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Classic What Pokémon Deserves an Evolution or PreEvo? Thread


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[quote name='Yin' timestamp='1349548393' post='6039121']
For what I want Houndoom deserves a further evol, just to upgrade it's design. Dunno make it more hellhound ish.

DaWierdGuy beat me on the Yanma thing.
There should be one and it should have three heads. Pokemon needs a cerberus.

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Ledian needs an evolution desperately. It has no redeeming qualities nor the ability to have a niche anything else can't do much better, a shallow movepool and doesn't have much support, anyway. Considering what it looks like, an evolution may actually look decent and have stats like 80/50/75/80/120/95, rather than 55/35/50/55/110/85, which gives it nothing.

And even the stats above wouldn't do it justice to gain a significant role. It would still be terrible due to it's defensive typing, which makes that special defense nearly worthless.

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Houndoom shouldn't have an Evo, in my opinion. Houndoom, Mightyena and Arcanine are the dogs of the generations, and an Evo may end up ruining them.
I agree that a Ledian Evo could be effective, but Ariados would possibly need one there. Remember, there are partner pokémon in each game - Arcanine and Ninetales, Ledian and Ariados, Weezing and Arbok, Sudowoodo/Bonsly & Mr Mime/Mime Jr, etc. evolving one would mean evolving the other(s).

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1349558616' post='6039219']Remember, there are partner pokémon in each game - Arcanine and Ninetales, Ledian and Ariados, Weezing and Arbok, Sudowoodo/Bonsly & Mr Mime/Mime Jr, etc. evolving one would mean evolving the other(s).
[/quote]Pinser and Scyther.

Oh wait, that's right.

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[quote name='Cloister' timestamp='1350597395' post='6047672']
Also, this.


I must admit that looked cool. But Tyranitar is already a Psuedo-legendary; why is this needed? What purpose could possibly be behind creating yet another super awesomely powerful pokémon? Tyranitar's already stronger than all the pokémon of the Legendary Trios.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1349558616' post='6039219']I agree that a Ledian Evo could be effective, but Ariados would possibly need one there. Remember, there are partner pokémon in each game - Arcanine and Ninetales, Ledian and Ariados, Weezing and Arbok, Sudowoodo/Bonsly & Mr Mime/Mime Jr, etc. evolving one would mean evolving the other(s).[/quote]Tell that to Dusknoir's face.

Seriously Game Freak give Banette an evolution ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE POKEMON ;_;

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[quote name='Randomflyingobjects' timestamp='1350403326' post='6045675']
At least a few more Eeveelutions, but possibly an epic final Eeveelution that all the other Eeveelutions evolve into, as a final stage, with a broad moveset, and different stats, depending on the Eeveelution it evolved from.

Ew, no why would you want that?

What's the point of getting this awesome Umbreon that you worked hard to get friendship and evolve at night, all to just get a new pokemon you could have gotten with any other Eevee?

Also, Eevee definitely needs a normal evolution.

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I think Eevee needs an evolution of each type and then, if people really want more, you could possibly breed two different Eeveelutions to birth an Eevee with a possibility for a two type Eeveelution; meaning you could possibly get Eeveelutions for all different type combinations.
Or maybe an item that an Eevee can hold that will change it to a different type before evolution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It'd be cool if Volbeat and Illumise had a combined pre-evo.

Also, any Pokémon that already evolves twice should've have a third evolution. A four-member chain hasn't been done before and really shouldn't. (Split third-stage evolutions, maybe. Particularly for starters. That'd be awesome.) Pokémon that could use pre-evolutions are those with a relatively intricate visual design; and evolutions, simple designs.

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[quote name='Garthfunkle Vii Backwards' timestamp='1351935473' post='6060131']
Snorlax, Ditto[b](What's the point? It'd be nice, but I dont get how it'd be done)[/b], Jynx, Mr. Mime, Aerodactyl, Kabutops[b](Not unless you give all the other Fossil pokémon an Evo)[/b],Gyarados[b](Too OPed if done.)[/b], Lapras[b](Pre-evo, not Evo)[/b], Weezing[b](Maybe, if you do Arbok as well)[/b], Hitmonlee[b](Probably not, but maybe if you do the other Hitmon's aswell)[/b], Pinsir, Tauros, and, Hitmonchan[b](same as Hitmonlee. Ie, Hitmontop would have to as well.)[/b] should have an evolved form!

Pickachu should have at least 2 branches of evolution to evolve into one of them being raichu the other well :) that would be great!

My thoughts in Bold.

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