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Genex Fortress


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[spoiler=Deck List]
[color=#8b4513][b]Monsters: 20[/b][/color]
Genex Recycled x3
Genex Ally Birdman x3
R-Genex Turbo x3
Machina Gearframe x3

Machina Fortress x3
Flying Fortress SKY FIRE x3
Clockwork Shikigami x2

[b][color=#008000]Spells: 13[/color][/b]
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Solidarity x2
Iron Call x2
Foolish Burial x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mind Control x1
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Limiter Removal x1

[color=#800080][b]Traps: 7[/b][/color]
The Huge Revolution is Over x2
Solemn Warning x2
Torrential Tribute x2
Solemn Judgment x1

[color=#000000][b]Extra Deck: 15[/b][/color]
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Genex Ally Triforce x1
Vindikite R-Genex x1
Genex Ally Axel x1
Locomotion R-Genex x2
Ally of Justice Decisive Armor x1
WInd-Up Zenmaines x1
Geargiganto X x2
Number 15: Gimmck Puppet - Giant Killer x1
Dak Flattop x2
Wind-Up Zenmaister x1 (mostly for "Mind Control" plays, but maybe it can work as a situational "Limiter Removal" lifesaver? I need to confirm this.)

[color=#0000cd][b]Side Deck: 15[/b][/color]
Cyber Dragon x2
Dark Simorgh x2
Night Beam x2
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Imperial Iron Wall x3
Rivalry of Warlords x2
Light-Imprisoning Mirror x2

You could say this Deck is the evolution of [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/282713-solid-machinex-machinagenex/"]this[/url] one I posted previously in this Section.

Rather than a Tech, SKY FIRE alongside "Dark Flattop" became the Last Bosses of the Deck, with "Machina Fortress" becoming the Mid-Boss.
The key cards here are SKY FIRE, Machina Fortress and "Genex Recycled", the last 2 searchable by Gearframe and Turbo respectively, and the 3 being "Foolish Burial" targets.
Machina Fortress #1 + Genex Recycled = Flattop + SKY FIRE (+ Machina Fortress #2 if available)

"Clockwork Shikigami" is the problem solver of the Deck:
> It is material for "Machina Fortress".
> In an emergency, it can take down big monsters by itself with its effect.
> With "Genex Recycled" it allows the Summon of the Deck's Extra Boss: "Locomotion R-Genex".
At worst, it will bait Solemns/Torrentials. At best, it will lower the ATK of the 2nd strongest opposing monster, and then become "Locomotion R-Genex" to steal the strongest one. Also, because of its Summoning restriction, "Solidarty" is playable in this Deck.

"Genex Ally Birdman" is fun to play with:
> Allows the recycling of the searchers, and by returning Turbo to the hand it becomes a decent 1900 ATK beatstick.
> Bounce a Gearframe, Summon it again and then Synchro Summon for a "Genex Ally Triforce" with an effect.
> It can bounce "Clockwork Shikigami" back the the hand for Special Summoning this card for free while also recycling Clockwork's effect. Special Summon 2 Birdmans this way and you get a "Wind-Up Zenmaines".
> If both "Flattop" and SKY FIRE are already on the field, I can bounce the latter back to the hand, discard it for a Fortress, and Special Summon it back with Flattop.

+ Highly versatile by being able to lower opponent's ATK, steal monsters, Summon high-ATK monsters with relative ease, Summon both Synchro and Xyz Monsters, and SKY FIRE provides awesome field control after it has been successfully Summoned.
+ Somewhat strong Side-Deck by being able to run "Rivalry of Warlords" and "Light-Imprisoning Mirror" as the Deck doesn't run LIGHTs. "Dark Simorgh" can stop Countdown Decks, disrupt Bubblebeat a bit, and when combined with SKY FIRE the opponent's only hope are Spell Cards (any Summon they make will be destroyed by SKY FIRE). Also, Turbo basically sets up its materials so it is not that hard to Summon. "Nobleman of Crossout" gets rid of Ryko, Snowman and other annoying face-downs.
+ The sided "Imperial Iron Wall" allows the disruption of a few key cards of the meta Decks ("Gates of the Dark World", "Miracle Fusion" and even "Rescue Rabbit") while keeping your precious Graveyard safe.

- Basically no Spell/Trap protection. "Forbidden Lances" might be needed.
- Susceptible to Summon negation and monster destruction (except for equipped "Machina Gearframes"): The Deck must perform 3-4 Summons in a single turn to get out the SKY FIRE; if one of those Summons is disrupted then it is often difficult to recover. Hence the sided "Night Beams" to deal with Set Solemns/Torrentials/Mirror Force/Bottomless/etc.
- Vulnerable to "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" and "System Down", as most Machine-Type Decks are. At least you can counter the latter with "Imperial Iron Wall".
- SKY FIREs are dead draws until your get a "Machina Fortress" in your hand or Graveyard. "Pot of Duality" might help with this.
- Because of "Clockwork Shikigami" I cannot include non Machine-Type staples such as "Effect Veiler" and "Maxx C" in the Main Deck. I could side them and replace the Clockworks when needed during a match, though.

Probably this Deck cannot compete against Tier 1 as I would like it to do it, but I want it at its maximum potential; that's why I am posting this here requesting your help. As mentioned above, "Forbidden Lance" and Pot of Duality" would be good additions, but what could I take out to include those? Also I feel the Side-Deck could be better by adding monsters like Fossil Dyna, Veilers, D.D. Crows, etc.

Thanks for reading.

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[quote name='Frex' timestamp='1349650614' post='6039882']Does that mean that I must Summon SKY FIRE properly first to bring it back later with "Dark Flattop"?[/quote]Correct.

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Wow. That ruins everything. I hope Konami (or the organization in charge) changes or update this unwritten rule soon because it keeps SKY FIRE unuseful and it makes no sense that monsters cannot still be Special Summoned from the Graveyard while their Summoning conditions are being ignored. But which are the chances for that to happen? SKY FIRE is pretty much a forgotten Boss.

I guess I will be going back to my Machinex Deck, then.

Thanks for your answers.

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