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Devil's Dance [S/Not Accepting/PG-16/Season 1]

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1349384163' post='6037851']
Raine, not cool.

Anyway I'm thinking of a theme for Tyson right now. I got one I'll reveal during Episode 1, but I'll need another one.

He's Chris Jericho. What were you interpreting from that?

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[size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][i]"If the price is right, You will be dead tonight"[/i][/font][/size]

[u][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u][/u]
Name: not known, but goes by Code
Age: about 19
Gender: M
Sexuality: As straight as I am pretty
Date of Birth: 04/01
Blood Type: O+
Hobby: playing wiht his dog, Weaver, staring into the distance, riding trains. polishing and cleaning his gun.
Appearance: see top
Personality: Code is a calm man. Despite has rash appearance, he is much smarter than he lets on to be. He has been able to keep his real name secret as a result. During a fight, he tends to anaylze his enemies and play to their weaknesses. He enjoys the occasional taunting of an opponent, but sometimes comes off as a little too cocky, which may be his down fall.

Biography: Code's childhood is relatively unknown since no one knows his true name. What is known is his skill. Three months ago he killed a corrupt sheriff and his men. While some deemed his actoins inexcusable, others treated him like a hero. For weeks after his reputation increased. He took down a gang of eight men with eight shots and has been hired as a mercernary by many groups. He is currently considered one of the risings stars in this age and is working as a mercenary currently.
Code seems to hold a grudge against the "Devil's Dealer" for an unknown reason. Some believe he might have been the one who gave him his only gunshot wound. The wound is right through his chest and would have killed any other man. Perhaps it is somehting that happened when he was young.

Code travels witha German Sherpard he calls Weaver. Weaver is faster than most dogs and cleans up after Code. If a victiim is only mildly wounded, then Weaver would pounce on them and bite their neck. Code also relies on Weaver for directions, for that purpose, Weaver wears a light leather padding around his main body to protect him from some bullets if he is shot at. Weaver and Code seem to have known each other a while and it is assumed that Weaver has a childhood pet.

[u][b][u]Gunman Info[/u][/b][/u]
Weapons: [spoiler Leonard]
Code's weapon of choice. It is 9mm with great accuracy. Although not as strong as other weapons, it is much easier to reload. It has a knife on the bottom of the barrel that code uses for close combat.[/spoiler]
Bounty: $144,678.01 (mainly because he killed a sheriff)
Duel Count: 12
Killed: 58
Shot Count: 1

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I'd advise using a different pic, the pic is rather generic and over-used. So is an unknown name/Alias. Sorry, but if you're not in a Secret Agent or a Doctor Who RP, an Alias is generally unneccessary. Especially in a Western themed RP, where people generally didn't know another long enough to be wary of names. It makes you seem like you want to be a Gary Stu.

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I've been giving it some thought, and I have a question. Does the technological level of this RP equal Trigun's time, or is it more/less advanced?

Cause I had an awesome idea for an alternative for the Sandsteamer that I, personally, find a lot more awesome. As follows...

The basic layout could be compared to a caterpillar or something of the like. Perhaps a train. Basically, it's ten separate cars/compartments/whatever attached together. Each compartment has two legs beneath it that are able to move at rather fast speeds, with the front engine having 2 extra leg-arm hybrids in the front. Used for transportation across rough terrain, it is far more versatile than a Sandsteamer which, to my knowledge, can only cross flat lands successfully.

Each compartments contents depends on the day. They could be weapon shipments, trade items, vital supplies, or even Sand Worm larva. Assuming they HAVE larva. Exactly 2 compartments are ALWAYS used for Human Transport. The price of these compartments vary based on the shipment; low value items mean cheap price, while high value items mean an arm and a leg. Every other compartment has a 75mm Self Defense Cannon on top to protect against bandits, while those lacking the 75mm have 30 cal. machine guns on the sides.

With a total of five 75mm and ten 30 cal., plus the pilot needed to control it, means that a minimum of 5 men are needed to safely protect and pilot the Dunecrawler, with 1 piloting, 1 engineer, and 3 alternating through the weapons (each weapon is manually controlled). However, if one is feeling lucky, only the pilot and engineer are needed to keep it running, as much as a sitting duck as you become.

So, yes. Basically, it's a train with legs and guns.[/spoiler]

If this is unacceptable, I'd be totally cool with being a normal Sandsteamer pilot, even though the large hulking machine like that might limit my role in the RP, aside from transport. xD

FYI, I use the Anime and the Trigun Wikia for my information.

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