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Devil's Dance [S/Not Accepting/PG-16/Season 1]

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Little thing irritating me at the moment; though I dont actually know if anyone noticed. You've got that one of the greatest Gunmen to have ever walked the 'earth' was killed and his bounty of [u]$$[/u][u]20,000,000[/u] was received.

So, if he's one of the 2 greatest outlaws ever, why are there 3 characters with a higher bounty? Shouldn't $$20,000,000 be some sort of limit thing?

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I can understand what your saying, DWG.

Though most of these bounties are put on based on actions. Theft, murder, etc. At which point, they probably wouldn't want to reveal it until later. I guess.

However, with mine...Tyson's bounty will increase a bit during the RP goes(not like every episode, but you understand).

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1349468025' post='6038606']
Sure, but no-one seems to have that good a reason for it. I mean, Stalfos' is 25 times more. 25! 500,000,000 is a bit much, dont'cha think?

Yeah... Insanity plays a big part in bounty spikes, as does massive cost to state damage in Warren City =/


I could probably cut that down to 200,000,000 in hind sight, though.

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[quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1349478055' post='6038739']
Yeah... Insanity plays a big part in bounty spikes, as does massive cost to state damage in Warren City =/


I could probably cut that down to 200,000,000 in hind sight, though.

You're joking, right? I don't think you get the point. Drop it maybe 1 mil

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Will we get superpowers? Or special techniques? Or pet owls who poop chain blades? Or massive bowls of jello that eclipse the sun and crash into the planet shattering the crust and enveloping the inhabitants in a world of lava, eatrthquakes, and sweet desserts?

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[i]"I have a knack for getting wrapped up in things."[/i]

[b]Personal Info[/b]
Username: Mako109

Name: Rundas Karn

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight as a bullet (CWATIDIDTH-*shot*

Date of Birth: August 3rd

Blood Type: Don't see why this matters, but A+

Hobby: Replacing mechanical lubricant with alcohol, much to Melissa's dismay

Appearance: [spoiler=A]A fair man all around. Height is 6' on the dot, with lighter than average skin due to constantly being inside. A bit skinnier than what one would think in a desert wasteland (where your bulk determines your survivability), he uses it to his advantage by being as agile as possible. Dark Brown hair of medium length with Hazel eyes. His normal attire consists of a personal company uniform he made up for himself. It consists of a gray uniform that could be compared to an old Confederate (US) one. The shoulders are decorated with a pattern of black and yellow squares. The Uniform itself is worn down, faded, a bit torn here and there, and outfitted with many a survival need.[/spoiler]

Personality: [spoiler=P]You know that one laid back guy you know, who's not willing to prank the heck out of you and is lax in about any situation? Yeah, he's that guy. Not lazy, but will rarely get riled up about...well, anything. Even during a bandit raid, he's cool, calm, collected, and...almost apathetic seeming. Does he trust his crew that much, or is he just insane? Hard to say.

This doesn't mean he doesn't care about anything. He deeply cares for those he knows and, probably not sexually, loves. He'd be willing to put his life on the line for a buddy in an instant as long as he's sure he/she'd do the same for him. He also has a high work ethic, placing his job only under his comrades.[/spoiler]

Biography: [spoiler=B]For being born and raised on such a planet, you'd expect his level of emotion to skyrocket like everyone else. Well, don't. Ever since he was a young kid, he took life easy. Not to say that he was lazy. He had a knack for understanding how life worked, and what was right or wrong. Not to say that he always did what was right. His family, while partially supportive of whatever he did, was sub-par at best, showing little interest in him outside potential jobs. Not to say he thought he had a bad family. He loved them very much, and understood why they raised him the way they did. In fact, up to this point, his whole life could be summed up by the phrase "Mutual Understanding". That, plus he could be considered dull by every definition.

As his father did before him, Rundas was sent out at the fresh age of 16 to find himself in the wastelands of the planet. Food, water, and a few Double dollars were given to him, and he was shut out the door, told to come back when he had made at least one thousand times the amount he currently carried. Now out in the city with nowhere to go, a Sandsteamer rolling into the city caught his attention. He figured such a large vessel would have some openings, so he investigated. And, wouldn't you know it, it did. They needed more engineers to work on the various devices inside, and were more than willing to take on a newbie.

Over the next five years of his life, he was inside the Sandsteamer, training, learning, and working. He eventually gained an expansive knowledge on how systems as such works, taking note to the piston systems, of which he would base the Dunecrawler after. His work became so effective that he even gained the attention of the Captain of the Steamsteamer, Augustus Chase, took him under his wing, giving him the final steps of his training. Captain Chase had finally thought he had found a suitable replacement for himself once old age caught up with him. Alas, it was not to be.

Melissa Chase, Captain Chase's only daughter and engineer-in-training, had took special notice to Rundas, with only one thought going through her mind. On a particularly busy day, Melissa led Rundas outside of the Sandsteamer...only to be left behind. Melissa wanted to run away with him, and start a family and such. Rundas didn't exactly have a quarrel with this, except for one thing.

She was 15.

So now what? They're stuck in a city with nowhere to go, nothing to do, and a soon-to-be-furious Steamcrawler captain placing a bounty on the poor man's head.

What else is there to do but start a business?

Jump 3 years later. It took time and effort. Taking as many jobs as possible. Avoiding Captain Chase, who would put a bullet in Rundas' head faster than lightning. Gathering the right parts to finally complete his masterpiece. Rundas and Melissa now live a wonderful life on the road with their best friend, Gunner Siegfried.

Except this life on the road consists of delivering things from point A to point B and blowing up everything in between.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

[b]Gunman Info[/b]
Weapons and devices: He pilots a large machine he calls the Dunecrawler, which fully described here: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/290563-devils-dance-nsacceptingpg-16/page__st__40#entry6038220"]http://forum.yugiohc...40#entry6038220[/url]

As for personal defense, he keeps a Semi-Automatic Carbine in the cockpit (similar to the M1 Carbine) that he named Carbon. It can switch from Semi to 3-Shot Burst.

Bounty: $$100,000 for "running away" with Melissa Chase. More might be added if his multiple illegal shipments get exposed to the authorities or anyone else negatively involved.

Duel Count: 1 Duel, over the possession of an engine.

Killed: 1 in a Duel, Unknown number when transporting since he can't exactly keep track.

Shot Count: Once and a half. That half being a hunk of shrapnel wedging itself into his shoulder during a bandit raid.

I'll be working on Melissa's and Siegfried's soon enough. What, did you think my rag-tag team would be a one-man band?

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I actually did XD

Nice addition to the RP, Mako. I fully accept you once you get the last two Apps up ^^

@Raine: Superpowers, special abilities...still unsure. Hoshi no Gunmen, an Western RP that Blu made a long while back had something called Gunspells, but I didn't want to use something similar...mainly cause this is a different RP. But if this goes a lot smoothly, I may consider it.

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