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Keeping Things Organized [A Kingdom Hearts Fiction][Breaching your Limit-ations]

The Warden

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I never thought I would be reading this, considering this is a Broken Fic. Why? Remember the Digimon fic you made? I couldn't read it without the prologue giving me a f**king headache! However, after some reconsideration with this fic...

To put it simply, I like it. It's something different then what I see from you Broken, and you have finally made something that keeps me entertained in this Forum, which nobody has done in a long time.

Though, I will admit, when you don't realize that the character's bios are on the next post, you wonder how the hell you pronounce those names? But, I figured it out, for the most part. What I haven't figured out, is if Kaxej's personality is similar as his Somebody? Will we ever see Jake? Or is this just an alternate universe parody of 358/2 Days? I wouldn't be surprised either way, but it would be nice to know.

Either way, I hope to see more of this soon.

[center][size=2]And maybe, you might see my full opinion on this, if you know what I mean...[/size][/center]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Boy, was this a long hiatus. I hadn't been feeling 100% recently, and couldn't work up the drive to write for 2 1/2 weeks. But, after a little searching, I found some inspiration that gave me the strength to keep going.


Also, no, I didn't waste so long on this chapter, it was already written. Before I post a Day, I ensure I've completed the next one before posting it.

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