Seeing as he had six fully evolved Pokemon in his possession and most dangerous entity in the forest was most likely the armed grunts that came with his parents he wasn't afraid.

He came to an oasis in the middle of the forest where all noise seemed to cease and it was at this moment he first witnessed beauty. Nature by itself was so beautiful so captivating and to think he was only fifteen when he saw this marvel. But then in the middle of the pond he saw it. The legendary Suicune stand gracefully on the water's surface looking at him and gazing into Brighton's very soul. It was as if this simple sight created ripples throughout his entire being destroying his core, his foundation, the apathy towards life that he always had. This blank attitude of his was gone and Brighton simply passed out in the creatures presence. Some unclear amount of time later Brighton was awoken to the sight of both of his parents crying next to him in a bed. They had found their son unconscious and they had only feared the worst. But Brighton was fine, he was better than fine he was refreshed and he his yearn to see that beautiful sight again filled his very existence.

After review the options for their son Brighton's parents thought it would be best if Brighton were to leave Team Rocket before he became an integral part of it. This way there would be no more scares like the one they just had, their son wouldn't be a fugitive of the law before he hit puberty, he could go out and become this new beautiful person he was so fixated about. At the age of 16 Brighton enrolled in the Pokemon Academy. Of course his parents didn't send him unequipped they combined they bred the Father's Dragonite with the mother's Charizard and gave Brighton the resulting Dratini. Brighton lived in Celadon so as a farewell gift the grunts that worked for his parents and thought of him as family gave him a Vulpix, it seemed to fit his new aesthetic an Brighton himself raised a Beautifly. Academy proved to be a wonderful experience that was filled with new friends, rivals, stories, pokemon and even an excellent Pokemon Salon.

After his time at the academy he went on the Pokemon Coordinator path and was the face of his Poke' Salon. Seeing him on T.V. at different events made his parents and all of the people at Team Rocket, while they were still wreaking havoc and whatnot. His life was happy and while he put on shows and went through rigorous beautification training with his pokemon they grew in strength too. Eventually he had a team of fully evolved pokemon just like he did in his past life truly he was happy.

Skills: Make-up, singing, fencing (saber), dancing, grooming, styling, sewing/tailoring, dart throwing (random game the grunts liked to play)

Are you affiliated with Team Phantasm: No, [color=#daa520][i]Parents would kill me[/i][/color]

[spoiler: Pokemon]

Nickname:[color=#008080] Icarus[/color]
Species: Pidgeot
Gender: Male
Ability: Tangled Feet
Moves: [color=#008080]Aerial Ace/Mirror Move/Roost/Air Slash/ Double Team/ Fly[/color]

Nickname: [color=#ff0000]Evey[/color]
Species: Ninetales
Gender: Female
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: [color=#ff0000]Safeguard/Fire Blast/ Flamethrower/ Dark Pulse/ Solar Beam/ Hypnosis[/color]

Nickname: [color=#4b0082]Hakuryu[/color]
Species: Dragonair
Gender: Female
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: [color=#4b0082]Thunder/Blizzard/Dragon Rage/ Dragon Dance/ Waterfall/Surf[/color]

Nickname: [color=#00ff00]N/A[/color]
Species: Beautifly
Gender: Male
Ability: Swarm
Moves: [color=#00ff00]Bug Buzz/ Quiver Dance/Flash/ Attract/Toxic/Psychic[/color]

Nickname: [color=#006400]N/A[/color]
Species: Serperior
Gender: Female
Ability: Overgrow
Moves:[color=#006400] Leaf Storm/Synthesis/Petal Dance/Rock Smash/Grass Knot/Light Screen[/color]

Nickname: [color=#00ff00]Hassam[/color]
Species: Scizor
Gender: Male
Ability: Technician
[color=#00ff00]Moves: Sword Dance/ X Scissor/ Metal Claw/ Strength/ Iron Defense/ Flash Cannon[/color]
[/spoiler] [/spoiler]

And there you have it the continuation of Brighton Daye super mode that is lol

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Host app has been added, meet Commander Eris of the Team Phantasm R&D Department. [s]For the character application look inside the Host App spoiler YCM is giving me hell right now, and keeps putting the Character Application spoiler inside the Host App spoiler. Any help is appreciated[/s]. Fixed

