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[Finished][LOCK]Neapolitan Ice Cream Contest


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Neapolitan ice cream is (what we Americans know as) Vanilla + Strawberry + Chocolate. Of course this wasn't what it was originally, but you guys can research that yourself. Anyway, a Vanilla in yugioh is a normal monster. In this contest you will need to make the strawberry & chocolate (2 support cards). Let's hope this takes off!
End Date: October 15

[spoiler=You Must Read This]
-Entry fee is 20
-You cannot have more than 1 entry (1 entry is the 2 support cards)
-The cards [b]MUST[/b] support a [b]SPECIFIC Norma[/b]l Monster (so you choose 1 normal monster that exists in the TCG or OCG, like Celtic Guardian/Terrorking Salmon/Curse of Dragon/Etc.
-Each person will make 1 'strawberry' (Spell or Trap card) and 1 'Chocolate' (effect monster that specifically supports the monster
-Each person MUST choose different Normal Monsters to support
-To make sure you read this, list your favorite Ice Cream Flavor on top of your post
1. Follow all the rules of the Contest & Realistic Card Forums
2. Any flaming/trolling/spamming will result in a report and (if you entered the contest) a disqualification
3. If your cards do not follow the [u]requirements[/u], your entry will be returned and you will be disqualified (i will give you 3 days to change your card before I disqualify you)
4. If you break a [u]rule[/u] (depending on the rule broken), I will disqualify you (and maybe report you depending on rule broken) and [u]keep[/u] the entry fee (unless a moderator yells at me >.<)
5.ALL CARDS MUST BE ENTERED IN BY OCTOBER 15, if not then entry fee will be returned to you
6. If I say no, then NO (so don't beg me to raise your score or give back your entry fee)
7. To make sure you read this, list your favorite ice cream topping (sprinkles/cherries/nuts/etc.)
[spoiler=Additional Things]
-If you feel like i made an unfair decision, you can argue about what i did wrong (without flaming/insulting, keep it mature). Also, you only get [u][b]ONE[/b][/u] post to convince me
-If you want to back out of the contest, then pm me and i will give you back your entry fee
-I WILL be reminding you to enter cards, if you haven't already, so better enter them early
-Please check in to the status of the contest AT LEAST once a week (i might add rules/etc.)
-Please try and respond to me whenever i PM you (so i know ur still alive >.<)
-Remember that your card does not have to be splashable. Splashing Normal monsters + supports is hard to do. Just make sure that your cards are playable and balanced (playable and splashable are different).
[spoiler=Grading & Prizes]
I will judge each card separately and add the score together to get 1 final score
3/3 OCG
1/1 Picture
3/3 Balance
3/3 Usefulness

1rst Place 45 Points + 2 Likes
2nd Place 35 Points +1 Like
3rd Place 30 Points
(if only 3 people enter, then only the first place will get prize)
1. Koshej (cards in)
2. Exaenae (cards in)
3. Chance Furlong (cards in)
4. Stan Alda (cards in)
5. Archbaron Thor the Just (cards in)
6. Majestic Star Bahamut (cards in)
7. Toyo Tan (cards in)
8. Saynt (cards in)
9.Siegfried (cads in)
10. Stalfos (cards in)
11. 7swords (cards in)[/spoiler]

There can be an unlimited amount of contestants. So yeah...... JOIN NOW!?

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Spiral Serpent goes well with chocolate flavor. :lol:
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Banishing 1 "Spiral Serpent" you control. During your turn, you can Banish 1 Sea Serpent-Type monster from your hand, field or Graveyard: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls. If you activate this Effect: Until your next Standby Phase, if this card would be destroyed, you can Banish 1 Sea Serpent-Type monster from your hand or field instead. Your opponent cannot respond to this card's Effects or Special Summon.
Banish 1 "Spiral Serpent" you control. Special Summon up to 5 WATER Effect Monsters that specifically target Sea Serpent-Type monsters with their Effects from your hand or Deck. Pay 1000 Life Points for each successfully Summoned monster.

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[quote name='Kvn523' timestamp='1349240753' post='6036911']
Btw, did either of you guys read the requirements/rules. If you did read closer (hint).
Still working on my cards. Incidentally, I'm a frozen custard guy, but I like cookies and cream topped with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

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I'm supporting [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber_Falcon"]this epicness[/url] (also the bestest vanilla evar).



I'm not writing the lores, because if you can't read the cards, you have some serious sight issues. Go see a doctor.

My other vanillas I thought of (if anybody wants to steal an idea):
Jerry Beans Man (in fact already did that)
Twin-Headed Fire Dragon
the Magical Swordsman guys (but there are two of them and I couldn't decide

Also [url="http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/10589740/img/Anonymous/EN001.png"]high-res[/url] [url="http://www3.picturepush.com/photo/a/10589851/img/Anonymous/EN002.png"]pictures[/url].

