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Smash your Opponent's face in with a Clock and a Tengu. Seems Legit.


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I could have used something more fitting BUT GOD DANG IT, I LOVE THIS SONG

So basically:
Step 1: Stall with Battle Immune monsters. I feel like I need more of them, but I'm not sure what they would be.
Step 2: Assemble the Combo. Timeater + Tengu, Level Eater (Preferably in Grave) and Miracle Flipper (Preferably already On the Opponent's side; Clear their field a bit if you need to.)
Step 3: Go do the combo.
Step 4:???
Step 5: Profit.
Works about 50% of the time. Works 100% of the time against Noobs :D
Yeah, I'm not [i]quite[/i] sure how it works, it just does.

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