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[spoiler= DaWeirdGuy – Michael 'Micky' Davidson]
[b]Name:[/b] Michael 'Micky' Davidson
[b]Age: [/b]19
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Hometown:[/b] (Never mentioned in PA, was it? xD) Violet City
[spoiler=Appearance:]Michael stands at almost 6' tall, and has a rather thin and lean frame that displays his rather healthy state effectively; a result of he almost constant travelling as an early teen and his rather healthy diet, despite him only eating food that he likes.
He also has rather pale skin which, while it doesn't necessarily seem that unhealthy, does exaggerate the bags underneath his eyes, do result in an almost sickly appearance in the face; his rather handsome looks and friendly, cheerful smile go some ways to erase that perception.

His silvery blue eyes betray an open heart and friendly personality, as well as hidden intelligence and a sharp mind, and seem to sparkle in the sun. These match his spiky, medium length silvery blue hair; a colour which is often compared to Karen's, which has the same colour. His handsome look gives comfort to those around him, and a quick smile is sure to befriend most.

His clothing seems to have had little change since his academy days. He remains extremely casual in his appearance; donning a simple, short sleeved, black shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans, complete with a pair of plain black running shoes. He also wears a dark brown leather belt, upon which hangs a thin chain, from which hook 6 pokéballs, containing his now full pokémon team. The two pendants he had initially worn around his neck now clip onto his left hand pocket, creating a quiet tapping sound as he runs.

While initially an unreleased product in his academy days, the updated Pokétch is rather common-place now, and isn't that special. It hangs at his belt and appears to be very similar to an our world iPhone. As well as having the normal Pokégear Applications, it has the ability to play music, surf the internet and has an integrated Pokédex, among other things. Due to the loss of signals in the Dream world, it has lost the use of many of its previous applications; playing music and the integrated pokédex are among the only useful ones left. [/spoiler]
[b]Personality: [/b]Michael is a rather lax, non-chalant person, known generally for both his talent (In battling and theory), and his evasion of using that talent. Although he is an avid battler, he will rarely accept challenges, and almost never declares challenges, as he wishes not to waste energy on such a meager thing as battling 'when there is such a beautiful world to admire'. He is a large lover of nature, and can often be seen walking through forests or relaxing on the back of his Lapras with his pokémon while it swims around lakes and rivers.

He retains this personality in battle, maintaining a loose, relaxed battling attitude that works much to his advantage, as it allows him to be detached and avoid getting caught in the moment. It generally allows him to spot flaws in an opponents strategy that a high adrenaline competitor would miss; though occasionally, his habit of skipping forward in battles and planning ahead can leave him disconnected from the current battle, and can result in a loss of attention towards the conflict.

He cares highly about all pokémon, and though he will not immediately come to the aid of a wild pokémon - for he does not wish to disturb nature - he will rescue a pokémon if its life is in danger, or it is owned. He also cares about other humans quite a bit, protecting most people from harm if he can.

He is easy to make friends with due to his relaxed and un-prejudiced nature, and can see the positives in people that would otherwise be ignored. His constant travelling has resulted in a loss of most of his friends, and while he can invite people into confidence and maintain good relationships, he does struggle keeping friends close. Having been mostly alone for the last 2 years, he has developed a slight awkwardness around people, though he does look for closer friendships than he did before.
[b]History:[/b] As the younger Brother of the Johto Elite Four Member, Karen, he was constantly overshadowed and underappreciated, and never had any chance to show any talent. Despite having an exceptional talent with Pokémon, Karen had the headstart and was already a trainer by the time Michael could speak, and had defeated Gym leaders before he had even entered school.

As such, he didn't get much appreciation from his parents, and no matter what he did - from capturing a Growlithe at 9, having found a random pokéball lying around, to defeating his first Gym - he could never gain any recognition or praise. However, rather than making him try harder, or turning him into something evil and criminal, it merely caused him to go lazy and relaxed. He realised that the only way to earn his parents respect would be to defeat Karen, and he didn't believe he could do that.

So when he started his pokémon journey, aged 12, he didn't have much confidence in completing it. He was a rather talented trainer, and defeated 5 Gyms in his first year, and had earned every Johto badge within the next year. He was tempted to enter the Indigo League itself, and attempt to defeat Karen, but decided against it.

