Gojira/Godzilla Posted October 10, 2012 Report Share Posted October 10, 2012 What/who are your top 5 video game bad guys? Mine are: Hades (Kid icarus: Uprising) [spoiler='Hades'] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb58377/villains/images/0/07/Hades,_Lord_of_the_Underworld.png[/img] [/spoiler] Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda series) [spoiler='Ganondorf'] [img]http://www.zeldauniverse.net/images/games/oot/bosses/ganondorf.png[/img] [/spoiler] Maja (Spectrobes Series) [spoiler='maja'] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101211031917/spectrobes/images/5/51/Maja.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] Dr Eggman (Sonic Series) [spoiler='Eggman'] [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101111192416/sonic/images/b/bc/Dr.Eggman_-_Sonic_Colors_-_(1).png[/img] [/spoiler] Red (Spyro series) [spoiler='Red'] [img]http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/884/1093897226.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] Rules: You must post an image of each of your top 5, and you must try not to pick multiple bad guys from the same series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thar Posted October 10, 2012 Report Share Posted October 10, 2012 Oh boy. You struck a chord. Here we go: [spoiler=Sinistar][img]http://www.snackbar-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/sinistar1.jpg[/img] On my top 5 mainly just for the fear factor. I remember playing this game on GBA after getting it for Christmas, and the first time I heard that voice: "Beware! I live!" My spine tingled so hard I nearly dropped my SP. It wasn't until I figured out how to use a Sinibomb that I died EVERY SINGLE TIME I saw it come into view. I just couldn't escape it. That was a sh*t-my-pants moment as a kid, but looking back before I broke my SP, I realized just how badass Sinistar was as a main antagonist to a plot-less space arcade game. Andros from Starfox is also pretty cool, but honestly, Sinistar is the real deal.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Ridley (Metroid)][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081128124018/metroid/es/images/c/c5/Prime_creatures_ridley1.jpg[/img] A classic Metroid boss that has stood out amongst the most memorable and nostalgic bosses in Nintendo history. Not only does it appear in most of the franchise (even in Other M), but it is a f*cking Pterodactyl-space-pirate-zombie-machine! Seriously, how is that NOT awesome in every way? The best part is that it shows no remorse and does not hesitate to rip you to pieces when it gets the chance. I had a very rough time beating this guy in Prime, but it was worth it leading up to the final boss of the game which beats Ridley just a tad as far as a quality game ending. However, Metroid Prime wouldn't necessarily be a "bad guy", considering it's just a powerful being on Tallon IV with no grudge except towards those who pose a threat.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Reflux (Rayman 3)][img]http://www.gamereactor.se/media/forum/se/6204581_38.jpg[/img] Years after playing Rayman 3 on the PS2 (after spoiling myself rotten with Let's Plays and music), I decided to play the HD re-release on the PS3, and man, nostalgia really struck me hard. It's as if I had only played it yesterday. I remember every moment of it as I progressed, but I remember stopping at one point in the game that I had no chance in conquering whatsoever; the first part of the final battle with Reflux. I'll admit, I watched some playthroughs of the battle beforehand and got a good idea. But it just BARELY helped. The fight was still hard as hell and I ran through it on edge. It was after I passed the first battle when I reached the form of Reflux that summed up just how much of a boss he really is, not to mention the music gave me goosebumps the entire battle. Fastforward to the punch-line: Reflux's final form (where he grows wings and you proceed with an air battle) had another sh*t-my-pants moment that made him noteworthy when referring to what made a main antagonist not to be reckoned with. At random times he decides to rush you with a face so intimidating that I literally fell out of my seat. I just couldn't get by this stage without curling up whenever he rushed. But eventually I got over it and beat him, later realizing that the game had a f*cking cliffhanger. WHERE THE F*CK IS RAYMAN 4? Y U MAKE RABBITS INSTEAD, UBISOFT?[/spoiler] [spoiler=Dr. Robotnik (Sonic)][img]http://www.gamingtruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/final-boss-s3k.jpg[/img] Hands down THE MOST NOSTALGIC BOSS [i]EVER[/i]. Not only was this guy hard as f*ck to beat on the Genesis, but when his music hits, you can't help but savor the moment. Battles with Robotnik were a classic experience that required pure skill to overcome, and even then it finds a way to f*ck you up. The best boss battle with him by far has got to be against the giant robot that resembles him in Sonic 2. You know a battle was f*cking great when all you had was 3 rings, cramped hands, and a Pepsi handy for the hell to come. No saves made it even better. But getting to the point: Robotnik is true to my heart and just passes another favorite of mine, Bowser, in this category of gaming.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Dr. Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)][img]http://nvolant.com/_RetroRetreat/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/crash22.jpg[/img] Crash Bandicoot was the first video game I have ever remembered playing. I remember in pre-school, when it was free-time and we could do whatever we wanted with what was around, I would almost ALWAYS go into the room with the PS1, and I would ALWAYS hog the system while playing Crash Bandicoot. It was just so much fun. The game in the snapshot, Crash Bandicoot 2, was the first Crash game I have ever owned and finished (not 100%, but finished nonetheless). Moving on to the topic at hand, Dr. Neo Cortex was the one villain of any game I've played back in the day who was evil out of a fatal flaw. As a matter of fact, when I realized that it was him that CREATED the hero in the game, that turned the tables. He created Crash in attempts to take over the world and create an army of clones of Crash to serve his every whim. But out of confusion, Crash escaped, and Cortex held Crash's prototype girlfriend hostage as he and his minions set out to destroy him. For a first-time game, this was a very deep story. After defeating every zone and getting closer to Cortex, I could actually feel the pain he goes through from this flaw. So basically, Dr. Neo Cortex is my favorite villain of all not just because he's a genius, but I just pity him in a way that makes the final battle an emotional finale to the game.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dark Knight Posted October 10, 2012 Report Share Posted October 10, 2012 In no particular order: Loghain (Dragon Age: Origins) [spoiler=L][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/341/f/b/Loghain_by_Rinkara.png[/img][/spoiler] Makarov (Modern Warfare [Trilogy]) [spoiler=M][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120327021103/callofduty/images/a/ae/MakarovMW3Nonamev2.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Gravemind (Halo [Series]) [spoiler=G][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HpIOZI5hZJU/TT9oQw8WwzI/AAAAAAAAACo/V0ZSpUCBsLI/s1600/1772276-gallery.png[/img][/spoiler] The Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2) [spoiler=TIM][img]http://leviathyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/illusive_man.png?9d7bd4[/img][/spoiler] Jacob Hargreave (Crysis 2) [spoiler=JH][img]http://infotechgarage.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Jacob_hargreave-crysis-2.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Notable Mention -- Frank Fontaine (Bioshock) [spoiler=FF][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100923190942/villains/images/8/8a/Frank_Fontaine.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Tigerwolf Posted October 10, 2012 Report Share Posted October 10, 2012 [spoiler=Kabuto (Giants: Citizen Kabuto)] [img]http://www.end-gamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/kabuto.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Melbu Frahma (The Legend of Dragoon)] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100309213747/legendofdragoon/images/a/a2/Melbu_Frahma.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Tabuu (Super Smash Bros: Brawl)] [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080927034925/ssb/images/5/5d/TabuuFull.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Mega Bowser (New Super Mario Bros.)] [img]http://gengame.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/nsmb2-finalboss.png[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Lickers (Resident Evil Series)] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110929164053/residentevil/images/0/03/Licker0.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] Yup, just about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted October 11, 2012 Report Share Posted October 11, 2012 [spoiler=Slenderman][img]http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash4/276817_235687291557_4740724_n.jpg[/img] Do I need an Explanation?[/spoiler] [spoiler=Sephiroth (Various FF. Kingdom Hearts)] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090605154620/finalfantasy/images/4/46/Sephiroth_Dissidia_Artwork.png[/img] He's basically rather badass. Look at that sword! It's a fricking mile long! How the hell does he unsheath it! He's also damn near impossible to defeat in Kingdom hearts, and it's fricking annoying. And he gets weird little wings. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Darth Vader (Star wars)][img]http://tobescifitakeover.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/original-0.jpeg[/img] Cos I'm a massive star wars fan boy, and Darth Vader's plans were so intricate and confusing. He'd kill his apprentice, to save his apprentice, to kill his apprentice again. Dafuq?! He's rather cool as well.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Joshua (TWEWY)][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MazzWw5C30E/UDzdm61lqLI/AAAAAAAABVs/KXxySIswKJY/s1600/joshua.png[/img] So he starts off as a weirdly camp, annoying kid. Then he becomes your flirting partner. Then you find out he shot you. Then you find out he didn't shoot you, he shot someone else. Then you find out he really did shoot you. Then he saves your life. Then he attacks you. Then he turns into some weird ass dragon thing. Then he starts to destroy the world. Then he doesn't, and becomes your best [s]bum[/s] buddy. I mean serious, what the fricking hell? [/spoiler] [spoiler=??? (???)] [img]http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/pokemon-blue-version/f/f0/Magikarp.gif[/img] Yep. Magikarp. While not technically a villain, he's one hell of a d*uchebag. I paid 500 perfectly fine pokédollars for him. I could've bought a pokéball and a potion for that, and gotten myself a Geodude. But no, I had to buy this d*uche. And what does he do? He flops around and dies; OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Sure, he becomes badass later on. But after hours and hours of level grinding. And even then, I could've spent that time finishing the game, getting a super rod and then just fishing for a level 40 Gyarados in the lake behind the warden's house. What a d*uche bag. And then you see that guy with 6 of the annoying f*ckers. And he just wont give up. ARGH!!![/spoiler] [s]Wouldn't let me add pictures. Editing them in now.[/s] Done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloister Posted October 15, 2012 Report Share Posted October 15, 2012 1. [IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/5chvet.jpg[/IMG] 2-4. I don't actually know which other ones to put here... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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