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Genex Deck (In Yugioh - Over the Nexus)


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This is my Genex deck from Yugioh - Over the Nexus. I haven't got a lot of the cards unlocked yet, so mainly it's just basic Genex's. Anyway, the main point is to get a full field of boosting Genex's with spells and traps focusing on destroying opponents cards or defending attacks. It only has 60 cards because I from what I've played, it just works better.

Full Deck - 60 cards

Monsters - 32

Gene-Warped Warwolf 1
Genex Controller 3
Beast King Barbaros 1
Exploder Dragon 1
Fabled Raven 1
Genex Doctor 2
Genex Neutron 2
Genex Gaia 2
Genex Furnace 2
Genex Power Planner 2
Genex Searcher 2
Genex Solar 1
Genex Spare 1
Genex Turbine 3
Genex Undine 3
Genex Worker 2
Junk Synchron 1
Swarm of Scarabs 1
Trident Warrior 1

Spells - 14

Burden of the Mighty 1
Fissure 2
Hammer Shot 2
Kaiser Colosseum 2
Lightning Vortex 2
Monster Reborn 1
Ribbon of Rebirth 1
Swords of Revealing Light 1

Traps - 14

Call of the Haunted 1
Dust Tornado - 3
Magic Cylinder 1
Mirror Force 1
Sakuretsu Armor 3
Scrap Iron Scarecrow 3
Waboku 1
Widespread Ruin 1

Extra - 14
Catastor 2
Brionac 1
Gungnir 1
Dark End Dragon 1
Flamvell Uruquizas 1
Gaia Knight 1
Genex Geo 1
Genex Hydro 1
Junk Destroyer 1
Lightning Warrior 1
Magical Android 1
Mist Wurm 1
X-Saber Urbellum 1

Its pretty bad, but I'm working on making it better, and hopefully smaller.

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[quote name='<~}Legendary{~>' timestamp='1348329612' post='6029661']Full Deck - 60 cards[/quote]I'm depressed now ;_;
Let's see, using packs only from when you start I think I whip something up...
March 2012 Banlist, since It's nice.

Monsters - 20
3 Genex Solar (Early game, this is your win condition. It's quite powerful, really.)
3 Genex Turbine (Power up is nice in-game till you get better cards)
2 Genex Worker (Gets out Solar.)
2 Genex Neutron (Searching + 1800 body is very good.)
2 Genex Searcher (Gets turbine and worker. Good enough to use 2.)
3 Genex Controller (Might as well.)
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining (May as well. :U)
1 Sangan (Good Card.)
3 Spirit Reaper (DARK for BLS, And Generally good Card. Can stall for a bit as you set up.)
1 Cyber Dragon (Lets you make 8s, decent beater, LIGHT for BLS)

Spells - 11
3 Enemy Controller (Makes monsters vulnerable or can make game-winning pushes much easier.)
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Smashing Ground (Prolly the best 1-for-1 Generic Monster removal for now...Heck, maybe even ever.)
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole (Staples)
1 Book of Moon (Semi-Staple)
1 Limiter Removal (Good card for *Mostly Machine Decks.)

Traps - 9
2 Bottomless Trap Hole (Kills most decks You'll see in game.)
2 Call of the Haunted (Revival + Synchro/Tribute = Good)
1 Solemn Judgement
2 Mirror Force
2 Torrential Tribute (Staples)

Extra - 15
Whatever generic Synchros or ones you can make that you have, really.

Not the best, but I used what I had.

Also, Armz's Idea to combine monarchs and genex isn't bad, but only usable once you get Shadow of Infinity,because then you get treeborn.

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[quote name='Machine King Prototype' timestamp='1348341893' post='6029799']
I'm depressed now ;_;
Let's see, using packs only from when you start I think I whip something up...
March 2012 Banlist, since It's nice.