Instead, he decided he would travel to and study at the Pokémon Academy in an attempt to improve his battling and theory skills, and to take a holiday away from the travelling and Battling. He chose only very close pokémon - including the child of his first pokémon, Arcanine - to join him, and entered the school easily, due to both his exceptional skill and his famous family.

Arriving, he was quite disappointed to find that he was one of the top in the class, and that he didn't learn a hell of a lot from being there. He did get a few tips and pointers, but there was little he hadn't learnt from experience. But he enjoyed his days there, and made many friends. Although unaware of it, he even had a small, unofficial fan club of people who had seen him battle the gym leaders, and was almost instantly made 'famous' on the campus due to his reputation as a previous proffessional trainer, and the Brother of an Elite Four.

This died down after about the first year, and most people came to value his relaxed and good-natured personality, and rather than being adored, he became respected and befriended almost everyone on campus, and had no immediate enemies or rivals that he was aware of. He initially had no idea what he was going to do after the Academy was finished for him, but he did guess that he would continue to travel, starting with exploring Kanto.

And he was right, for after he had left the academy - with an impressive score, one of the best - he immediately left for the region, spending the next two years merely wandering around, training his pokémon to insanely powerful heights, occasionally challenging a Gym and easily defeating the leaders. He had been in Pewter city when he was told about M.H.R.P, and being the curious type, decided to try it.
Bad idea, it seems.
[b]Skills:[/b] Having travelled a lot, he has developed many survival skills, and can traverse most terrain effectively, such as mountain climbing or deep water diving. He also has an extensive knowledge of most pokémon and things such as behavioural patterns, habitats, ways to distract them and such. He specializes in Johto-Kanto based pokémon mostly. He can also befriend others quite easily, and is more than capable of securing help from a stranger.
[b]Are you affiliated with Team Phantasm:[/b] No
[spoiler= Pokémon][spoiler=Ricochet/Arcanine][b]Nickname: [/b]Ricochet/Ricky
[b]Species:[/b] Arcanine
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Ability:[/b] Flash Fire
[b]Moves: [/b]{ExtremeSpeed/Fire Blast/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang/Morning Sun/Sunny Day} [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ol' Girl/Lapras][b]Nickname:[/b] Ol' Girl/Lapras
[b]Species:[/b] Lapras
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Ability: [/b]Water Absorb
[b]Moves: [/b]{Ice Beam/Water Pulse/Zen Headbutt/Rain Dance/Surf/Sing}[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sai/Sneasel][b]Nickname:[/b] Sai
[b]Species:[/b] Sneasel
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Ability:[/b] Keen Eye
[b]Moves:[/b] {Quick Attack/Icy Wind/Dark Pulse/Ice Punch/Agility/Hone Claws}[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Arthion/Kingdra][b]Nickname: [/b]Arthion
[b]Species:[/b] Kingdra
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Ability:[/b] Sniper
[b]Moves:[/b] {Hydro Pump/Focus Energy/Agility/Dragon Dance/Iron Head/Dragon Pulse}[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Orchid/Bayleef][b]Nickname:[/b] Orchid
[b]Species:[/b] Bayleef
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Ability:[/b] Overgrow
[b]Moves:[/b] {Magical Leaf/Synthesis/Sunny Day/Solarbeam/Light Screen/Ancient Power}[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Deadbeat/Aggron][b]Nickname:[/b] Deadbeat
[b]Species:[/b] Aggron
[b]Gender: [/b]Male
[b]Ability:[/b] Rock Head
[b]Moves:[/b] {Double Edge/Head Smash/Autotomize/Heavy Slam/Metal Sound/Iron Defense}[/spoiler][/spoiler] [/spoiler]

[s]Basic outline so far. WIP. Will finish tomorrow.[/s] Not exactly as soon as I planned it to be finished, but it's done.

PS: Will we be allowed multiple/phantasm Admin apps?

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Okay I just discovered Serperior...O_O its Brighton as a Pokemon...Why have I not know this? Oh wait I don't pay attention to Unova lol Anywho I will yield Milotic for the sake of the story and pick up serperior...hmm that's a lot of weakness to flying on my team but oh well the things we sacrifice in the name of beauty lol.

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Awww... thanks Beginning, actually if you think about it Serpperior (lol even its name is narcissistic) helps your team get some good diversity. Plus Icarus, Evey, and Beautifly cover well for it. By the way guys if you want to make more than one character be my guest, we really need them, and sorry about asking this, but could advertise to?

