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X-Juggernaut Mk. III [Single]

The Dark Knight

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X-Juggernaut Mk. III
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand while your LP are 2000 or lower. This card is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's card effects. During your End Phase, this card loses 1000 ATK and is switched to Defense Position.
ATK: 4000||DEF: 0

Pretty straightforward and splashable beatstick for when you're in a pinch.

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It doesn't seem very well-designed. You have to have low Life Points to use it, but you can induce that unto yourself with Wall of Revealing Light and Hope for Escape and things like that. You can Summon more than 1 at a time, so it can be used to OTK on Turn 3. You can use it with Evigishki Zeal Gigas and kill the opponent with beat and burn from Gustav. Most importantly, if you can protect it from attacks, it is impossible to kill.

The third sentence is redundant.

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