Monsters - 20
3 Genex Solar (Early game, this is your win condition. It's quite powerful, really.)
3 Genex Turbine (Power up is nice in-game till you get better cards)
2 Genex Worker (Gets out Solar.)
2 Genex Neutron (Searching + 1800 body is very good.)
2 Genex Searcher (Gets turbine and worker. Good enough to use 2.)
3 Genex Controller (Might as well.)
[color=#0000ff]0[/color][color=#ff0000] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining (May as well. :U)[/color]
1 Sangan (Good Card.)
[color=#0000cd]1[/color][color=#ff0000] Spirit Reaper (DARK for BLS, And Generally good Card. Can stall for a bit as you set up.)[/color]
1 Cyber Dragon (Lets you make 8s, decent beater, LIGHT for BLS)

Spells - 11
3 Enemy Controller (Makes monsters vulnerable or can make game-winning pushes much easier.)
[color=#0000ff]2[/color][color=#ff0000] Mystical Space Typhoon[/color]
2 Smashing Ground (Prolly the best 1-for-1 Generic Monster removal for now...Heck, maybe even ever.)
[color=#0000ff]0[/color][color=#ff0000] Heavy Storm[/color]
1 Dark Hole (Staples)
1 Book of Moon (Semi-Staple)
1 Limiter Removal (Good card for *Mostly Machine Decks.)

Traps - 9
2 Bottomless Trap Hole (Kills most decks You'll see in game.)
[color=#0000ff]1[/color] [color=#ff0000]Call of the Haunted (Revival + Synchro/Tribute = Good)[/color]
1 Solemn Judgement
[color=#0000ff]1[/color][color=#ff0000] Mirror Force[/color]
[color=#0000ff]1[/color][color=#ff0000] Torrential Tribute (Staples)[/color]

Extra - 15
Whatever generic Synchros or ones you can make that you have, really.

Not the best, but I used what I had.

Also, Armz's Idea to combine monarchs and genex isn't bad, but only usable once you get Shadow of Infinity,because then you get treeborn.

The cards I highlighted RED are restricted, limited or semi-limited, and the blue number next to them represents how many of each are allowed. Other than that thanks A TON. Also I'll post the deck I put together with that format, minus the unallowed cards. =D

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[quote name='<~}Legendary{~>' timestamp='1348628597' post='6032216']
The cards I highlighted RED are restricted-[/quote]
As I mentioned to you earlier, if you get the most recent Ban-List in this game(its 1 format behind, but it will still do), it gives you access to all that crazy stuff, and then some.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1348642968' post='6032310']
As I mentioned to you earlier, if you get the most recent Ban-List in this game(its 1 format behind, but it will still do), it gives you access to all that crazy stuff, and then some.
The game is still on the September 2010 ban list, is there a way to update it?


OK so I redid the deck.

Full Deck - 40 Cards

Monsters - 20

Genex Controller 3
Cyber Dragon 1
Genex Solar 3
Genex Worker 2
Genex Turbine 3
Genex Neutron 2
Genex Searcher 2
Genex Undine 2
Sangan 1
Spirit Reaper 1

Spells - 11

Book of Moon 1
Dark Hole 1
Limiter Removal 1
Enemy Controller 3
Monster Reborn 1
Smashing Ground 2

Traps - 9

Bottomless Trap Hole 2
Call of the Haunted 1
Dark Bribe 1
Divine Wrath 1
Mirror Force 1
Solemn Judgement 1
Torrential Tribute 1
Sakeretsu 1 (Going to be replaced with D Prison when I unlock it)

What do you think?

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1348759997' post='6033233']
With regards to your current card pool~
Swap Divine Wrath with a 2nd Bribe.

Okay, but Divine Wrath seems to work well, especially against Ryko.
I'll test Dark Bribe but idk.

[quote name='Lord Vennominon' timestamp='1348745403' post='6033148']
Get online, and check downloadables. Poke around for a bit and you should be able to find it.

K thanks.

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