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Firestar Beat V1.4


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Firestar Beat
Games W/L since V 1.2: 6-1
Matches W/L since V1.2: 3-0


Still testing well, so I can definitively state that it is at least an undermeta deck.

[spoiler='V 1.3'][img]http://i.imgur.com/AageT.png[/img][/spoiler]

[spoiler='V 1.2'][img]http://i.imgur.com/haEB7.png[/img][/spoiler]

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[quote name='Canadian' timestamp='1348400396' post='6030258']
duality pls

[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1348400533' post='6030259']
I would add the third horn over the third lance. speeds the deck up nicely

Also I did predict that Enraged Battle OX would make a come back when I saw these Firestars
[/quote]Enraged Battle Ox is just being tested atm. I dunno if it's worth running yet.

And no to the horn over the lance. Lance has been testing too well and 3 horn has not.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1348603574' post='6031956']
Is Lance really so good here?
[/quote]Extremely. It's 10x better than the Firedance version and is great to let your monsters get over the opponents in battle. Plus it's absolutely godly in the mirror.

[quote name='mido9' timestamp='1348603838' post='6031961']
How do you get out sirius here?
[/quote]You don't. Actually, you hardly use the extra deck at all. There are just Synchros there if you reborn a tuner from your Opponent's Graveyard.

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Yeah, I know. Tenken is kind of underwhelming because of its timing, but the thing is I'm just wary of running out of Traps to pull from the deck, and I'm trying to use Magic Planter too...
I might use 1 Planter, and take out Hienshaku again for 2 Lance... mmm

But that's drifting into my build, are you having any problems thus far with tripping or paying for Ryushishin's effects?

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1348604975' post='6031984']
Yeah, I know. Tenken is kind of underwhelming because of its timing, but the thing is I'm just wary of running out of Traps to pull from the deck, and I'm trying to use Magic Planter too...
[/quote]I never pull Traps. Always Spells.

Ryushishin is the only good one that searches Traps, and it's so underwhelming compared to the other two.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1348604975' post='6031984']
But that's drifting into my build, are you having any problems thus far with tripping or paying for Ryushishin's effects?
[/quote]What is this "using Ryushishin's effects"?

[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1348605265' post='6031990']
You don't use Soko for Tensen?
[/quote]Why would I? I think Soko is garbage.

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I mean, do you usually activate a spell so he can search a trap, and do you usually have the 2 faceups you need for a revival?

Also, your deck now has me weighing whether Horn or Lance would be most advantageous, there's good points for both, but I sort of lean towards Lance because it's more chainable.

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I usually activate a trap to search a trap.

I hardly ever use its effects. It's there to be a 1800+ beater that allows me to not lose advantage when an Opponent MSTs/Storms my set Tensens.

I usually just use it to either beatstick or get to the better Firestars.

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