[spoiler=Credits]Epic template by Judas
Pics from the JazinKay archive (I, however, edited the second)
Cards by me (obviously)

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[center][color=#000000]I'll be entering, and will be supporting this classic bad boy:[/color][/center]


[center][color=#000000][spoiler=My Entry][/color][/center]
[center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]If this card is Normal Summoned: Switch this card to Defense Position, then you can Special Summon 1 "Soul Tiger" from your Deck or Graveyard. While this card is face-up and there is a face-up "Soul Tiger" on the field: You can Normal Summon 1 Beast-Type monster in addition to your Normal Summon this turn. [/size][/font]These effects of "Spelled Tiger" can only be activated each up to twice per turn.[/color][/center]

[center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]Must first be activated on the field. While this card is in the Graveyard: You can Normal Summon 1 "Spelled Tiger" or "Soul Tiger" from your hand or Graveyard as an additional Normal Summon. You can only activate this effect of "The Tiger's Domain" once per Main Phase.[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#000000]And personally I <3 Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream paired off with Chocolate Fudge Walnut, topped off with a couple of mint leaves. :3[/color][/center]

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Oh yeah, Overdrive is epic. One of the few cards where they didn't censor the guns. And it's an effin tank. What more do you need?

EDIT: Crap, just noticed my card has a comma instead of a dot after "cannot activate Trap Cards". Ignore that.

EDIT 2: The Spell misses a dot in the end (I'm just full of fail today). Will edit them tomorrow.

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[i]Sprinkles and toppings[/i]
[i]and chocolate pieces[/i]
[i]Strawberry flavors[/i]
[i]Watch out for leeches[/i]
[i]Rocky mountain ice cream served on a plate[/i]
[i]Damn, it is getting quite late…[/i]
(I know I messed up quite a few syllables in the last part, and the rhyming could have been a lot better). Also, I wonder if anyone can figure out which melody I am doing… *nudge* *nudge*
I'll take Curse of Dragon and the Fusion Monster approach.
[quote]"Curse of Dragon"+1 "Gaia" monster
Must first be Fusion Summoned. All "Curse of Dragon" monsters you control inflict Piercing Battle Damage. Once per turn: You can send 1 Warrior- or Dragon-type monster from your hand to the Graveyard; Special Summon 1 "Curse of Dragon" or "Gaia" monster from your Graveyard. This card gains 600 ATK for each "Curse of Dragon" you control.[/quote]
[quote]Banish, from either side of the field or your hand, Fusion Material Monsters listed on a Fusion Monster that lists "Curse of Dragon" as its Fusion Material; Special Summon that monster (This Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon). If a Fusion Monster Special Summoned by this effect is removed from the field: Return all Fusion Material Monsters to their owners' hands.[/quote]
These cards are… strange. Iffy on the wording, so they may be subject to change.

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I like regular vanilla ice cream with a flake, although Magnum's are also nice.

I'm supporting [b]Garnecia Elefantis[/b]. Because I remember the days you were excited to get a Lv7 Beast Warrior with average attack in Super Rare, as I did.

[spoiler=The original card]

My support

VAN-001 [b]Herald of the Elefan King[/b]
Cannot be Special Summoned from Deck. Banish this face-up monster: Special Summon 1 'Garnecia Elefantis' from your hand or Deck. A monster summoned by this effect cannot attack during this turn, and you cannot Special Summon other monsters this turn.
ATK 800 / DEF 600

VAN-002 [b]Stampede of Elefan King[/b]
Normal Spell Card
Can only be activated while you control a face-up 'Garnecia Elefantis'. Special Summon up to 3 Level 3 or lower Normal Beast-Warrior monsters from your hand or Graveyard. You can only activate 1 'Stampede of Elefan King' per turn, and 'Garnecia Elefantis' must remain face up on the field to activate and resolve this effect.

I am aware that I can only score 9 points without pictures, but I'm not looking for pics for hours.

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[quote name='Saynt' timestamp='1349310054' post='6037364']
My favourite flavour is cookies & cream.
I will join, and I'll be supporting [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ray_%26_Temperature"]Ray & Temperature[/url].
Awesome, now i know u read the requirements but did u read rules (hint).

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Here's my entries. Just in case you forgot, I'm supporting this:

"Overwatch" is designed to get more "Overdrive"s and "Suppressive Fire"s on the field to pin down your opponent for a few turns, then take advantage of their generic Level 4-ness to Xyz or Synchro into something else. Supporting Xyzs is pretty out-of-character for me, I know, but I'm trying new ideas here.

Level 4
When you Normal Summon this card from your hand, you can Special Summon 1 "Overdrive" from your hand or Deck. The summoned monster cannot be used as Synchro or Xyz Material until your 3rd Standby Phase after it was Special Summoned. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can add 1 "Suppressive Fire" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand if there is at least 1 "Overdrive" on your side of the field. Increase the ATK and DEF of this monster by 100 points for each "Overdrive" and "Overwatch" on your side of the field, excluding this card.

[i][b]Suppressive Fire[/b][/i]
This card can only be activated if there is at least 1 "Overdrive" or "Overwatch" on your side of the field. If there are no "Overdrive"s or "Overwatch"es on your side of the field, this card is destroyed. When an "Overdrive" or "Overwatch" on your side of the field declares an attack on a monster with higher ATK or DEF than the attacking monster, the attacking monster is not destroyed. (Damage is calculated as normal.) Your opponent cannot declare an attack with the targeted monster or activate its effects until their next End Phase. You can only activate this card's effect once per Battle Phase.

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