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[Finished] 48 hour Contest #2 [-Griffin]


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Seemed like a +1 if your opponent used 1-4-1 s/t removal, and a +0/-1 in other situations. Neither was really broken, and I liked the flexibility offered by being a monster instead of a trap or something (You can set it to tribute next turn, or use it for a +1 level for a Synchro, ect, ect). 1000 DEF turned out to have quite a few nice targets, but none felt overbearing.

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Felt snowball-y since having it face-up longer gave way better results. Having it for only 1 turn could be no effect. The second effect also felt fairly weak. It's very specific to be getting a (probably weak) Summon for. The first effect's thinning/toolboxing/Grave-filling would see far more play.

It didn't feel like it'd see much play over the other R4 generics, and if it did it felt like it'd be snowbally and bad for the game by letting the winning player start setting up their hand amazingly.

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