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Courtney Gears is now an official deck!


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My ultimate goal is to exterminate all organic life, hence the deck. Turn it ALL into light, commense with extermination, OR use the dark genex control to slaughter opponent. :3

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In most cases, Core Destroyer > Unknown Crusher (unless you want to banish a monster that badly)
Unfortunately, Omni-Weapon doesn't work with "DNA Transplant" because monsters lose their LIGHT Attribute in the Graveyard, so it is not recommended.
Include Black Salvos for bringing back Crushers and Duradarks and go Synchro 7.
I cannot see how could you make good use of the Birdmans and Cyclone Creators. If you really want Tuners in the Deck besides Salvos, you can add 1 Gale and "Genex Ally Remote" to have access to the Genex Ally Triarm, but personally I would go for more Level 4 DARK Machine-Type: beaters such as Mechanicalchaser, Powercell or even AoJ Thousand Arms (to keep the AoJ theme and make use of DNA Transplant) for activating Crusher; or Dekoichi who gets you to draw a card while being a Salvo target.
With your somewhat Graveyard Control (with Iron Calls and the aforementioned Salvos) "Dark Armed Dragon" shouldn't be hard to Summon. You could add "Armaggedon Knights" for more Graveyard manipulation.
In this Deck, Bottomless might be better than Torrential because you will want your face-up Crusher to stay on the field.
Also "Ultimate Offering" is quite situational because unlike Gadgets you don't run monster searchers except for Gear Gigant X.

I will also suggest changes for the Extra Deck because you have some repeated monsters:

-3 Birdman
-2 Unknown Crusher
-2 Cyclone Creator
-2 Changer
-2 Omni-Weapon

+3 Black Salvo
+1 Core Destroyer
+1 Duradark
+1 Dark Armed Dragon
Fill the remaining 5 with DARK beaters/Dekoichi/Genex Ally Remote/Armaggedon/Gale; the combination you like the most.

-2 Torrential Tribute
-Ultimate Offering

+2 Bottomless Trap Hole
+1 MST/Mirror Force/the Duality suggested by newhat.

Extra Deck:
-2 Stardust
-2 Scrap Dragon
-2 Field Marshall
In my opinion Marshall is outclassed by "Mist Wurm", and with the aforementioned changes now you don't have enough ways for summoning Level 8 nor 9 Synchros: Salvo gets 7 Levels with ease, but then you will need a Level 1-2 monster, which you don't have in the Deck, except Effect Veiler, who happens to be Tuner. For instance, for Summoning a Stardust you would need one of your Level 4, Core Destroyer and Veiler; way too situational, don't you think?
-1 Gear Gigant X (I don't think you will ever Summon 3 of these during a duel)
-1 Orient Dragon
-1 Catastor

+2 Scrap Archfiend
+1 Zenmaines
+1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern (DNA Transplant turns your Tuner LIGHT)
+1 Photonknight Paladius (again, DNA transplant)
+1 Genex Ally Triarm (if running Genex Ally Remote)
Fill the rest with generic Rank 4 Xyzs of your choice: Maestroke, Utopia, Blackship of Corn, Emeral, Lavalval Chain, etc.

On a second thought, Birdmans are not that bad as they would allow you to recycle a Summoned Salvo, or retrieve a monster to Normal Summon it again and activate Crusher's effect. You could run them instead of Remotes.
Another option for you is to go Solidarity and remove DAD and the Veilers, filling with Level 4 DARK Machines and possibly "Plaguespreader Zombie" (who can banish itself) for Synchro Summoning. Altough this would limit your Extra Deck choices, you would still be able to Summon Gear Gigant X, Zenmaines, Catastor, and effectless Triforces.

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