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Can I have a request? To break the rules of Pokemon and have illegal moves? Like a Tyranitar having intimidate or a Weavile having night slash. They're reasonable not like a magikarp having hyper beam or something. If it isn't ok I'll change it.
[spoiler=App]Name: Sirzechs "Sir" Davalier
Age:  16
Gender: Male
Hometown: Wintown
[spoiler=Appearance] [center][img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/answers/793000/793433_1280134522332.46res_400_300.jpg[/img]
Sirzechs stands at 5'6 and has a slim figure with a "two pack" and "Cut" pectorals. He can throw a good punch and has various veins jutting from his arms[/center][/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Personality] Sir Is fairly distant from crowds due to the lack of people who inhabited Wintown. Due to the passing of his late grandmother Sir tends to loathe himself for his shortcomings. This is ironically his prime motivation in life. It drives him to better himself despite it being impossible to perfect oneself. The funny thing is that Sir completely acknowledges this yet he still strives for perfection. (His psychologist says this is from OCD). Sir is socially moderate and the way he says hello is fairly memorable. In the face of danger Sir is frantic yet strangely collected. Sir is a strange comrade for he I both paranoid and naive at the same time. Allowing his friends to get close, but blocked by a certain wall. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=History] Sirzech's parents are vaguely part of Team Phantasm and as an infant he was found at his Grandparents house in Wintown with a note saying "[i]Dear Mother, I know we haven't spoken since I joined the enlightened ones (Phantasm), but the child you see here... Is mine. Don't worry I wasn't raped or anything. I have a wonderful man as a husband. He and I both decided that raising a child to be enlightened would not be safe. My husband and I both hope that when he grows up our son will choose the correct path. Now you can raise him how you like, but in the end it will be his choice to make. I am a Davalier, but at the same time I am an enlightened one chosen by god himself to show people the true dream. However the child you see before you is [b]my[/b] dream I beg of you protect him. His name. It is Sirzechs.[/i] 

Upon reading this note Omani, Sirzech's Grandmother, brought him into her home and raised him for 15 short years. On Sirzech's 15th birthday, Omani died in her sleep. The doctors said she died peacefully. Out of nowhere however Omani jolted awake gasping for air and moaned for Sirzech to come closer. She said to him "Sirzech! For 15 years I have been your mother yet... Now on your 15th birthday I leave you. Horrible present huh?" She laughed. "Your birthmother sent me this note. I give it to you now because I was afraid of what you might have done once you read it. Sirzechs, I may not have been your mother but I loved you as a son. I want you to fly from this protected nest I've futilely made. Fly around the world. You're a smart lad I want you to find the answers for yourself. I love you." With that Omani breathed her last breath and died in Sirzech's arms. 

Later when he finally collected himself he read the note "[i] Hello Sirzech's You're 15 years old and I extend this invitation to become an enlightened phantasm. This is a tremendous honor so I'd be thankful that god has chosen you. I await your favorable reply[/i]." Sirzechs didn't know what to do and for months he sought out this "Phantasm" and when he found a hidden outpost at what was previously Team Go-Rock's Base he saw them for what they truly were. Deluded maniacs bent on showing "Fools" the dream of god. (In reality these were merely cultists who believed in the Phantasm cause and not actual members). The cultists were about to send a Seasel to the dream world when Sirzechs sprang into action. He previously had taken a light metal rod for using as a makeshift kendo sword. One of the cultists grabbed hold of him yet he then shifted his weight behind knocking the man down onto the sneasel cage. This opened the cage prompting the sneasel to Night Slash the two of them. The cultist sustained the brunt of the injuries and went unconscious. Together in an uncollected battle the sneasel and Sirzechs took down the other cultists. 

Over the years the Sneasel who Sir nicknamed Noir grew closer to the distant Sirzechs. Some could say Noir stayed due to curiosity others say it was because Sir fed him. Nonetheless on Sirzech's 16 birthday Elita, the Ranger Leader of Wintown, gave Sir a pokeball to make sure their bond wouldn't be broken.[/spoiler]
• Unorthodox Imagination: Perhaps it is hanging out with Noir that Sirzechs has an ability to suspect complete and utter retarded things about others. Oddly enough 81% of the times that he actually announces an dumb deduction it's actually plausible.

