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A Legendary Ninja

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I've never tried this type of deck before, so can't say if this is a good idea or not.

Monsters - 17
[1]Levia Dragon
[3]Warrior of Atlantis
[3]Deep Sea Diva
[3]Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo
[2]Atlantean Attack Squad
[2]Nightmare Penguin

Spells - 11
[3]A Legendary Ocean
[2]Forbidden Lance
[2]Pot of Duality
[1]Reinforcement of the Army

Traps - 12
[3]Solemn Brigade
[2]Mirror Force
[2]Art of Super-Transformation
[2]Starlight Road
[1]Forgotten Temple of the Deep
[1]Bottomless Trap Hole
[1]Torrential Tribute

Extra - 15
[1]Revise Dragon
[1]Sea Dragon
[2]Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
[1]Daigusto Phoenix
[2]Stardust Dragon
[1]Gaia Knight

Side - ?/15

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[s]You only have 1 target for Super-Transformation. You could add at least 1 more Levia, and -1 a Grizzly. You could also test with 3 Levias and see how it goes.[/s]

[s]-1 Grizzly[/s]
[s]+1 Levia[/s]

Just realized you can also target low-level monsters with Super-Transformation.

-1 Blade Armor (the chances for you to control 2 Ninjas at the same time are too slim)
-1 Diagusto Phoenix (the only targets would be Blade Armor and situational Starlighted Stardusts)
-1 Gungnir (You don't have an easy way for summoning it)

+1 Generic Level 6 Synchro (Gaia, Gravity Warrior, Sirius)
+2 Generic Rank 4 (Pearl, Utopia, Blackship, Lavalval, Emeral)

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Cards I am considering for this deck: Dark Hole, Moray of Greed, and either Nightmare Penguin, Snowman Eater, or Penguin Soldier. Nightmare Penguin I feel fits better with the overall theme, but Penguin Soldier is better at removal, which is something this deck also focuses on. Snowman Eater is the strongest of the 3 in terms of DEF, but I personally feel like I'd rather have Nightmare Penguin.

I considered Lemuria for a while, but there's really no use for it at all in this deck. I would have to rape my extra deck to make room for Rank 6's, and there's no synchros I could accomplish with it.

EDIT: Sazank is also a possible card, as it fits with removal AND is a target for Super-Transformation.

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Made more changes. Not sure what to do about Diva, considering her target other than herself stinks, and in this deck the level change might sometimes get in the way of her effect. I dropped 2 temples because it was more dead draws than good draws, and its effect isn't all that helpful to me to be honest.

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