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Archfiend OTK

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Pandemonium + Des Counterblow + Terrorking Archfiend + Desrook Archfiend = OTK

Monsters - 19
[2]Mist Archfiend
[1]Archfiend of Gilfer
[3]Archfiend General
[3]Terrorking Archfiend
[3]Desrook Archfiend
[3]Armageddon Knight
[2]Stygian Street Patrol
[1]Dark Grepher

Spells - 13
[1]Reinforcement of the Army
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Foolish Burial

Traps - 9
[3]Des Counterblow
[2]Torrential Tribute
[2]Solemn Warning
[1]Solemn Judgment
[1]Call of the Haunted

Extra Deck - 15

Gilfer and Mist Archfiend create free searches with Pandemonium, Grepher dumps Gilfer if I need him to, and yeah.

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