•Sword Enthusiasm: Through studying kendo and other martial sword arts Sirzechs is fairly versed with the way of the sword. He uses a blend of Kendo, and Fencing in an slightly messy manner to fight. Unfortunately for Sirzechs he obviously needs more training and as such is more likely to run away then draw his nonexistent sword.[/spoiler]
Are you affiliated with Team Phantasm: Son of Phantasm Member/Invited. I.e. No. 

Nickname: Noir
Species: Weavile
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Night Slash, Ice Shard, Aerial Ace, Metal Claw, Agility, Hone Claws.

Name: Aegis
Species: Escavalier
Gender: Female
Ability: Overcoat
Moves: Iron Head, Giga Impact, Megahorn, Faint Attack, Giga Drain, Counter

Nickname: Ryugon
Ability: Intimidate
Species: Tyranitar
Gender: Male
Moves: Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Iron Head, Surf

Name: Wakizashi
Species: Samurott
Gender: Male
Ability: Shell Armor
Moves: Shell Blade, X-Scissor, Blizzard, Air Slash, Night Slash, Revenge

Name: Argorok
Species: Altaria
Gender: Female
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Sky Attack, Hyper Voice, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Double Team, Mist

Name: Oukage
Species: Slowking
Gender: Male
Ability: Own Tempo
Moves: Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Reflect, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Light Screen.

I feel unoriginal that I am the only one with an actual photo. Anyways this is my app and until I can remember anything else I want to say hope you accept me.

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@Daku I would prefer you didn't and like DaWeirdGuy said he already has Sneasel, but you could have Weavile (I would also recommend six Pokemon, but that's up to you)
@DaWeirdGuy thank you :) do you still want that Phantasm App
By the way guys Pokemon cannot evolve within Human Dream World, because technically they are only guests there

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Sorry for taking ages, I struggled to actually be satisfied with my character's Pokémon Team. I wanted a party that would support each other in Double/Triple Battles without being too overpowered in Double/Triple Battles. Also, I find that a team of six fully evolved Pokémon would be a bit boring, yet the rules of the Dream World encourage you to have fully evolved Pokémon...So I decided for two of Shawn's Pokémon to be basic/tier 1 evolutions that it wouldn't matter if they remain like that through the whole RP.

[spoiler=Destruction Hero – Shawn Jackson]
[b]Name:[/b] Shawn Jackson

[b]Age:[/b] 18

[b]Gender: [/b]Male

[b]Hometown:[/b] Floaroma Town

In comparison to his appearance at the Academy, Shawn has slightly grown but is still short and has a moderately fit build due to him often being active outside. He has light brown medium curly hair and fierce hazel eyes. He occasionally is wearing a black cap sensibly on his head when socialising and will always be wearing plain circular glasses. Normally, he carries a large bag that contains his essential items.

When alone and not expected company, Shawn is normally dressed informal. Usually wearing a yellow jacket with a white shirt underneath to resemble his bright and positive self. When dressed formal, he wears a blazar that he tries to keep at pristine condition and a plain black long tie. At most times, he is seen wearing back jeans.
Shawn is fairly calm but can easily fall when under mass amount of pressure and usually around people is seen as timid. He is polite to other trainers and often compliments them with their strategies even if they are the main competition. Upon defeat, he is a “fair” player who accepts it and wishes his rivals luck in the future. Neverless, Shawn still has the full determination to defeat any obstacles in his way and can get quite desperate when the stakes are high.

From what he has learned in his past and present experiences; Shawn respects all Pokémon regardless of their type or evolutionary stage. He treats his Pokémon kindly and merits them by letting them out of their Pokéballs when in a positive mood to be more socialised with the world around them. He treats all of his Pokémon as equal despite their different styles and acknowledges the different tactics they can make. Shawn’s most favourite type of battles is Double Battles, and his desires for teamwork between his Pokémon reach the peak when he thinks about Double Battles.

