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[Finished][LOCK]Neapolitan Ice Cream Contest


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Force of the North Wind
Quickplay Spell Card
Select 1 face-up "Ray & Temperature" you control. Once per turn, while this card is in the Graveyard, you can Tribute 1 "Cloaked Wanderer" from your side of the field or your hand to the Graveyard to return this card to your hand. Apply 1 of the following effects:
● While the selected monster is in Attack Position: Return all Set cards on the field to the owner's hand.
● While the selected monster is in Defense Position: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent for each face-up monster they control; those monsters cannot declare an attack this turn.

Cloaked Wanderer
Level 1
When this card is Summoned: Select 1 face-up "Ray & Temperature" you control; it gains 2000 ATK and cannot be destroyed by card effects until the end of your opponent's next Battle Phase. While this card is in the Graveyard: You can shuffle 1 face-up "Ray & Temperature" into the Deck and banish this card, then draw 1 card.

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Right, I'm in, points sent, entries are [spoiler=Ready] The card I chose to support is Cosmo Queen, which is the awesome-est of awesome cards and I made an Xyz to help it.


The Xyz works in conjunction with Gate to the cosmos and they both share an effect to SS Cosmo Queen from the deck for a dangerous 2900 Beating.

Also, rainbow sprinkles. Mmm, Nyan Cat like.

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I'll be joining this contest. :)

My entry Base

I do enjoy Strawberry the most if were just talking about the 3 basic ice cream flavors. If not Then I do love chocolate-chip mint and rockyroad.

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Haven't been in one of these for [i]years[/i], now.

My favorite ice-cream flavor would have to be Jelly Tip, topped with a Flake Bar or two :)

[Spoiler=The card I shall be supporting][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070416023453/yugioh/images/thumb/4/4d/LabyrinthWallDB1-EN-C-UE.jpg/300px-LabyrinthWallDB1-EN-C-UE.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

[b]Mason of Labyrinths[/b]


[b]Obelisk of the Aegis[/b]


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[quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1349832349' post='6041300']
My favorite ice-cream flavor would have to be Jelly Tip, topped with a Flake Bar or two :)

There you go, ur in.

Also i will be taking points off for things like: Pictures from pokemon, overpowered, there are no pictures, etc. I just wanted to tell you guys before i judge. If you didn;t read this, not my fault. You can't say you weren't warned. Once again, you have until the 15th Pacific Time.

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I will join.
Cookies + cream + oreos = AWESOME!
I will support...

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Ehem, Kvn523...
My picture IS from Digimon (MetalSeadramon to be exact) - but it FITS the theme nicely.
So I STRONGLY disagree with taking points off it (and saying it a week AFTER I made the card) JUST because of the picture.
The OP part makes sense, though.
See ya.

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[quote name='Koshej' timestamp='1349939182' post='6042040']
Ehem, Kvn523...
My picture IS from Digimon (MetalSeadramon to be exact) - but it FITS the theme nicely.
So I STRONGLY disagree with taking points off it (and saying it a week AFTER I made the card) JUST because of the picture.
The OP part makes sense, though.
See ya.

o.o so its unfair for me to add rules.... Anyway you still have time to change it. Unfair is for me to take off points without warning u b4 hand...

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WHY should I even CHECK for "new rules" after I've already SUBMITTED my cards???
Which is my point exactly.
Anyways - my picture is NOT "from Pokemon", so GET LOST. :lol::lol::lol:
I participate more to SHOW OFF my skills/card ideas, rather than WIN.
Mostly, cause JUDGING is very subjective (and it should be, these contests are just games anyways).

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[quote name='Koshej' timestamp='1349939667' post='6042043']
WHY should I even CHECK for "new rules" after I've already SUBMITTED my cards???
Which is my point exactly.
Anyways - my picture is NOT "from Pokemon", so GET LOST. :lol::lol::lol:
I participate more to SHOW OFF my skills/card ideas, rather than WIN.
Mostly, cause JUDGING is very subjective (and it should be, these contests are just games anyways).
Pokemon was an example. You're flaming. Yes this is a game so relax. Your cards are fine i never said they weren't, why r u complaining so much about 1 point off for pics. Honestly, some of these things you said don't even make sense. If you don't like the rules then [quote name='Koshej' timestamp='1349939667' post='6042043']GET LOST[/quote]

You're still in the contest. If you want out then i will send your 20 points.

[s]Oh and it doesn't really look good when a 29 year old argues with a freshman.[/s] (<that was immature and i am sorry, but i still stand by the stuff above)

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[quote name='Koshej' timestamp='1350249076' post='6044469']
UM, how can everyone be not below 10, if 10 is the max rating?
And picture-less cards should be max 9 anyways...
Confused and awaiting. :lol:
*facepalms* EACH CARD is max 10 points... everyone entered 2 cards.... still confused? Judging will be posted by tomorrow.

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