With the events concerning Team Phantasm, Shawn became seriously devastated of the destruction and danger that has been caused, thus losing hope in himself, becoming pessimistic and in some cases fatalistic. He has become cowardly shadow of his former self, to the extent of rather running from his fears than facing the enemy. However, he will become 100% obedient when he is certain that revenge is obtained or he is out of danger. Despite the situation, he can appear quite secretive of his current .
Shawn originated from the obscure Floaroma Town in the Sinnoh Region, an town within nature. His parents were moderately wealthy entrepreneurs that owned several businesses within Floaroma Town such as honey and flower kiosks, but more importantly the Valley Windworks. Within the age of 10, Shawn was qualified to become a legitimate Pokémon Trainer but his parents were worried about sending him into danger, so he stayed at Floaroma Town for three years until they knew he had enough common sense to survive without assistance. He obtained his starter Pokémon from Professor Rowan, a hot-blooded and athletic Turtwig. During the night before he would begin his journey, his parents gave him a rough and brutal baby Rhyhorn that instantly became Shawn’s favourite over Turtwig by its sheer superiority.

He started his adventure in Kanto…But failed miserably. Shawn was misguided and most of the time only Trained his Rhyhorn, and it was too late for him to change his mind when he was seriously humiliated in the one in a millionth chance defeat against the first Gym Leader, Brock. After his crushing defeat, Shawn gave up his dreams and stayed at Floaroma Town to work at the Valley Windworks.

Eventually, he learned from his parents that Pokémon Academy existed as an alternative to entering the Pokémon League. He spent another several years preparing for it alongside his Pokémon and realized his mistakes, changing himself as that power obsessed Trainer to a Trainer who cared for his Pokémon. After capturing a cheerful and curious Starly at the age of 16, the prepared Shawn entered Pokémon Academy. Shawn was always the analytical Sun Dorm boy there that was hidden most of the time in the shadow from the spotlight of the rivalry. After graduating Pokémon Academy with an emotionless Klink, he proceeded to travel the world and gain a diverse Pokémon Party.

Within two years, Shawn had achieved more than he could imagine. Deciding revert back to square one, he explored Johto during the first year and Unova during the second year. Infact, he competed in several Unova Double Battle Tournaments and became one near-Professional Double Battle themed Trainers. After the news of the Dream World was “leaked” upon the Global Public, the thought of a new world with new people to meet excited Shawn.

Upon entering the M.H.R.P, Shawn actually liked it at first. But as soon as Hanta Mist was released upon the revealed virtual nightmare, Shawn ran away from the destruction and became hidden from the attention of others.

[b]Skills:[/b] Shawn is often described in the past as a “Human encyclopaedia” due to his list of obscure yet useless facts. When using a computer, he is a fast at typing and an average computer hacker. Also, from numerous occasions of hiding away from Team Phantasm’s perspective, he has got some knowledge about several rarely noticed locations within the Dream World. Because of his admiration of nature, Shawn is resourceful in collecting the right materials for when it comes to each task set and will be repetitive be keeping full check of that.

[b]Are you affiliated with Team Phantasm:[/b] No

[spoiler= Pokémon]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#006400]N/A[/color]

[b]Species:[/b] Turtwig

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Ability:[/b] Overgrow

[b]Moves:[/b] [color=#006400]{Sunny Day/Energy Ball/Double Team/Crunch/Solar Beam/Synthesis}[/color]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#008080]N/A [/color]

[b]Species:[/b] Staraptor

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Ability:[/b] Intimidate

[b]Moves:[/b][color=#008080] {Fly/Brave Bird/Close Combat/Steel Wing/Agility/Roost}[/color]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#ff8c00]N/A[/color]

[b]Species:[/b] Rhyperior

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Ability:[/b] Lightningrod

[b]Moves:[/b] [color=#ff8c00]{Hammer Arm/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Megahorn/Ice Beam/Fire Blast}[/color]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#696969]N/A[/color]

[b]Species:[/b] Klang

[b]Gender:[/b] Genderless

[b]Ability:[/b] Minus

[b]Moves:[/b] [color=#696969]{Metal Sound/Discharge/Mirror Shot/Autotomize/Hyper Beam/Signal Beam}[/color]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#ffd700]N/A[/color]

[b]Species:[/b] Ampharos

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Ability:[/b] Plus

[b]Moves:[/b] [color=#ffd700]{Electro Ball/Agility/Wild Charge/Confuse Ray/Protect/Focus Blast}[/color]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#800080]N/A[/color]

[b]Species:[/b] Garbodor

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Ability:[/b] Stench

[b]Moves:[/b] [color=#800080]{Psychic/Gunk Shot/Venoshock/Explosion/Toxic Spikes/Hyper Beam}[/color]

Can Pokémon learn moves in the Dream World?

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